Every Woman Should Consider A Throat Chakra Healing! Here Is Why

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For women, the throat chakra is one of the most problematic areas. That’s why every woman needs to consider a throat chakra healing.

Why Do Women Have Blocks In Their Throat Chakras?

From time immemorial, women have never been welcomed to express their feelings, emotions, or opinions, – it has always been the prerogative of men. For women, oratory was considered a disadvantage rather than a virtue. The advantage of women was the ability to remain silent, to suppress the desire to speak and express themselves. Whether we like it or not, the block in the throat chakra is passed on to us, women, at the genetic level from generation to generation.

When the inner truth is not spoken aloud but is suppressed, the creative energy (CHA) cannot be manifested. And when the energy is blocked, it becomes a destructive force (SO).

Common Reasons of  the Blocks In Women’s Throat Chakras

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I noticed that nowadays many women can’t discuss their true feelings, which undoubtedly leads to the blocking of the throat chakra.

Another reason for the imbalance or blockage in the throat chakra is dysfunction of the thyroid gland. The mental reason for this is the lack of creative realization, the inability, and fears of self-expression. This is why women have more frequent thyroid problems than men. Men are easier to implement themselves using a business that actually is their “creativity”.

The third most common reason for the throat chakra problem is criticism. Women tend to criticize themselves as well as others. This can cause a cough or even asthma.

Fear to express your truth, feelings, and emotions also can affect the condition of the gums and teeth. A suppressed desire to speak can cause pain and inflammation in the gums and the sensitivity of your teeth.

Why Is the Throat Chakra So Important?

Vishuddha (throat chakra) is responsible for communication with other people and for creative self-expression. This is where inspiration and personal development begin. This chakra also gives us the ability to listen and hear – not only other people but also our own inner voice.

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The throat chakra is located in the larynx, at the base of the neck.

These are the signs of imbalanced Vishuddha:

– difficulty in expressing thoughts;
– fear of public speaking;
– grumbling;
– lie;
– criticism, condemnation of yourself and others.

Now let’s talk about how to do a throat chakra healing.

7 Ways To Do A Throat Chakra Healing

1. Mantra Chanting

The throat chakra is associated with sound through speech and music. Any word that is spoken aloud creates vibrations in the surrounding world. These vibrations can be beneficial or harmful. It all depends on the intentions and desires with which the words were spoken.

Vishuddha chakra mantra sounds like “HAM”.

When you’re chanting the mantra you need to feel the vibration in the area of your throat chakra.

To perform HAM mantra for your throat chakra healing you need to:

  1. take a deep breath;
  2. at the moment of exhalation, open your lips and sing the beginning of the mantra: “ha-a-a…»;
  3. close your lips and sing the ending: “m-m-m-m»;
  4. then take another breath and repeat the cycle.

While singing the mantra feel the expanding of the throat chakra. Visualize that the neck and throat are filled with pure blue light. Continue for at least 5 minutes.

At the end of the exercise, you will feel the energy pulsating in the neck area. It is a sign of the throat chakra activation.

2. Yantra Meditation

Yantra is a unique mystical symbol used for meditation. Yantra for Vishuddha chakra is a triangle pointing downwards. Inside the triangle, there is a circle. For your throat chakra healing, it is very powerful to do a Vishuddha yantra meditation.

Vishuddha Yantra Meditation

For performing a Vishuddha Yantra meditation you need a picture of Vishuddha Yantra. You can draw it by hand, print it, or use a video animation.

Take a pose for meditation. The spine should be straight. Place the picture of the yantra next to you so that you can see it well.

Start studying the yantra. The three sides of the triangle represent the past, present, and future. It is important to remember all these times in order to remain in the present, to awaken to the life of an Eternal being.

The circle inside the triangle indicates the dormant psychic abilities in each of us. We get our freedom when we manage to open the throat chakra. However, your main attention should be focused on the continuation of spiritual development and the acquisition of Divine consciousness.

Now it is time to also think about ways to communicate with others. What kind of atmosphere do you create around you?
Are you ready for a deeper communication with others?

In the following days, watch your behavior. What and how do you say? What do you bring to the surrounding space — goodness or disharmony?

After completing your thoughts, sit still for a couple of minutes.

3. Writing

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Writing a diary is another powerful way to do your throat chakra healing. It is very helpful to write down all your thoughts, feelings, and emotions, especially if you don’t feel comfortable sharing them with others. Writing will help you remove the block from your throat, especially if you will read what you wrote out loud.

4. Aromatherapy

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Using aromatherapy is another wonderful tool you can use for your throat chakra healing. Essential oils can actually remove the block in your Vishuddha. For this purpose, you can use sandalwood and lavender oil (aroma lamp, inhalation, etc.).

5. Clothing

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Did you know that the clothes that you’re wearing can actually help you with your throat chakra healing? For this purpose, when you’re choosing your clothes give preference to blue color. Ideally, it would be wearing a blue scarf around your neck. The vibration of blue color will resonate with the vibrations of the throat chakra and strengthen it.

6. Crystals

Another powerful tool for opening your throat chakra are crystals. It’s very good for your throat chakra healing to wear a necklace with lapis lazuli, blue calcite, aquamarine, turquoise, sodalite, amazonite, or blue tourmaline.

7. Nature

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The element of the throat chakra is ether. That’s why spending time outside under the open the blue sky is already a healing itself. Spend more time in nature looking and meditating on the blue sky.


As you can see Throat chakra healing is very important especially for women. Learn to talk about your feelings and express yourself! Many women are afraid of looking weak, silly and even judged. But the thing is – it shouldn’t matter. This is the ego that wants you to stay quiet and in your “comfort zone”.