According to Ayurveda, we all have all three doshas, but some of us are dominated by Pitta dosha. Such people are more sensitive to hot weather and the heat makes them irritable and apathetic. Heat and humidity can create discomfort for such people since the internal fire in Pitta doshas is very strong. When you shake a hand of a person who has Pitta dominated type you will notice that his hand is warm and slightly oily. This kind of person is the one who turns on the air conditioner in the lowest setting and can’t fall asleep unless it’s cool enough.
Increased Pitta levels also manifest in the digestive tract in the form of diarrhea and acid reflux and can lead to ulcers. It can also appear on the skin (acne, irritation, rash, or an allergic reaction), in the eyes (burning, redness, or yellowness), on the hair (early gray hair or baldness), and in the emotions (aggression, irritability, discontent).
If you recognize yourself in some of these characteristics then you probably have a Pitta dosha predominant body type. In this article, we will share with you three ways to balance your Pitta dosha and cool off this summer so you can enjoy your life without feeling discomfort from hot weather.
How To Balance Pitta Dosha?
People with predominant Pitta dosha are very fiery and they can’t tolerate heat. Usually, they eat very fast and digest very fast. This means they also get hungry more often and hunger makes them angry.
However, a simple diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes can help to balance Pitta dosha so you can still enjoy summer days. Pitta rules digestion (physical and emotional), and the process of transformation. It also helps us “digest” impressions, relationships, and information, learn from our mistakes and move on.
If you are still not sure about your body type, take our Ayurvedic Body Type Quiz! It will help you to get more clarity.
3 Ways To Balance Pitta Dosha This Summer
#1: Avoid hot meals

Too much spicy, fatty, fried, salty, acidic, and fermented food can increase Pitta – just like coffee, alcohol, and red meat. People of the Pitta dosha also find it difficult to digest onions, garlic, tomatoes, potatoes, and bell peppers – especially if it is hot and humid outside.
Instead, eat more fresh summer cool and refreshing fruits and vegetables, such as green salads, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, and cauliflower.
Check out some healthy ideas for Ayurvedic Snacks for Pitta Dosha!
#2: Make your workouts more cooling

If you train too much or too hard, it can throw Pitta off balance. It would be better to move your workout to very early in the morning or evening when it is cooler. While you’re working out make sure you turn on the air conditioner or fan.
Don’t push too hard during summertime. Spend more time practicing yoga.
Be mindful of what asanas you choose to practice during summertime yoga practice. Instead of intense asanas, such as hand balances and inverted postures with a long hold, choose a more gentle restorative practice – so you can stretch, tone up, and increase blood circulation.
Start the practice with asanas that challenge and end with those that cool and refresh. For example, these are postures with widely spread legs and arms that do not allow heat to accumulate in the area of the armpits and groins.
Don’t forget to include pranayama in your daily practice. Sheetkari pranayama is the best option for summertime! This breathing practice cools the body and reduces thirst. It will help you to balance Pitta dosha, calm your nervous system, improve your digestion, eliminate the feeling of hunger, and support mental health.
#3: Start living more relaxed

If you have a very busy schedule, you are constantly busy, there is a lot of stress and responsibility in your life and little time to rest, this can also increase Pitta.
The solution is to slow down, give yourself time to rest, and make self-care your priority.
Start by taking small steps. For example:
- arrange a long lunch instead of a working business lunch;
- make your eating conscious – this supports good digestion;
- turn off the radio in the car, leave your headphones at home when you go for a run – enjoy the silence;
- swim in cool water or take cool showers;
- spend some time reading a book in the shade;
- stargazing is a great meditative practice that will help you to slow down and relax your mind;
- spend more time alone.
Additional Tips For Balancing Pitta Dosha
The healing methods that reduce Pitta dosha are based on cooling, soothing, moderate cleansing, and nourishing. When balancing Pitta dosha, calmness, restraint, and moderation are essential.
Avoid prolonged exposure to the sun and heat. The effect of light cool wind, cool water, moonlight, gardens, flowers, and lakes is beneficial. Cultivate telling more nice things about others, being polite and condescending, and at peace.

Wear clothes of the cooling colors such as white, blue, and green. It is advisable to avoid very rich or very bright colors, especially red. Gray and brown colors are good, but deep black is better to avoid.
Gemstones and crystals:
- moonstone;
- clear quartz crystals;
- emerald;
- jet crystals;
- olivine;
- blue sapphire;
- amethyst.
Soothing and cooling oils, such as fennel, Jasmine, mint, rose, and sandalwood.
- mint;
- skullcap;
- rosehip;
- Thermopsis.

Pitta dosha type dominant people need to drink a sufficient amount of cool water, as well as sweet juices. Avoid sour juices, as they increase the Pitta imbalance.
Soothing and cooling mantras such as:
- “Sham” – the mantra of peace, detachment, and liberation;
- “Om” – the sound of the universe and everything that it contains;
- “Som” – the cosmic principle of happiness that represents the divine energy of the Moon;
- “Hrim” – clears the heart from negative emotions.
Spiritual directions:
- Jnana yoga (the yoga of knowledge);
- Vedanta;
- Zen;
- Vipassana.
Work on getting rid of anger, hostility, the tendency to disputes, and unnecessary criticism.
The Bottom Line
If you have a Pitta dosha body type, it is important to significantly limit spicy and sour food, as well as fried food. Bake your food in the oven instead. Refuse cheese. Do not forget about working on yourself – try to smooth out the internal “extremes” and reduce the degree of your fanaticism and categorical attitude towards yourself and others. Practice meditation and don’t forget how important it is to rest and relax.
We hope the above recommendations and tips will help you to balance your Pitta dosha and cool off this summer!