Vishuddha, or the throat chakra, is also known as the communication center. When it is not balanced, it can manifest itself in various ways, including excessive chatter, arrogance, dishonesty, timidity, fear, and a tendency to manipulate others. A person whose throat chakra is balanced has an excellent oratory talent, knows how to express himself in a balanced way, is a good listener that can hear and understand, and knows how to establish harmony between emotions and thoughts.
In this article, I want to share with you what you could be capable of if you unlocked the power of your Throat chakra. I will share the most effective practices you can use to tap into the full potential of your voice and increase your oratory abilities. Are you already excited? Let’s dive into this!
What Is Vishuddha?
Vishuddha can be translated into English as “especially pure”.
Vishuddhi, or Vishuddha, essentially means filter. If your Vishuddhi is active, it filters everything. Poisons can enter you in many ways – a wrong thought, emotion, idea, energy, or impulse can poison your life. An active Vishuddhi saves you from all these influences. In other words, once your Vishuddhi is active, whatever happens around you will not have an impact on you anymore. You will be established within yourself. And you tend to become a powerful being.
Vishuddha is the fifth primary chakra positioned at the throat area, near the spine. Due to its position, it is known as the throat chakra.
Hindu tradition describes this chakra as a white color sphere with sixteen purple or smoke-colored petals. Within the sphere, there is a sky-blue downward pointing triangle containing a circular white region like the full moon. This represents the element of akasha or “aether.”
Usually, Vishuddha is depicted as a circle with 16 petals, each containing a Sanskrit letter describing the positive qualities of the individual. There is a triangle inscribed in the circle, the top of which looks down. Inside the triangle there is another small circle, symbolizing the Ether and the Moon.
Vishuddha is a symbol of purity, a morning-blooming Lotus flower that concentrates perfection and beauty.
Through the throat center, we express our thoughts and talents, achieve the highest form of self-expression. The throat chakra is an insight, an observation of the essence of life without any illusions, a kind of creative ecstasy.
The throat chakra is considered the driving force of human talents. The best poems, paintings, and music are created through the power of Vishuddha.
By means of the “Divine eloquence” that Vishuddha bestows, we are able to transcend any external limitations, to unite the inner and physical worlds in our own essence.
What Is Vishuddha Responsible For?

The throat chakra is responsible for:
- communication;
- self-expression;
- interaction with the surrounding world;
- hearing and trusting the inner voice;
- the process of self-identification;
- the “birth” of a unique personality;
- the originality of thinking;
- inspiration;
- creative potential;
- honesty;
- forgiveness;
- oratory potential;
- the ability to listen to others and understand them;
- confidence;
- informational and energetical influence;
- charisma;
- charm;
- beautiful speech;
- eloquence;
- creative expression of feelings;
- courage to express feelings and emotions, speak own truth;
- vocal potential;
- the ability to see the beauty in simple things;
- moral beauty and responsibility;
- the manifestation of personality;
- ability to keep secrets;
- the purity of thought and hearing;
- a clear expression of thoughts when communicating.
Also, Vishuddha is responsible for the health of such organs as:
- cervical department;
- vocal cords;
- the thyroid and parathyroid glands;
- jaws;
- teeth;
- the upper part of the lungs;
- shoulders, arms, muscles;
- ears;
- throat;
- nose.
All diseases related to the ears, throat, nose, teeth, as well as allergic rhinitis, weak immune system, lung and bronchial diseases, stuttering, diseases of the oral cavity, bad breath, inflammation of the thyroid gland, are a small fraction of the problems associated with an imbalance of the throat chakra.
Blocked, Closed & Unbalanced Throat Chakra

If you find it difficult to express your true feelings and thoughts, or you lack confidence in expressing your own ideas and visions, that could be a sign of blocked or unbalanced Throat chakra.
If your fifth chakra is closed or blocked, you probably often experience frustration when it comes time to express your true feelings. You may feel like you can’t find the right words to share what you feel with others. It also could be hard for you to tell people what you want or don’t want, what you like and don’t like. You may feel like it’s not important to express your true feelings because it may seem like nobody cares.
Throat chakra can be also affected by different forms of fear. Do you feel like you might be ridiculed for sharing your ideas? Or maybe you are afraid to offend someone with your truthfulness? Such fears can be also the symptoms of blocked Throat chakra.
Another symptom of unbalanced Throat chakra is a desire to stay away from people, inability to enjoy any communication with others.
Problems with the fifth chakra often lead to a number of physical ailments that include thyroid disease, hearing problems, tonsillitis, mouth ulcers, tinnitus, bronchitis, asthma, and ear infections.
These are some other symptoms of imbalanced Throat chakra:
- difficulty in expressing thoughts;
- fear of public speaking;
- profanity;
- grumbling;
- lie;
- criticism and self-criticism.
How to Balance Vishuddha?
Now let me share with you the most effective practices and tips for opening and balancing your Throat chakra.
#1: Breathing Exercises

Sit in a comfortable position with your eyes closed.
Focus on your breathing. Inhale through the nose, then the air should pass through the back of the throat to the lungs.
Now slowly exhale through your mouth.
Repeat this exercise for at least 8 times.
#2: Guided Meditation
Guided meditation can be an excellent tool for opening and balancing your Throat chakra.
#3: Yantra Meditation
Yantra is a unique mystical symbol used for meditation. Yantra for the Throat chakra is a triangle pointing downwards. Inside the triangle, there is a circle. When you’re meditating on Vishuddha yantra you activate a powerful healing energy that helps you to heal and balance your Throat chakra.
Vishuddha Yantra Meditation
For performing a Vishuddha Yantra meditation you need a picture of a Vishuddha Yantra. You can draw it by hand, print it, or use a video animation.
Take a pose for meditation. The spine should be straight. Place the picture of the yantra next to you so that you can see it well.
Start focusing on the yantra. The three sides of the triangle represent the past, present, and future. The circle inside the triangle indicates the dormant psychic abilities in each of us. We get our freedom when we manage to open the throat chakra. However, your main attention should be focused on the continuation of spiritual development and the acquisition of Divine consciousness.
Now it is time to think about your ways of communicating with others. What kind of atmosphere do you create around you? Are you ready to deepen your communication with others?
In the following days, watch your behavior. What and how do you say? What do you bring to the surrounding space — goodness or disharmony?
After completing your thoughts, sit still for a couple of minutes.
#4: Color Visualization

Close your eyes and visualize beautiful bright blue light. Inhale as you visualize this light and imagine that this light fills the area of your throat with cleansing and healing energy. When you exhale, imagine that you are relieving stress and tension. Keep doing this visualization for at least 10 minutes.
#5: Yoga
When practicing yoga, focus on the asanas that help to open and heal your throat chakra:
1. Shoulder stand is an inverted yoga pose that stretches the back of the neck while strengthening the spine and core muscles.
2. Plow pose is a yoga posture that strengthens and lengthens the back and neck.
3. Sasangasana is a kneeling forward bend which rounds the back as much as possible to lengthen the spine and create space in the thoracic region of the back.
4. Bhujangasana is a reclining back-bending asana in hatha yoga.
#6: Matsya Mudra
Matsya is the Sanskrit word for “fish” and mudra means “a gesture of the hand”. Practicing this mudra will not only help you to balance your Vishuddha chakra but also increases your memory, clears your mind, and provides relaxation and serenity.
- sit in any comfortable seating posture and place the hands with palms pointing upwards on the thighs or the knees.
- Close your eyes and take a couple of deep breaths with the awareness of the breathing process.
- Bring the fingers of both of your hands together with thumbs extended.
- Stack the right hand on top of the left with thumbs extended.
- Hold your hands in front of your abdomen or relax them onto your lap.
- Relax and breathe.
- While holding the mudra repeat these words: “Bathed in waves of nourishing energy, my body moves freely and comfortable”.
It is recommended to practice this mudra for 10-15 minutes three times a day.
#7: Mantra Chanting
Vishuddha chakra mantra is “HAM”. When you’re chanting the mantra you need to feel the vibration in the area of your throat chakra.
To perform HAM mantra for your throat chakra healing you need to:
- take a deep breath;
- at the moment of exhalation, open your lips and sing the beginning of the mantra: “ha-a-a…»;
- close your lips and sing the ending: “m-m-m-m»;
- then take another breath and repeat the cycle.
While singing the mantra feel the expanding of the throat chakra. Visualize that the neck and throat are filled with pure blue light. Continue for at least 5 minutes.
At the end of the exercise, you will feel the energy pulsating in the neck area. It is a sign of the throat chakra activation.
#8: Journaling
If your chakra is blocked it might be very difficult to speak out your truth and share your feelings with others. You can try journaling instead.
Journaling is a mindful practice that’s been shown to reduce stress and anxiety as well as to help people to express their feelings and emotions through writing.
It is very beneficial to write down all your thoughts, feelings, and emotions, especially if you don’t feel comfortable sharing them with others. Writing will help you remove the block from your throat, especially if you will read what you wrote out loud.

#9: Crystal Healing
Another powerful tool for opening your throat chakra is crystal healing. You can use crystals during your meditations or Reiki sessions. Just place the crystal on your Throat during your energy healing – it will increase the effect of the session.

Another option is to wear a necklace with one of Throat chakra crystals.
Vishuddha chakra crystals:
- lapis lazuli;
- blue calcite;
- aquamarine;
- turquoise;
- sodalite;
- amazonite;
- blue tourmaline.
#10: Healing Power Of Nature
The element of Vishuddha chakra is ether. Therefore spending time outside under the blue sky is already healing itself. Spend more time outside, surround yourself with nature, looking and meditating on the blue sky.

#11: Aromatherapy
Using aromatherapy is another wonderful tool you can use for balancing your Vishuddha chakra. Essential oils can help you to remove blocks and heal your Throat chakra. For this purpose, you can use sandalwood and lavender essential oils.
You can use these oils in the aromatherapy diffuser, add them to your massage oil, or burn them in the aromatherapy essential oils burner.

The Bottom Line
Each chakra represents a spiritual life lesson to help us gain a more in-depth understanding of our inner potential and power. Vishuddha is connected to the way we express our life with utmost authenticity. It is about communicating our thoughts, true feelings, and intentions clearly and accurately. The main lesson that Vishuddha teaches us is how to expand our voice and will power.
It also teaches us how to see the truth beyond maya (illusion), how to vocalize our authentic self, and how to stop lying to ourselves. When we activate the Vishuddha Chakra, we drop the importance of social conditioning and we awaken to our true human potential.