The full moon rises on Friday, January 6th, 2023. According to Jyotish (Vedic astrology), it occurs in the sign of Gemini. In this article, I will share everything you need to know about the full moon in Gemini and give tips on how to make this time balanced and smooth.
When Is The Full Moon In Gemini?
The full moon will occur on Friday, January 6th, 2023, reaching peak illumination at 6:08 p.m. EST/ 3:08 p.m. PT.
The Full Moon In Gemini
This full moon may make us more introspective or vice versa – it may make us more talkative. It will bring us a lot of thoughts. It’s going to be hard to stop the mind from thinking. Therefore, try not to burden yourself with additional information. Spend more time meditating instead. Give preference to the practices that help you stop internal dialogue.
Also, this full moon will make us more susceptible to negative thought forms and psychic attacks. Therefore, it’s important to use energy protection and perform energy purification on this day.
Here is what to expect during January full moon in Gemini:
- The tendency to doubt may multiply;
- Overthinking may increase;
- The internal dialogue may intensify;
- Nervousness and irritability may increase;
- The mind will be able to perceive very subtle mental structures.
The Full Moon In Punarvasu Nakshatra
According to Vedic astrology, the December full moon occurs in the lunar mansion of Punarvasu Nakshatra.
Punarvasu is a Jupiter-ruled nakshatra. Punar means ‘to return’ or ‘revisit’, Vasu means ‘illuminating’ or ‘briliiant’. Punarvasu is believed to bring sunlight and clear skies after a storm and darkness.
This nakshatra will bring us an opportunity to overcome obstacles and challenges and renew ourselves for the new year. Many of us may feel a desire to “reinvent” ourselves – maybe to change something in appearance (clothing style, haircut, working out, diet, etc.) or to change a mindset, behavior, or even spiritual path. Punarvasu will give us the necessary energy and strength to go through whatever transformation we choose for ourselves. Be mindful and attentive during this full moon, and think about what changes are necessary for you at this moment. Write them down and start working towards your personal transformation and life improvement.
The nature of Punarvasu nakshatra is creation. This nakshatra is related to Brahma (the creator of the universe). Therefore, during this full moon period, it is very beneficial to be creative – start a creative project, get a creative hobby, and get involved in some creative activity.
This full moon is sattvic by its nature. It is a balancing, harmonizing, and spiritualizing force.
The goal of this full moon is Artha (gaining material well-being). This is the acquisition of the necessary funds (this may include knowledge as wealth) in order to stand firmly on your feet and enjoy life. Our thoughts can be more concentrated on material things rather than self-development.
The shadow side of Punarvasu nakshatra’s influence is the tendency to intellectualize life experience too much, to get lost in reasoning, and to get too immersed in thinking.
During this full moon period, it is NOT recommended to get surgery in the shoulders, arms, hands, lungs, or bronchi. Also, it’s better to stay away from any activity that involves risks. It is also better to postpone the purchase of real estate and furniture for another period.
If you find it difficult to concentrate on meditation during January full moon, chant a mantra or pray instead. Or you can choose a yantra for concentration. Your focus may easily get distracted during this time which may affect the quality of your meditations. Therefore, you may find it easier to focus on a particular chant or practice a guided meditation.
Good sleep is very important during January full moon. If you do not get enough sleep, overexertion affects the state of the nervous system and the work of the intellect. This may cause neuralgia and increased irritability. Make sure you get enough sleep during this time.
The probability of colds (upper respiratory tract, bronchi) is increased during this period.
Practices for January Full Moon
- Ask yourself: “Why is it difficult for me to be alone?” or vice versa: “Why is it difficult for me to communicate?” Do some introspection work to find the answer.
- Learn how to be a humble student. Cultivate respect for teachers (spiritual and non-spiritual). Open up to new knowledge and new experience.
- Perform the Throat chakra healing.
- Breathwork.
How to Work With the Full Moon Energy?

If we do not live in the rhythm of the lunar cycle, we most likely will feel mood swings and fatigue during the full moon. Moreover, our emotional and even physical condition may deteriorate. Therefore, it is very important to learn to live in harmony with the Moon, especially when it’s at the peak of its activity.
Spend this time during the full moon doing some introspective work. Don’t let your energy run rampant with trying to make things happen. Time spent in silence, prayer, and meditation will be karmically rewarded. No matter what’s happening around you, stay calm, grounded, and centered.
To harmonize the moon’s influence on our lives, we can perform moon practices and adjust our lifestyle to the moon’s vibrations.
Spiritual Practices For the Full Moon
#1: Filling Up With Lunar Energy
This practice is especially recommended for those who have mood swings and unbalanced emotions.
- Place a glass of clean water on the windowsill (or next to the window) so that the moonlight reflects in it. Leave it there for the night.
- In the morning, drink that Moon water on an empty stomach. Tell your gratitude to the Moon. Chant the Moon mantra: OM CHANDRAYA NAMAHA (108 times).
#2: Full Moon Mantra Chanting For Attracting Abundance
During the Full Moon, go outside (backyard or patio), and stretch your hands up to the Moon. When looking at the Full Moon, set your intention to attract abundance into your life and repeat the following mantra for 12 minutes: OM SHRAAM SHREEM SHRAUM SAH CHANDRAMASE NAMAHA
#3: Chanting SHRIM Mantra
SHRIM is the mantra of beauty, love, and delight. This is the mantra of Lakshmi, the goddess of abundance, wealth, and beauty. Chanting this mantra helps to expand the sense of beauty and attract love and abundance.
The Bottom Line
Every month the full moon gives us a great opportunity to reconnect with our shadow self, eliminate negative qualities that no longer serve us, and heal. The full moon in Punarvasu Nakshatra gives us a great opportunity to renew and start fresh. The January full moon is a great time to renew and bring more creativity into your life.