Have you ever found yourself exhausted after going out or talking to someone? Well, if you have – you’re not crazy! It’s perfectly normal for empaths to feel this way. However, you can always change it! If you manage your energy wisely you can function really well and even get the benefits of your gift instead of feeling exhausted! In this article, I want to share with you energy hygiene techniques and rituals to help you embrace your unique nature and stay safe.
10 Powerful Energy Hygiene Techniques
We all need to remember to keep clean not just our physical body but also our energy body. And this is especially important for empaths because they are highly exposed to their environment and often absorb other people’s emotions like a sponge. The following techniques can be very helpful to start performing an energy hygiene practice.
1. Avoid Unnecessarily Communications

Staying polite try to avoid communicating with people who you don’t like or are not interested in. Learn not to waste your energy on small talk. These kinds of conversations take your energy and by the end of such communication, you will feel exhausted.
Also, avoid people with reduced self-control (drunks, drug addicts, etc.). People under influence usually turn into energy vampires. They can be very annoying and after such interaction, you will lose your energy.
2. Keep A Safe Distance
Being in public places (especially if you are excited and/or being under the influence of alcohol) try not to let strangers stand close to your spine – 3-6 inches from it. This is the part of your body that is the most vulnerable to the impact of subtle energies. It is good to use essential oils of rosemary, eucalyptus or cloves when you go out. Just mix a couple of drops with the body oil and put it on that area of your back. The aroma of these oils will create a strong protective energy field around you.
3. Be Attentive To What You Eat
It is very dangerous for an empath to eat food prepared by unhealthy, tired, irritated or ill-treating people! Being an empath you will immediately absorb the energy of the person who prepared the food by eating it! So, even if you are very hungry, make an excuse not to eat such food. It will not benefit you, but, on the contrary, will disrupt the energy balance of your body, which can lead to various physiological disorders (the most innocent one in this case – indigestion).
4. Have Your Personal Space

It is very important that your home has your personal living space – the so-called zone of personal comfort, where no one can invade without your permission. Use this area to retreat when you feel like you need to relax, meditate, and recharge.
5. Don’t Take What Doesn’t Belong To You
Do not pick up any objects (especially jewelry, amulets, personal belongings) from the ground. You do not know the fate of their owner – they can be saturated with very negative energy information. In addition, the gemstones themselves can be energy vampires, especially in relation to the new, not very energetically strong owner. In general, if you do not want to incur serious karmic trials, try not to pick up anything from the ground. Follow the rule – do not take what does not belong to you!
6. Do Not Keep Gifts Received From Unfriendly People
Treat gifts from unfriendly people with caution. Such gifts can also play the role of an energy vampire. Every time you look at such a gift you will lose energy. Some gifts can weaken you even to a serious and long-term illness. Accept only those gifts that come from people that love you.
7. Keep Your Energy And Physical Body In Harmonious Balance

Physical activity is a good means of accumulation and equalization of energy, but only if it gives you pleasure. Find the activity you actually enjoy and turn it into your daily routine. Take care of your health. A physically unhealthy person not only can not resist the energy attack, but he can gradually turn into a vampire.
8. Do Not Try-On Or Wear Other People’s Clothes
Clothes keep the energy of the person it belongs to. When you try-on somebody’s clothes you “put on” that person’s energy. Even after taking the clothes off the energy of that person stays with you and you have to perform a deep energy cleansing if you want to get rid of it. For the same reason, in any case, do not use personal belongings of sick or dead people.
Also, do not give your clothes for temporary use to anybody. By doing it you just give away your energy.
9. Spend Some Time Alone

It’s very important to understand that our energy is constantly mixing with the energy fields of other people. Even if you are always surrounded by positive people, you can simply lose yourself in their feelings and emotions and stop recognizing your own. Alone time is a treatment that you need every day! You cannot be whole and self-sufficient if you don’t have your daily alone time. You need to stay away from people for a while in order to recharge yourself and separate your energy from others.
10. Digital Detox
Receiving so many notifications and information from your devices can be draining. Therefore, it so important to occasionally turn off the phone and get off the internet. Read a book instead or just relax.
Energy Hygiene Rituals
1.Spend Time In Nature

Whenever you can, spend time in nature! Hug a tree, meditate in the park or perform a walking meditation. Trees have a wonderful energy that can help you feel better. Relocate your yoga practice or meditation to the park. Let the Mother nature to take care of you and recharge you with Her gentle caress.
2. Energy Cleansing Baths
Energy cleansing is necessary in order to get rid of the negative energy that we accumulate when communicating with other people, experiencing fears, negative emotions, etc. If someone wished us harm, sent in our direction his (her) aggression, directed jealous thought about our success or relationships – it all leaves an imprint on our energy body.
Energy cleansing baths are my favorite energy hygiene rituals! They are the easiest yet most powerful way to remove all this negativity.
To learn how to perform energy cleansing bath rituals read my article “This Is the Most Powerful Energy Cleansing Bath Ritual!”.
3. Cleansing Shower

Water has a cleansing power so you can clear your energy while cleaning your physical body. Simply visualize how water washing away all the negative energy, emotions, and feelings.
4. Shielding
Never leave the house without your energetic shield! Simply ask for Archangel Michael’s protection and visualize a golden white “egg” around you. Don’t forget to say your intention: “Archangel Michael, surround me with your protective shield and keep me safe and protected. Thank you!” This may seem simple but works every time.
5. Energy Shower
When you can’t take a regular shower but you feel that your energy was infected by negativity you can visualize golden white light coming from the top of your head and washing away everything that is stuck in your body, sending it down to Earth.
6. Smudging

For smudging, you can use palo santo, sage or incense sticks of choice. To learn more about different ways of smudging, read my articles:
Read This Before Buying Or Using Incense For Your Meditations
Palo Santo: 7 Amazing Benefits And Powerful Ways To Use It
An Ultimate Guide to Sage: Incredible Benefits and Powerful Ways to Use It
7. Pranayama
Pranayama is a system of breathing exercises that can significantly increase your energy level. Yogis use this technique not only for the purpose of improving the physical body but also as a way of controlling the flow of life energy.
If you are new to pranayama you can learn more about it from my article “Pranayama for Beginners: Reveal the Power of Your Breath“.
8. Sweeping
Imagine as if you had some dust on your coat and you wanted to sweep it off. This is exactly the movement you need to do to perform this cleansing ritual! Sweep off negative energy downwards. You might feel residue on your hands after sweeping so make sure to wash hands with cold water after you do it.
The Bottom Line
Normal human energy is not homogeneous and stable – it instantly reacts to changes in the environment, to the interaction with the surrounding people, animals, plants, and nature. Constantly changing, it seeks to maintain a person in harmony with the world, returning to the most optimal values for the body. When you manage your energy wisely by performing energy hygiene techniques and rituals you improve your relations and life quality.