Energy parasites are one of the most serious threats to our energy, health, and life. Appearing in our energy field, they lead to all sorts of personality changes and numerous diseases. In this article, I want to share with you what energy parasites are, why they are so dangerous, and how to get rid of them.
What Are Energy Parasites?
An energy parasite is an immaterial entity that feeds on human energy. As a rule, energy parasites appear in the negative and polluted energy field. Only such an environment is suitable for these entities, and the negative energy serves as their food. When a person succumbs to negativity, pessimistic thoughts, gossip, stress, depression, anxiety, fear, etc., he/she becomes a favorable environment for such entities.
Every conflict we have been involved in during our lives has provoked aura breakdowns and outflows of energy from the chakras. It is this state of our energy that attracts energy parasites to us, which easily stick to various organs of our bodies and chakras. When the parasite begins to suck the energy out of us, we start feeling fatigued, apathy, lack of motivation and inspiration, pessimism, etc. Then (if the parasite is not removed) the organ on which the parasite “lives” begins to suffer from energy deficiency, and, accordingly, begins to hurt. If the parasite is large and strong enough and, at the same time, the person is not engaged in purification of his/her energy, the organ gets completely destroyed by the energy parasite (which may lead to cancer).
The essence of any parasite is a dependency. Quietly and imperceptibly, bathing in the energy of their donor, they have a huge negative impact on him/her.
When the energy parasite completely destroys the energy of a person, and that person dies, the parasite does not simply go away. On the contrary, the parasite starts looking for a new donor! And so it goes from one person to another.
Therefore, places with negative energy, such as hospitals, morgues, and cemeteries, are very dangerous. After all, if you visit such places without proper protection, you can easily “pick up” energy parasites that have lost their donors. The fact that such parasites are very aggressive because they begin to panic trying to find someone for energy attack.
Types Of Energy Parasites

Our world consists of seven basic levels or planes, which are separated from each other only by the frequency of vibration. These plans are:
- The physical/material plane – Muladhara (Root) chakra.
- The etheric plane – Svadhisthana (Sacral) chakra.
- The vital plane – Manipura (Solar Plexus) chakra.
- The astral plane – Anahata (Heart) chakra.
- The mental plane – Vishuddha (Throat) chakra.
- The causal plane – Ajna (Third Eye) chakra.
- Atmic plane – Sahasrara (Crown) chakra.
According to each plane, a person also has seven bodies – one physical and six subtle. Each of these bodies is designed to interact with the relative plane.
We receive our vitality and strength by processing energy through 7 energy centers (chakras). This processed energy is vital for us since it goes to maintain both the physical body and the subtle bodies. Without this energy, we would simply die. Precisely this energy is the type of “food” the energy parasites look for.
Now let’s take a closer look at different types of energy parasites and ways to protect ourselves.
Parasites Of The Physical/Material Plane

Energy vampires are considered to be energy parasites of the physical/material plane.
Energy vampires are People who consciously or not, try to take your energy by awakening low emotions in you such as fear, pity, anger, jealousy, frustration, etc. When energy vampires are attacking you they are taking away vital energy from your Muladhara (Root) chakra.
Ways To Protect Yourself From Energy Vampires
The easiest way to protect yourself from energy vampires is to ignore their actions.
To learn more about different types of energy vampires and the most effective ways to protect yourself from their attacks read my article “5 Dangerous Types Of Energy Vampires And How To Deal With Them”.
Parasites Of The Etheric Plane
The etheric plane looks like an endless ocean of potential energy of the ether.
Etheric energy is of great value because it is most suitable for direct use without any processing. This is exactly the energy that is called “prana“, “Qi”, “Chi”, etc. It is the Svadhisthana (Sacral) chakra that is responsible for the production of etheric energy, and the main generator of this energy is sexual energy.
As one Taoist Tantric Master said, “the Genitals are your personal nuclear reactor.” In other words, the sexual organs accumulate and produce just a huge amount of etheric energy, 95% of which is not used by humans at all, simply because most people have no idea how to use it properly. Unfortunately, there are not too many people who know how to manage their sexual energy. Therefore it is so easy for energy parasites to steal this energy from their donors.
There are different energy parasites that attack on the etheric plane.
Here are some of the most popular:
- Sexual larvae;
- Incubus;
- Succubus;
- Lamia;
- Shells of the Dead.
Sexual Larvae

Sexual larvae are beings which “sitting” directly alongside aura or in the aura, affecting Svadhisthana (Sacral) chakra. These energy parasites suck your energy through the stimulation of wild sexual desires. When you experience orgasm these parasites absorb released etheric energy. After that, they are switching in the passive phase, until the next “meal”.
Incubus, Succubus, Lamias
This is the higher class of energy parasites comparing to larvas. These energy parasites attack Svadhisthana (Sacral) chakra through the awakening of sexual desire through sleep. In fact, they form a dream scenario and appear in a sexual image. The attack happens when a person agrees to have sexual contact in his/her dream. It is through sex dreams that they receive energy.
Lamia is slightly higher than succubi and incubi and can affect a person even in the waking state. Usually, they manifest themselves as a sudden surging sexual arousal, through which a person is introduced into a trance and in this state, there is a “virtual” sexual intercourse with a very real orgasm happens. Particularly strong lamias can even materialize to the level of a dense etheric image. These kinds of lamias can even be touched and talked to, and of course to make quite a real sexual act. Once they experienced this type of sex, most people get addicted to it. And when it happens regularly, Lamia can literally “dry out” a person energetically for just one month.
The Shell Of The Dead
This is the phantom of the formation of dead people. For maintaining its activity it requires the vital energy from Svadhisthana (Sacral) chakra. Usually, they operate through dreams. They have a pretty aggressive behavior up to the attack in the dream.
Ways To Protect Yourself From The Energy Parasites Of The Etheric Plane
In the case of incubi, succubi, lamias, and the shells of the dead, you need to put good energy protection on the room where you spend the most time in. Also, you need to put energy protection on yourself, especially before going to sleep.
In the case of sexual larvae, I can only advise the following – learn to control your sexual energy. Learn to sublimate and accumulate this energy for yourself instead of uncontrollable releasing it into the outside world.
Energy Parasites Of The Vital Plane

Your vital body looks like an energy cocoon. And the entities living on the vital plane perceive you not as a person, but as a luminous cocoon of energy, which at the same time looks very appetizing to them. Vital parasites’ impact looks like a sucker on the cocoon.
There are different kinds of vital parasites:
- larvae of smoking;
- larvae of alcoholism;
- larvae of drugs;
- larvae of gambling;
- demons; etc.
These energy parasites attack your Manipura (Solar Plexus) chakra when they need energy. Usually, they act through provoking negative emotions, such as aggression, fear, etc.
The Effect Of Vital Parasites
The larva is attached to the cocoon from the moment when negative energies arise in the cocoon.
For example, a person tried to play slot machines, felt the excitement and he liked that feeling. This is when the parasite latched on because all three main criteria are coincided: action, emotion, internal approval. From this moment this larva will inspire its victim to desire to experience a sense of excitement and risk again and again. Eventually, if the larva becomes strong enough, it turns the gambling into an addiction.
The larvae of smoking, drug addiction, and alcoholism take away the energy from the Manipura (Solar Plexus) and Svadhishthana (Sacral) chakras through awakening the desire to smoke, to drink alcohol or to use any types of drugs.
The larvae of gambling take away the energy from the Manipura (Solar Plexus) and Svadhishthana (Sacral) chakras, by awakening the desire to gamble, play the lottery, or make easy money.
Demons take away energy from Manipura (Solar Plexus) chakra. They usually attack through dreaming. Demons provoke people to experience fear or awaken spontaneous aggression. These emotions make people lose their energy. Demons can also change the perception of people (donors) making them believe in illusionary images or hallucinations. In advanced cases, there may be an obsession.
Parasites Of The Astral Plane

The astral plane is the plane of emotions, both negative and positive. Parasites of this plane force you to experience strong emotions in order to drain energy from your astral body.
How Do Astral Parasites Attack?
Parasites can give the initial impulse of any emotional signal, such as anxiety. If you accept this signal in your mind and build up the negative thoughts you’ll start to strengthen the negative emotion. By doing this, you release your energy, which the parasites take.
Some astral parasites act through dreams: forming different dream scenarios to also bring you out of emotional balance. As a result, in the presence of very large and intense negative emotional experiences (such as stress, excitement, hysteria, etc.) the astral body gets exhausted so much that it can be displaced in space relative to the physical body. It creates an almost constant outflow of ectoplasm to the outside world. This eventually leads to a nervous breakdown or even can provoke a stroke.
There are also astral parasites that can directly attack you and feed on your astral energy.
To learn more about astral attacks and ways to defend yourself read my article “Astral Attacks While Sleeping: Symptoms and Defense“.
Energy Parasites Of The Mental Plane

The mental parasites attack your Vishuddha (Throat) chakra. This kind of energy parasites attacks through parasitic program behavior such as using profanity in your speech, offensive gestures, idle talk, etc.
How Do Mental Parasites Attack?
Profanity, offensive gestures, idle talk are chaotic programs that are formed both locally (depending on the mentality of your environment, people you are surrounded with), and individually (depending on your lifestyle and habits). By indulging these parasites you are wasting the energy of Vishuddha (Throat) chakra, thereby inhibiting your intellectual development and diminishing your personal power.
Methods Of Protection
Watch your speech! Choose words carefully! Avoid gossip. If suddenly you were involved in gossip, then take the position of a passive listener, and when you need to say something try to say something very abstract and general like “I agree with you” or “I understand you”, etc. Try to get out of the gossip as soon as possible.
Watch your gestures! Don’t get involved in a situation when you can offend someone. Try to stay neutral even when you disagree with people’s behavior.
Do not engage in idle talk. Periodically observe the austerity of the vow of silence. Start by being silent for 30 minutes a day and gradually bring it up to one day a week without words.
How To Get Rid Of Energy Parasites?
If you suspect that you are a donor for energy parasites, perform the following actions.
1.Perform Chakra Test
Chakras react to any external stimuli and very clearly indicate an energy imbalance. If you are one of those people who face the same problems over again and over again or have to be treated for the same diseases time after time, then this is a sign that the energy doesn’t circulate in your chakras harmoniously.
In order to understand what energy parasites you are dealing with, you need to know what chakras are infected by them. It is not difficult to analyze the state of your chakras, if you’re willing to watch yourself, your feelings and behavior carefully enough.
To learn how to test your chakras by yourself read my article “This Is How You Can Test Your Chakras By Yourself“.
2. Perform Aura Cleansing

All the negative things happening in our lives accumulate in the form of very heavy negative energy. The latter gathers in a biofield and has a strong influence on the events taking place in our lives. Therefore, it is so important to do aura cleansing, doing this we eliminate the excess negative energy and harmonize our condition.
To learn more about different ways to perform aura cleansing read my article “Aura Cleansing: 8 Simple Ways To Do It“.
3. Cleanse Your House Of Negative Energy
Every time we host negative people, every time we swear, get sick, or have a bad mood, our house gets filled with negative energy. That’s why it is very important to cleanse the energy of your house after having guests (because you never know what hidden thoughts people you host have about you), after arguing, being sick, experiencing negative emotions, etc.
“9 Oranges” is my favorite ritual for cleansing my house! This ritual is very easy to perform but the result of it is just amazing! The atmosphere in the house becomes so joyful that you immediately feel your mood is improved, and you want to sing and dance! To learn how to perform this ritual read my article “Simple Ritual To Cleanse Your House Of Negative Energy“.
4. Use Crystals For Protection
Crystals have various healing and protective properties that can be tapped into depending on what situation you are dealing with.
There are different kinds of crystals for protection. Some crystals for protection block the negative energy from reaching you. Others redirect the energy to another location. Yet, other crystals may have little impact on you because of your natural tendency to impute the negativity.
Understanding your personality, therefore, helps you to pick the best crystals for protection that will resonate with you. However, you can experiment with some gems before settling for one.
To learn more about how to choose crystals for protection read my article “Are Crystals for Protection Effective? The Different Types Vs. Their Uses“.
5. Chant Protection Mantras

Protection mantras is a powerful and very effective tool you can use in difficult and dangerous situations when you feel hopeless. These sacred sounds are endowed with a special power that gives you a chance to protect yourself from negative energy, evil eye, people with bad intentions and even save your life in a dangerous situation.
Protection mantras have the power to change the negative vibration of the situation by neutralizing them. By pronouncing the sacred sounds of protection mantras you expressing your trust to the Universe and Highest Powers to solve your problem in the most harmonious way.
To learn more about the most powerful protection mantras read my article “Most Powerful Protection Mantras That Can Literally Save Your Life“.
6. Use Palo Santo
Palo Santo smoke coming from the stick produces a deep cleansing effect on the energy. Shamans say that the attraction to Palo Santo fragrance is a sign of emotional and spiritual purity. However, there are people who feel discomfort from inhaling the aroma of Palo Santo. This phenomenon is part of the cleansing effect from energy parasites. Constant use of Palo Santo helps a person to be cleansed of negative energies and energy parasites.
To learn more about Palo Santo read my article “Palo Santo: 7 Amazing Benefits And Powerful Ways To Use It“.
7. Use Sage
Sage drives away evil spirits, protects people from the evil eye, damage, and misfortune. Smudging helps to cleanse the energy bodies, objects, and spaces of bad energy and also can help welcome in newer, fresher, and more positive energies. It has an energizing effect and helps with fatigue.
To learn more about sage and different ways to use it read my article “An Ultimate Guide to Sage: Incredible Benefits and Powerful Ways to Use It“.
8. Take Regular Energy Cleansing Baths

Cleansing baths should be performed regularly in order to keep your aura clean. By cleansing your aura, you will raise your frequency of energy vibrations – something that yogis and meditative practitioners regularly strive for. Your life will sparkle with new colors and you will find its meaning.
To learn how to perform the most powerful cleansing bath ritual read my article “This Is the Most Powerful Energy Cleansing Bath Ritual!“.
The Bottom Line
Unfortunately, most people in the modern world have energy parasites. However, just a few are aware of their existence. We need to learn to cleanse our energy regularly and watch our behavior. And as soon as we notice that we started acting strange (become more depressed, aggressive, frustrated, etc.) we need to consider a deep energy cleansing. Try to use protection every day. But especially when you’re communicating with negative people, visit hospitals, cemetery or other places with negative energy.