Mul mantra is one of the most powerful mantras in the world, the mantra of enlightenment. By chanting Mul mantra we create sacred vibrations in our energy bodies and space around us which brings happiness, inner peace, bliss, an increased all-encompassing state of consciousness and promotes spiritual development. The effect of this powerful mantra can be compared to receiving a blessing. In this article, I will share with you what Mule Mantra is, its text, benefits, and instructions on how to chant it properly.
What Is Mul Mantra?

Mul Mantra is the first words spoken by the spiritual Master Guru Nanak after his enlightenment. It literally translates as the “Root Mantra,” or the mantra from which all other mantras in the Kundalini Yoga tradition are built. This powerful mantra contains the core, essential truth of creation, and its vibrations are so powerful that it can change your fate and even help you “rewrite” your destiny.
Yogi Bhajan said, “The Mul Mantra is a fate killer. It removes the fate and changes the destiny to complete prosperity.”
According to Kundalini yoga, it is the Mule Mantra that helps to form the consciousness of the individual. If a person devotes a little time to practice every day, he gets rid of any negativity, becomes happy, lucky, and achieves inner silence.
Chanting Mul mantra allows you to get rid of the constant flow of thoughts and immerse yourself in the state of peace. It is in the state of inner peace and silence that one begins to interact with various aspects of the soul, which cannot be done in any other way.
Being in this state, we reach harmonious interaction with the universe and start living according to the Universal laws. Regular practice makes it possible to develop intuition. Mule mantra gives us the opportunity to get closer to God, to understand the mysteries of existence, to reveal our uniqueness and get rid of the oppression of public opinion.
For those who chant Mule Mantra regularly there comes an understanding of unity with the whole world, of the importance of the oneness, and the direct connection with the Cosmic Consciousness. The practice of this mantra allows us to raise the level of our consciousness to the level of unconditional love and boundless joy.
When Mul mantra is pronounced with the understanding of its meaning, respect, humility, and sincerity, its energy expands many times. Therefore, it is very important to know the translation and meaning of this mantra in order to practice it effectively.
Mul Mantra

This beautiful mantra is a description of God, according to the Sikh ideology.
The Text:
Ik Ong Kaar
Sat Naam
Kartaa Purakh
Akal Murat Ajoonee
Aad Sach
Jugaad Sach
Hai Bhee Sach
Naanak Hosee Bhee Sach
The Translation:
Ik Ong Kaar – God is One, I am One with all beings.
Sat Nam – Truth is God’s Name. The vibration of God’s Name is what created all beings. That vibration is within me. Therefore in my core, I am the truth.
Karta Purkh – God is the Doer who does everything. He is the Creator of everything and the Destroyer of everything. God works through me and through everyone in my life.
Nirbhao – God is fearless and I am fearless.
Nirvair – God has no revenge. I have no enemies. By existing in my heart, I live in this moment in full compassion and acceptance.
Akal Murat – God exists in the undying form. God is in the purity of our efforts to live in a spiritual way, and these efforts never die, these efforts live forever.
Adjoonee – God is infinite. I am infinite.
Saibhang – God is self illumined. I am self illumined. Within me I have the power to find light, to find love, to find joy. I don’t need anyone or anything for this.
Guru Prasaad – it is by Guru’s Grace, it is the Grace of the teachings of the Divine One, the Guru, Guru Nanak, Jesus, Mohammed, the Masters of all traditions that give us Grace.
Jaap – Meditate!
Aad Sach – True in the Beginning.
Jugaad Sach – True throughout the ages.
Hai bhee Sach – True here and now.
Naanak Hosee Bhee Sach – Oh Nanak, forever and always true. Spirit, Truth, Love, and Light – these are the things that are true, that have always been true.
How To Chant?

There are different ways to practice Mul mantra chanting. Let me share with you three of them.
#1: Mul Mantra + Kriya
You can use Mul mantra as a part of the Kriya but it can also be practiced separately. To do this you have to cover your head. Sit comfortably with a straight back. And start creating the vibrations by chanting the mantra. Feel your tongue moving and listen to yourself. You can also use an audio recording.
#2: Daily Practice
The chanting of Mul mantra should be slow and you should be focusing on every sound you produce. It is recommended to chant this mantra for 11-31 minutes a day. This practice will help you to rewrite your fate in a more positive and favorable way!
#3: Mul Mantra + Japa
You can combine the Mula Mantra practice with Japa. It is a form of meditation with a mantra, during which the long rhythmic repetition of a mantra is being performed. This practice affects the active points of the upper palate, stimulating the brain, the meridians and releasing subconscious blocks. Traditionally, during this practice, the mantra should be repeated 11,000 times.

The Bottom Line
The Mul mantra practice stops the incessant flow of thoughts and plunges into higher dimensions. By chanting this beautiful mantra we merge with the Universe, which helps us to be more connected with our Higher Self and our intuition. The mantra brings us closer to God, allows us to see the mystery of existence, reveals our own uniqueness, relieves us of social pressure and opinions of others. Mul mantra is an amazing tool for removing anxiety, bringing self-awareness and awakening inner peace.
In the beginning, the result will be subtle, but when the mantra chanting becomes regular, it will begin to radically change your life. After forty days of daily Mul mantra practice, you will feel a total transformation in your own perception of reality, in your life, and even in your external environment.