The Full Moon rises on Sunday, March 28, 2021. The upcoming full moon is the third full moon in 2021. It’s often called the Worm Moon, Crust Moon, Eagle Moon, Goose Moon, Crow Comes Back Moon, Sugar Moon, Wind Strong Moon, Sore Eyes Moon. The first full moon of spring 2021 will occur in the sign of Libra and as such, the theme of this full Moon is balance. In this article, we will share with you everything you need to know about the Worm Full Moon in Libra!
When Is The Full Worm Moon In Libra 2021?
March’s Full Worm Moon reaches peak illumination on Sunday, March 28th, at 2:50 P.M. EDT. Look for the bright Moon as it rises above the horizon that evening.
Why Is It Called the “Worm Moon”?
The full moon names come from different places, including Native American, Colonial American, and European sources. Traditionally, each full Moon name was applied to the entire lunar month in which it occurred, not just to the full Moon itself.
March’s full moon is often called the “Worm Moon” because of the earthworms that appear as the soil warms in spring. This invites birds to feed which is considered a true sign of spring.
The Full Moon In Libra

The full moon in March 2021 will be under the sign of Libra.
Libra is an expressive and communicative sign which encourages us to be more open to communication. Moreover, we should not forget that Libra is the peacemaker of the zodiac. As we know, the full moon period is a moment of illumination that can often surface issues and bring defining themes to a climactic peak. It could mean that your hard work will finally pay off, but it could also activate tensions and arguments. If there is a conflict on the horizon, this is the time you’ll want to express your frustration and eventually may involve yourself in an argument.
In general, Libra energy will encourage us to be more diplomatic, see both sides and reach equality and fairness. Also, we can expect that the influence of Libra will bring harmony to our closest relationships.
The Full Moon in Libra will also push us to seek balance for ourselves. However, in your effort to achieve balance, do not fall into the trap of overthinking every option. You’ll end up giving into inability to commit.
Full Moon In Libra: Tips For Each Zodiac Sign

During this full moon, you may feel like your relationships have been challenged. The cosmic lesson from this full moon is to learn how to be more flexible and patiently solve problems when they come up. Your goal is to find a balance that works for both sides.

This full moon gives you professional connections that can provide you support and guidance. However, there is a risk that with your tendency to focus on what is going on behind the scenes, you can backfire and sabotage your career. During this period, it’s best to be diplomatically direct with your colleagues to ensure you attain success.

The Full Moon in Libra will make you feel a strong desire for romance. Spring makes nature bloom so as your heart is blossoming with love and romance. Try to be more creative in a relationship – make a romantic dinner for your partner, go out for a date, spend time watching a romantic movie together. If you’re single, this full moon may make you want to find your soulmate. This is a wonderful time to use the Peach Blossom Luck Formula for attracting romantic relationships in your life. Let your heart guide you towards your true love.

Your all-loving spirit avoids any form of conflict much of the time. The Full Moon in Libra is a time to step up to the plate and take responsibility for your emotional needs. Take some time for introspection and self-care. Allow yourself to relax and just be. This little me-time is essential for your growth into the best version of yourself.

This full moon will remind you that conscious communication involves not just talking but also listening. Are you actively listening or just doing the talking? You’ve already mastered the talking part now try to focus more on the listening. This can help you make relationships better and expand your horizons with others. Be clear by saying what you mean. Speak honestly and from the heart. Listen with compassion. And most importantly, hear what people are saying and try to understand their point before you share your opinion.

During this full moon period, you may the changes in your financial situation. This situation is asking you to dig deeper, beyond materialism, for your self-worth. You have good opportunities to gain a lot. However, you should avoid compromising your values. Make sure you don’t take on projects that are not in alignment with your core beliefs or sellout.

This full moon activates a major phase of maturation that requires careful understanding of your future endeavors. Stay open to any opportunities for your growth. Stay focused on evolving and maintaining a positive outlook.

The energy of the full moon will make you reconnect with your feelings and intuition. You will feel the desire to be more aligned with your inner voice and guided by it. Therefore, before making any choices or decisions, consider the best path that leads towards attaining your higher spiritual fulfillment. This will help to lead you down the best path for yourself and allow you to lean into your intuition.

Friends are a source of inspiration and support for Sagittarius. However, sometimes you need to clear out toxic people from your circle and frenemies who don’t have your best interests at heart. The Full Moon in Libra will make you want to give more love to your closest friends and clear your space from those who haven’t proved their loyalty to you.

This full moon invites you to a self-care relaxing vacation. Try to focus more on yourself and on your home life for now. The Full Moon in Libra is a perfect time to relax and revive your energy. You will get an exciting professional jump-start soon. But for now – just chill your vibe.

This full moon will make you see the positive side of any situation. You’ll be able to assess matters in a more optimistic way, as your faith in others and yourself is very high. Instead of forcing your life to go in the desired direction, choose to have trust in the universe and the decision-making process. At this moment, you’re aligned with the universe, so that you can relax for now and let it take care of you.

This full moon may make you think about financial problems, looming debt, or bills. Before you freak out at the amount that you owe, try to make arrangements to ensure you can pay them off slowly. Odds are that you can reach an amicable agreement right now. Chanting money mantras will help you to turn the situation in your favor.
The Bottom Line
Let this full moon bring peace and harmony into your life. Be patient and diplomatic with people. Allow yourself to relax and restore your energy. Use this powerful time to let go of all the toxicity and stress that is clogging your mental space. It’s a perfect time for letting go of the old and welcoming the new. Enjoy the lunar vibes!