Do you often experience or relate to other people’s feelings? Then, you could be an intuitive empath. Intuitive empaths can tell what other persons are going through emotionally without talking to them. They tend to be creative. By having a raised hunch, they can channel positive energy towards themselves.
Besides, such persons can tell the truth from a lie only by observing the way a person behaves. These traits enable one to live a fulfilling life. In addition, intuitive empaths can be themselves and quickly adjust to a sudden change of circumstances.
However, not all intuitive persons are empaths and vice versa. So, how do you know that you are an intuitive empath? Below are the common character traits.
11 Signs of Intuitive Empath
#1 You Can Differentiate Your Feelings from Those of Others

Now, whereas an empath is prone to absorbing both negative and positive energies around them and take them up as their own, intuitive empaths react a bit differently. Yes. They have a unique sense to distinguish their feelings from those of others.
Hence, they can create a block and protect themselves from negative forces around them.
For example, in the presence of angry people, intuitive empaths will quickly sense and control how much of this negative energy they will soak up.
#2 You Know Why Others Are Feeling the Way They Do
Empaths know what others feel and take up the feelings as their own. However, intuitive empaths will tell you the reason why this other person is feeling the way they do, even without talking to them.
Their unique ability to link the cause and effects of events around them helps them see what others don’t. Hence, the intuitive empath doesn’t go through the confusion that other empaths go through as they try to figure out why they are feeling the way they do.
#3 You Experience Other People’s Emotions despite Being Miles Apart

Often, intuitive empaths form a firm bond with others to the extent of feeling the same emotion even if the other person is miles away from them. For example, you may find yourself feeling sad all of a sudden. Upon reaching out to your twin soul, you may find he/she also undergoing sadness.
Other odds include making the same choices, sharing likes and dislikes and dodging similar places.
#4 You Enjoy Assisting Others through Their Healing Processes
Intuitive empaths are excellent listeners. They’d rather listen to other people as they pour out their worries, fears, and challenges. Due to their creativity in solving life riddles, they get joy in helping others. Admittedly, they can put in words what others find hard to express.
Therefore, since they can relate cause and effect, they can easily help others through their healing process. Besides, their welcoming nature, coupled with excellent listening and problem-solving skills makes them shine as counselors, teachers, or coaches.
#5 Your Sixth Sense Is Always On Point

Intuitive empaths have a well-developed hunch. In turn, they may find themselves feeling different from others. For example, they know of facts only a few know. Hence, they struggle explaining to their peers about the origin of this information. Besides, most of this information proves true within a short period.
#6 You Are Prone To Premonitions
Do you often have vivid visions of things yet to happen? Do these signs manifest later as reality? Intuitive empaths get can forewarnings about what is to happen in their lives or those of others. These signs may reveal in dreams or even when you are fully awake.
For example, they can tell whether someone is about to get pregnant, make a significant career breakthrough, or about to fall sick. Hence, they often find themselves with a great urge to warn others of impending danger.
However, since these warnings are mere probabilities, an intuitive empath opts to share only those details that are helpful to the other person.
#7 You Can’t Stand Seeing Other People’s Suffering

Do you find it hard watching violent prank shows? Or, maybe a horror film gets you all up on your chair? You could be an intuitive empath. Indeed, intuitive empaths especially bear the suffering of others around them. They seem too emotional, have extreme mood swings, and struggle to cope with evils around them.
Sometimes, such persons may develop physical symptoms like headaches and fatigue, or resort to overeating and substance abuse as they try to cope. Eventually, they may try to reduce other people’s pain even if it harms them.
#8 Excellent Mediators
Are you often called upon to mediate between friends who don’t see eye to eye? As they deal with suffering around them, intuitive empaths tend to be true peacemakers. Somewhat, they pull people together (especially persons who quarrel with one another).
#9 You Are a Lone Wolf

Intuitive empaths abhor big mobs. They’d rather spend most of their time by themselves or in the company of family members only. Hence, when faced by such sudden groups, they will make up excuses so that they can leave as fast as possible.
#10 You Have a Broader Perspective of Things
Thanks to their unusual insights, intuitive empaths can see the bigger picture in most situations. Admittedly, they follow the way events interconnect, hence know what to expect in every state. This way, they can focus better when tackling tough tasks.
#11 You Easily Connect With Others on a Spiritual Level

Intuitive empaths easily connect with the spiritual field. Usually, they show divine skills including, palm reading, foretelling with crystal balls, and tarot cards. In addition, they can pick up energy patterns in these sacred tools and understand their essential meaning. This way, they can take part in fruitful meditation sittings.
Intuitive empaths have a more profound grasp of other people’s emotions. Due to this rare trait, they feel the thrill of their surroundings more intensely than others do. In turn, it is almost impossible for them to ignore these senses. Luckily, unlike other empaths, intuitive empaths can control what and how this energy affects them. They can direct this distinct talent towards helping others. Hence, if you suspect that you are an intuitive empath, own your abilities and use them to assist others near you.