The surrounding space, objects, and people have their own energy fields, which can be positive or negative. It is very dangerous when we live in a house with negative energy. In such a house there are scandals, quarrels, children often get sick, animals show aggression, plants wither, etc. In this article, I will introduce you to 9 powerful essential oils for cleansing negative energy that will help you not only to clear the space around you but also to charge your home with beautiful positive energy that will improve the quality of your life!
How Do We Know If We Live In a House With Negative Energy?

Have you ever caught yourself with the thought that you do not want to go home? Do you feel like every time you come home you immediately feel exhausted and all you want to do is watch TV or take a nap? Do you often feel fatigued, apathy, mood swings, depression, anxiety? The reason may lie in the negative aura of your home.
Signs Of Negative Energy In the House:
- constant fatigue, lethargy, irritation without objective reasons;
- insomnia;
- nightmares;
- household appliances often fail, light bulbs burn out;
- strange sounds and noises;
- withering plants (even with proper care);
- bad smell for no apparent reason;
- persistent disease of domestic animals;
- people who live in such a house often get sick.
If you doubt the presence of negative energy in your house use one of the following ways to check it:
1.Analyze the behavior of your pets

Are your pets restless or/and wary? Do they try to escape from a certain part of the room? All the pets, especially cats, can feel negative energy in your house. Therefore, if all the sudden your cat begins to peer into a certain place, or avoid it, or start to be frightened for no apparent reason, pay attention to it! That can be a sign of negative energy accumulation.
2. Test the energy of your house with a candle
Light a candle and walk around the house holding it in your hand. Watch the flame! If the fire burns unevenly, emits a lot of smoke, fumes, then it indicates that there is an accumulation of negative energy in your house. Pay special attention to the corners – since these are the places where negative energy clusters usually accumulate.
What Can Cause Negative Energy Accumulation?
The negative energy of the house can be the result of negative, obsessive thoughts. Mental information, which is constantly spinning in the heads of people, forms negative energy clots. These negative energy clots pollute the house, create a certain ‘unhealthy’ atmosphere in there.
Possible Causes of Negative Energy Accumulation Are:
- negative energy can be leftover by old residents;
- any anger, aggression, or other negative emotions expressed in the house;
- prolonged illness or death of a family member;
- continuous groundless quarrels, scandals, conflicts between family members;
- bringing other people’s toxic energies from the outside;
- keeping broken, useless things, junk in the house;
- antiques souvenirs, furniture, ritual objects;
- using stuffed animals as decorations;
- old mirrors;
- clutter in the house, dirt on the shoes, dust, unwashed dishes;
- unpleasant or unwanted guests, visitors with negative aura, energy vampires;
- paintings depicting violence, aggression, blood, demonic content.
9 Essential Oils For Cleansing Negative Energy
The following essential oils for cleansing negative energy will help you to clear the aura of your house and protect it from unfriendly people, negative energy, evil spirits, and entities.
Orange Essential Oil

This essential oil has the power to cleanse your house from negative energy and to produce positive vibrations in the aura of your house.
Other benefits:
- helps to overcome energy exhaustion and stress;
- improves mood;
- promotes a positive outlook on life;
- helps to believe in yourself and your own strength;
- increases the charm of a person;
- cleanses the aura of a person;
- restores energy after suffering severe diseases;
- helps to attract good luck and money.
Basil Essential Oil
This wonderful essential oil is ‘prescribed’ to people who constantly criticize themselves. It helps to increase your self-esteem and eliminate a number of fears and worries that prevent you from fully living and enjoying your life.
Also, Basil oil has a positive effect on the nervous system. It calms you down, relieves nervous and mental stress, relieves anxiety, and fights depression.
Basil essential oil clarifies and cleanses the human mind, and protects the house from toxic energy, negative people, and energy vampires.
Lavender Essential Oil

Burning a couple of drops of Lavender essential oil will help you to protect and cleanse your house from negative energy. I like to use my self-made Lavender spray to cleanse my bed, sheets, and pillows from negative energy. Usually, I spray every morning (right after getting up) and every night (right before I go to bed). It is especially important to do if you experience astral attacks, nightmares, or suffer from insomnia. This simple yet powerful ‘ritual’ will clear the energy of your bed and protect you from negative energy attacks while you’re sleeping.
Other benefits of Lavender Oil:
- promotes self-knowledge;
- improves meditation experience;
- provides complete relaxation;
- cleanses the aura;
- heals the holes in the aura;
- clears the mind from negative thoughts;
- attracts positive events and good luck into your life.
Melissa Essential Oil

The main secret power of Melissa oil is a powerful protection against unfriendly, negative, or toxic people and energy vampires.
Apply a few drops of Melissa oil on the doorstep so that no one can harm you and your family.
In addition, Melissa oil attracts good luck and makes a person an optimist.
Juniper Oil
This essential oil protects the aura of a person from an aggressive environment, helps to find a quick and correct way out of the current negative situation.
If you or your family members suffer from your/their own envy and increased irritability, Juniper oil can help you to overcome these negative emotions. It eliminates the internal ‘bitterness’ and life becomes much easier and more pleasant.
In addition, Juniper oil can be used as a powerful protection tool from negative energy. It scares away evil spirits and entities and cleanses the house from negative energy.
Rosemary Oil

This essential oil is a powerful protection tool against the evil eye.
If you want to cleanse your house from the accumulated dirty energy (such as evil, irritation, disease, quarrels, aggression, etc.) then Rosemary oil is a perfect solution for it!
Thyme Oil
This powerful essential oil helps to restore and strengthen the aura and boosts the immunity against toxic and negative energy.
Thyme oil not only protects us from negativity from the outside but also helps to cope with internal vices. For example, bitterness, envy, greed, etc. Moreover, it helps to develop positive aspects of personality.
Lemon Oil

This oil helps you to quickly and painlessly adapt to new living conditions, to new people. It helps you quickly accept and philosophically perceive irreparable losses.
In addition, this essential oil boosts positivity, optimism, and creativity.
Also, lemon essential oil helps to cope with the energy exhaustion, raises the spirit, purifies the mind.
It perfectly invigorates, refreshes and gives a boost of energy. Lemon oil is an effective remedy for feelings of drowsiness, lethargy, and fatigue.
Tea Tree Oil
This wonderful essential oil eliminates energy tumors caused by the adoption of negative life attitudes. This essential oil cleanses and restores the aura.
Tea tree oil is a powerful protection from the influence of the aggressive energy of the outside world.
How To Use Essential Oils For Cleansing Negative Energy?
There are different ways to use essential oils for cleansing negative energy. Here are some of the ideas.

Mix a few drops of the essential oil of your choice with water in a spray bottle. Spray each room of your house paying special attention to the corners. Also, you can spray your bed, sheets, pillows, couch, closet, clothes, etc.
2. Essential Oil Diffuser Pendant

Hang an essential oil diffuser pendant with the essential oil of your choice near the front door. Also, you can hang such pendants in each room of your house. It will cleanse and protect the energy of the house.
3. Essential Oil Burner

Burn essential oils in a special essential oil burner to purify the energy of your house. When burning the essential oils you are also using the cleansing power of the fire element that boosts the power of the purifying effect of the oils.
I like to burn essential oils in the bedroom right before I go to bed to improve the quality of my sleep and protect myself from astral attacks and nightmares.
4. Essential Oil Diffuser

Using an essential oil diffuser is a perfect option of using essential oils for cleansing negative energy in the house. It’s very easy and convenient!
I like to use my essential oil diffuser during my meditations. It improves the quality and depth of my meditations and keeps the energy of the room fresh and clean.
5. Lava Rock Diffusers

Add a few lava rock diffusers in each room of your house to keep the energy clean and protected.
The Bottom Line
Essential oils are a powerful tool for transforming the energy of your house and protecting it from negativity. If you are tormented by bad thoughts, pursued by failures, surrounded by envious people, try to use the above essential oils and watch the difference. However, remember to look inside yourself because it is our thoughts and behavior that attracts negativity. We always attract what we radiate! Therefore, if you want your house to be a source of positivity, joy, and happiness, you yourself should become this source first!