For thousands of years, crystals have been used in spiritual practices, healing sessions, and shamanic rituals. The use of crystals dates all the way back 6,000 years ago to the ancient Sumerians in Mesopotamia. Since then, crystals have been used in different forms, rituals, and practices in countless ancient cultures such as in China, Rome, Greece, Egypt, and South America. In this article, I will share with you 8 must-have crystals for your spiritual work and their transcendental properties.
But first, let’s take a look at the science behind crystals.
The Science Behind Crystals
“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. This is not philosophy. This is physics.” ~ Albert Einstein
It has been scientifically proven that matter is 99.999999999999% empty space. And what makes up this empty space is energy. Therefore, it won’t be a mistake to say that energy is everything, and everything is energy. You, everything around you – the furniture, the phone you’re holding, and the crystals are vibrating energy.
Each of us has our own unique vibrational frequency. People with higher vibrations radiate love and kindness, peace and compassion, whereas people with lower vibrations experience more low-vibe emotions like fear, anger, jealousy, or anxiety.
Whatever frequency we are at, as humans, our vibrations are very unstable and can be easily affected by our environment, other people, social media, the news, traffic, the weather, our own memories, etc.
Crystals, on the other hand, have a very stable energy frequency due to the fact that they were made up of a fixed, regularly repeating, perfect geometric pattern of molecules. Therefore, they are able to maintain their perfect stability of the Earth element. This is the opposite quality to our constantly changing, non-stable human nature.
While the healing properties of crystals have not yet been proven, we do know that crystals radiate a unique electrical charge known as piezoelectricity. Piezoelectricity is an electrical charge that is emitted from crystals once they are pressed or cut.
Scientific research has been able to demonstrate that synthetic crystals can actually store data. This could explain why certain crystals have specific qualities.
8 Must-Have Crystals For Your Spiritual Work
Now, let me share with you the 8 must-have crystals that can help you in your spiritual practices and inner work. You can program these crystals with your intentions, meditate with them, use them for opening up vibrational doorways, supporting your spiritual rituals, and strengthening your prayers. If you are not involved in deep spiritual work yet, you can let these crystals serve you as mindfulness totems. Whatever way you choose to use your crystals, they will surely enrich your spiritual journey.
Here is my list of the must-have crystals:
#1: Spirit Quartz

Spirit Quartz is a crystal of harmony and alignment. Its crystals are like high-frequency little beings who attract the spirit realm and put out positive energy into our environment. Its resonance is spiritually uplifting, radiating high-vibrational energy in all directions, and is a perfect ally in aligning the aura, chakras, meridians, and the physical body, as well as carrying the gifts of Spirit out into the world.
Spirit Quartz is a stone of non-duality. It perfectly blends and balances the energies of male and female, yin and yang, and enhances all metaphysical abilities.
Here are the properties of Spirit Quartz:
- provides protection from harm while awake and during dreaming and astral projection;
- activates the Crown chakra;
- helps to channel your desires toward higher frequency goals;
- facilitates the transition between different brainwave states, heightening awareness and psychic perception, and encourages insightful dreams;
- helps remove fear;
- assists in ascension process;
- activates the Lightbody;
- provides multi-directional spiritual and cellular healing;
- helps in reframing the past, and to realign the etheric blueprint for the present life.
#2: Aura Quartz

This crystal utilizes the ancient powers of alchemy and synergy. This crystal is an extremely powerful healing and energy amplifier. It absorbs, stores, releases, and regulates the energies of the body. Enhanced by precious metals, Aura Quartz becomes a high-vibrational healing stone. It carries a high level of Life Force, cleansing and enhancing the organs, stimulating the immune and energy systems, and bringing the body into balance.
Aura Quartz is the crystal of spiritual elevation, remarkable for its powers of guidance and expansion of the soul.
Properties of Aqua Quartz include:
- provides serenity and peace during meditation;
- deepens one’s attunement to the Divine and opens gateways to the angelic realm;
- assists in remembering lessons from past incarnations;
- expands the awareness of one’s spiritual purpose for this lifetime;
- protects during spiritual journeying;
- assists in conscious channeling and all types of inter-dimensional communications.
#3: Azurite

This dark-blue stone has been guiding souls to enlightenment since the earliest civilizations began. Its rich vibrancy resonates with the exact frequency of the Third Eye chakra. To the Atlantians and the early Egyptians, Azurite was a most potent psychic stone. It was called the Stone of Heaven by the ancient Chinese who believed it to open celestial gateways. For the Mayans, Azurite inspired the mystical self and facilitated the transfer of wisdom and knowledge via thought.
Azurite is definitely one of the must-have crystals that will assist you on your spiritual journey due to its transcendental properties.
Properties of Azurite:
- clears away tension and confusion and opens the mind to new perspectives;
- stimulates the intellect;
- awakens the development of psychic and intuitive abilities;
- brings inner vision into alignment with spiritual guidance;
- assists in entering a meditative or channeling state;
- enables out-of-body journeys to take place safely;
- assists in exploring past or alternate lives;
- clears the Throat Chakra;
- inspires the search for truth in one’s personal reality by challenging the examination and letting go of old programmed belief systems;
- expands one’s awareness to a deeper understanding of life.
#4: Moqui Marbles (Boji Stones)

Moqui Marbles are also known as “Shaman Stones.” They come in three varieties: male, female, and androgynous. The word “Moqui” comes from the Hopi word that means “dear departed ones.” It is believed that spirits of the dead would play with these “marbles” at night and leave them in the morning to send messages to those that were living.
Properties of Moqui Stones:
- stimulates psychic abilities;
- promotes grounding and centering;
- helps to connect with earth energies;
- clears the energy field;
- balances male and female energies;
- helps to connect with animal spirit guides.
#5: Cacoxenite

Known as the Stone of Ascension, this beautiful stone is believed to raise the spiritual awareness of the human race and to provide a loving and ethereal connection between all of the universe. It encourages a conscious awareness of the significance of random events to guide us on the right path, and in sensing the essence of the Creator in the beauty of nature and the kindness of people. Its vibration assists in surrendering personal will to Divine Will, making it easier to receive the guidance and assistance needed to move forward on one’s spiritual path.
Properties of Cacoxenite:
- initiates a higher level of creativity;
- clears the Third Eye and Crown Chakras of conventional thought and limitations;
- brings new ideas and innovations to humanity;
- enlightens spiritual awareness through meditation and dreamwork;
- relays the message that everyone carries a Divine spark and may connect with the Creator, as well as one’s guides, guardian spirits, and other higher powers, at any time to receive healing and guidance;
- unites collective consciousness in ceremony or ritual gatherings, for world meditations and planetary alignments, and in connecting with the Universal Life Force to draw in energy for Earth’s healing.
#6: Nuummite

Did you know that Nuummite is one of the oldest stones on our planet? Mined only in Greenland, this powerful stone was formed from a volcanic eruption around 3.8 billion years ago! This is a rare and sought-after stone as it is very limited in quantity. Many esoteric collectors see Nuummite as a highly valuable stone.
Nuummite is often called the “Sorcerer’s Stone” or “Magician’s Stone”. It’s very powerful and one of the must-have crystals for many esotericists and spiritual seekers.
Properties of Nuummite:
- strengthens one’s energy field;
- enhances personal power;
- aids shamanic journeying and soul retrieval;
- helps to access unconscious layers of the mind;
- promotes spiritual grounding.
#7: Moldavite

This is one of the most powerful stones you will ever touch! Moldavite carries an intense frequency, a fusion of earthly and extraterrestrial energies. Holding this stone for the first time often produces a sensation of heat, felt first in the hand, then progressively throughout the body. In some cases, the Anahata chakra is activated, experienced as a pounding pulse, followed by sweating or flushing of the face, and an emotional release that may range from laughter to tears.
This mysterious green stone is star-born, formed from nature’s violent meteoric impact with Mother Earth. It was formed around 15 million years ago when a meteorite entered our universe and crashed near a Czechoslovakian river. Etched by force and flame as it fell from the heavens Moldavite returned to the earth’s surface transformed, a glass of amazing delicacy and grace ready to serve humankind. It is believed that Moldavite was sent to Earth for spiritual awakening, transformation, and spiritual evolution.
Properties of Moldavite:
- facilitates a strong, clear, and direct connection between one’s consciousness and the Universal Source;
- activates and strengthens Anahata chakra (Heart center);
- helps to connect with Ascended Masters and cosmic messengers;
- increases occurrences of synchronicity;
- draws into the Earth plane those thought patterns and light vibrations that are most beneficial for ascension and illumination;
- promotes rapid inner transformation;
- creates an energy of spiritual protection;
- raises one’s vibrations;
- grounds Light for the healing of the Earth;
- provides an understanding of the essential unity of all life and our responsibility to see our planet as a whole being in need of love and compassion;
- connects one to higher consciousness.
#8: Lemurian Quartz

Lemurian Quartz is one of the must-have crystals to assist your spiritual development. Lemurian crystals originated much earlier than the existence of the Lemurian civilization, although it left its light prints on them. These crystals grew in conditions when the bowels of the Earth were still clean – when there was no oil and poisonous ores inside them. These crystals served as repositories of Memory. People could fill these crystals with the memories of the most beautiful events, just as we fill albums with photographs. It was believed that there was a seed of the Creator in each of these crystals.
Some people believe that these crystals can sing because music lives in their Chiaroscuro. Many people who have psychic abilities claim that when working with these crystals, they can hear a wonderful baritone, performing an Aria, which later gives way to the magical music of distant stars and planets.
Properties of Lemurian Quartz:
- promotes lucid dreaming;
- aids spiritual awakening;
- helps to develop telepathic abilities;
- amplifies prayers, wishes, and intentions;
- helps to access higher states of consciousness;
- promotes energy healing;
- connects one to hidden knowledge within oneself;
- promotes past lives regression;
- removes energetic blockages from all chakras;
- awakens one’s connection to wholeness;
- helps to astral project easily and safely;
- connects with the Higher Self, the angelic spheres, and spiritual guides;
- restores the integrity of the aura;
- helps to heal past traumas;
- aids inner child healing.
The Bottom Line
There are many beautiful and powerful crystals and stones that you can use for your spiritual work. These eight are the must-have crystals that I believe can help to take one’s personal spiritual evolution to the next level. Use these stones for your spiritual practices, meditations, rituals, or as amulets that you wear. Don’t forget to regularly cleanse and charge your crystals to keep their energy strong.