What if I told you that we can cure most modern-day diseases naturally using ancient techniques? That’s right! First, let me say that I am not a qualified medical practitioner, but I believe in the healing power of traditional medicine. Ayurvedic Herbs are an excellent choice.
Ayurveda is a traditional form of healing that began in India. It has grown and spread globally. It is now taught in various institutions around the world. In addition to herbs, Ayurveda incorporates techniques such as meditation, acupuncture, diet changes, sound healing, yoga, massage, and panchakarma (a five-step therapy that combines enemas, bloodletting, vomiting, nasal irrigation, and purgation).
In this article, I will share with you 4 miraculous Ayurvedic herbs.
So Which Ayurvedic Herbs Am I Referring to?

Scientifically referred to as Rubia cordifolia, manjistha is a climbing plant that thrives in high altitudes. Its distinguishing features include heart-shaped leaves, yellow flowers, a woody stem, and berries, which can either be purple, black, or red.
It also has a red root, which is the part we commonly harvest for medicinal purposes. Other names for this herb include manditti, majith, Indian madder, tamaralli, and common madder.
Manjistha cleanses your blood of toxins. As a result, your lymphatic system is in a better position to fight fungi, bacteria, microbial infections, and even cancer cells. It also improves your facial appearance by eliminating eczema and acne.
What’s more, these Ayurvedic herbs relieve stress naturally by balancing cortisol and dopamine levels in the body. As a result, you don’t experience the harmful side effects of anti-stress medication.
You can also forget about watery eyes, a runny nose, and itchy skin because manjistha contains anti-histamine properties that combat allergies. In addition to boosting hair growth, you can also apply manjistha on cuts and wounds to ease pain and quicken healing.
This herb can be used internally or externally and takes different forms such as powder, tea, tinctures, or capsules.

Neem is a fast-growing evergreen native to Western Asia. It has a short trunk with a deeply-furrowed bark and roots that dig deep into the soil. That’s not all; this tree has broad leaves and branches that coil into a crown.
Though it’s adapted to tough conditions, the neem can lose its leaves in severe drought. It also bears white honey-scented flowers that mature into ellipsoidal drupes. Its green fruits turn yellow when ripe and have a sweet pulp surrounding the seed.
The bark, leaves, fruits, seeds, and roots are rich in antioxidants that deactivate free radicals before they invade body cells. It also has anti-tumor components that kill cancer cells and inhibit their proliferation.
What’s more, ethanol extracts from its seeds and leaves squash chloroquine-resistant malaria parasites. When it comes to dental health, neem eliminates tartar and plaque, kills bacteria, and cures diseases like pyorrhea, periodontitis, bleeding gums, and gingivitis.
Apart from being used in toothpaste and mouthwash manufacture, people chew the seeds and leaves directly or brush their teeth with neem twigs. Moreover, it gives you beautiful hair by eradicating dandruff. It also increases blood circulation to your scalp and prevents thinning.
We can consume Neem directly by eating its fruits and leaves. Alternatively, you can make tea with its dried leaves or find it in processed products like shampoos, hair conditioners, oils, toothpaste, and capsules.

This is a herbaceous plant that originated from tropical South Asia. Turmeric bears oblong leaves and can rise to one meter when mature. It also has dull yellow flowers that emerge from a spike-like stalk. Underneath the soil, turmeric has tuberous rhizomes that comprise of orange flesh enclosed by rough segmented skin. We use this part in cooking.
Ideal conditions for growth include temperatures of 20°C to 30°C and a yearly rainfall of about 1500 mm. Although it thrives in different soils, turmeric can’t withstand alkalinity or stagnant water.
Turmeric contains curcumin that treats respiratory complications such as allergy, asthma, runny nose, bronchial hyperactivity, and lung injury. It also cures depression. In fact, it reduces anxiety and stress levels without causing the harmful side effects characterized by antidepressants.
Curcumin’s antioxidants qualities prevent chronic illnesses by defending your cells against free radicals. Likewise, it inhibits inflammatory mediators. In addition to relieving swelling on the skin, turmeric’s anti-inflammatory components are effective against illnesses like ulcerative colitis, rheumatoid arthritis, and radiation dermatitis.
Thanks to its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory constituents, curcumin also safeguards oral health. It’s widely used in fissure sealing, subgingival irrigation, and mouthwash manufacture. Turmeric also plays a key role in treatment and prevention of periodontitis and oral cancers.
In addition to being an important constituent in curry powder, turmeric is widely used as a spice because of its distinct color and flavor. We can consume its parts directly as medicine or incorporate them into ointments and capsules. Finally, it’s added to manufactured food products like cakes, yogurts, juices, sweets, and sauces to enhance flavor.

This is an annual herb from the Mediterranean region. Its smooth stem branches into spiky leaves and small pink or white flowers. Its seed-like fruits are yellow-brown and lined with longitudinal ridges.
This is one of the ayurvedic herbs you should consume to balance your doshas. Cumin is essential for weight loss. It not only minimizes fat in your body but also stabilizes sugar levels to reduce cravings. Lack of sleep destabilizes energy balance and triggers fat storage. By relaxing body stressors, cumin gives you a good night’s sleep and promotes weight loss.
This herb also treats respiratory disorders such as colds, bronchitis, and asthma. For starters, it clears excess phlegm and mucus from your system. Cumin is also rich in vitamin C and iron that strengthens the immune system and reduces the chances of infection.
It aids digestion by stimulating the excretion of necessary enzymes throughout the digestive tract. As a result, you experience improved appetite and relieved excess gas. And when your tummy is in good condition, you combat illnesses such as diarrhea, dyspepsia, and nausea.
Cumin is available in different forms such as seeds, powder, capsules, soaps, and oils. You can use it to spice your food, as well as make tea, tonic, and curry powder.
Final Thoughts
Instead of self-medicating, it’s prudent to consult an expert for advice on ayurvedic herbs to use for your situation. Don’t let negativity and life hurdles stop you. Improve the quality of your life with Ayurveda today!