In this article, I will share with you the most powerful crystals for confidence, their properties, and how they can help you to build your will power, boost your self-esteem, and manifest your biggest dreams into reality!
In lithotherapy, stones are classified according to their dominant energies. It can be masculine or feminine energy (Yang or Yin). Also taken into account are the proportions of the 4 elements: Fire, Water, Air, and Earth. Based on these characteristics, you can choose the crystals for the development of particular abilities or attracting certain events to your life.
Crystals For Confidence: What Are They?
Confidence is associated with Yang energy and the elements of Fire and Earth. When crystals contain these kinds of energy in sufficient amounts, they help their owner to develop willpower, determination, and confidence.
The Most Powerful Crystals For Confidence
#1 Citrine

Because of its shining surface and Golden hue, citrine is traditionally associated with the Sun energy. This beautiful crystal serves as a symbol of the unshakeable core of the personality. Therefore, citrine, like other minerals associated with the Sun energy, contributes to the development of confidence. Moreover, citrine is a mineral that can banish pessimistic thoughts and return the joy of life.
It is suitable for people whose self-doubt is accompanied by melancholy, excessive concern about health, various fears. It is a crystal of optimism. Citrine awakens your deeply hidden “inner child“, and makes you more open, playful, natural. And this more cheerful view of the world, in turn, has a positive impact on self-esteem.
It is best to wear citrine closer to the head. Therefore women can wear citrine earrings, and men – a pendant on a short chain.
#2 Hematite

The name hematite comes from the Greek word “heme”, meaning blood, the essence of human life. This crystal has long been considered a talisman of courage. Medieval warriors wore hematite before important battles. This powerful crystal improves physical health.
It is perfect for those people whose self-doubt is associated with insufficient physical strength, shyness because of their own fragility. In emotional terms, hematite teaches its owner to defend their interests at all costs. Moreover, this crystal for confidence eliminates the fear of detractors and the constant search for approval from others.
#3 Garnet

It is considered a crystal of passion and willpower. Garnet eliminates shyness and also enhances all feelings associated with sexuality and aggression. It is a crystal of self-confidence. Garnet helps to reveal creative abilities.
It is suitable for those people who suffer from doubts about their own professional or creative competence. This beautiful crystal for confidence helps to cope with the lack of support and faith in your abilities from others. With garnet as a talisman, people gain unshakable confidence in their uniqueness.
Moreover, this powerful crystal is suitable for people who find their appearance unattractive and suffer from it. In ancient times, garnet was revered as a symbol of love and loyalty. An excess of Yang energy and the element of Fire has a positive effect on the male potency. Women wearing garnet jewelry become more liberated in sensual terms.
This crystal is associated with energy centers that are located in the lower part of the body. Therefore, it’s best to wear garnet in a ring or pendant.
#4 Rhodonite

This beautiful crystal not only increases the energy potential of its owner but also helps to spend this energy in the most constructive way. Most people that wear rhodonite notice that they become more focused and goal-oriented. They start to see clearly their mission and purpose on Earth. Moreover, rhodonite is considered a mineral of renewal and favorable life changes.
Rhodonite has the ability to purify from the negative influence of the past, painful memories, bad habits, and pessimistic thoughts.
#5 Zircon
Zircon gives the feeling of an unshakable inner core inside, which will withstand any life challenges.
If you want to boost your self-confidence then transparent zircon is most effective. It banishes fears and illusions.
This beautiful crystal is suitable for those people who are prone to excessive self-sacrifice for the sake of others. If you temporarily lost yourself in endless attempts to please others, following fashion and playing by other people’s rules, zircon can help you find a way out of this situation. This crystal protects people engaged in intellectual work. It improves concentration, productivity, develops human ingenuity, which has a positive effect on confidence and self-esteem.
#6 Obsidian

This mineral is essentially a volcanic glass, treated in a special way. Volcanic lava is the perfect expression of the unity of the Fire and Earth elements, and obsidian is abundantly saturated with their influence.
The Fire element awakens creativity, desire to change, and reinforces will. The Earth element helps to see a concrete and practical direction.
Obsidian is a crystal with a strong energy. It is suitable for people who are used to set big goals and are not afraid of change. This powerful crystal tests the person for durability and to those who successfully pass this test, obsidian gives incredible power.
#7 Carnelian

By activating the first three chakras, Carnelian provides a powerful boost to your confidence, willpower, and self-esteem. If you want to achieve something but have fears and doubts, the carnelian can give you the confidence and willpower to go for it. This beautiful crystal will empower you to build your dream life and reach the most unbelievable goals. With this powerful crystal, you will always feel like anything is possible and achievable!
#8 Sunstone

This beautiful crystal activates and attunes your Sacral and Solar Plexus chakras to stimulate your creative expression and help you manifest it into physical reality.
Sunstone also promotes leadership and activates the qualities of healthy masculine energy.
Moreover, this powerful crystal for confidence helps you transform and temper negative emotions, like anger, envy or resentment. It can also help you lift your vibration to rise above negative energies that may arise along your spiritual path.
How To Use Crystals For Confidence For Your Meditations?
According to the Indian teachings on the energy structure of the human body, there are several energy centers associated with confidence. One such center is the Solar plexus chakra. This chakra is associated with willpower, determination, and leadership. Therefore, it is very beneficial to work with your Solar plexus chakra if you want to boost your confidence. For doing this, use crystals for confidence during your meditation. Simply place the selected crystal for confidence in your Solar plexus area and visualize how the crystal is balancing your Solar plexus chakra with its energy. Stay in meditation as long as you need it.
When choosing what crystals for confidence to buy, rely on your intuition. Hold the crystal in your hand for a few minutes and try to feel its energy. If it gets hot, it is the sign that the crystal is calling for you. A slight pulsation coming from the crystal is the sign that the vibrations of the crystal are suitable for you. Buying jewelry or crystal, it is important not to regret its cost. Emotions should only be positive.
I hope this article was helpful for you and now you can find a perfect crystal that will boost your confidence and self-esteem!