Your inner child is the child that lives within you – the “part” of your personality that stores all your memories, feelings, needs, and attitudes towards yourself and others. When we are connected to our inner child, we feel excited, enthusiastic, and inspired by life. And when we get disconnected from our inner child, we feel tired, depressed, bored with life, and sick. Therefore, it is so important that we stay connected to our inner children if we want to be happy and joyful. If you feel lost in life, depressed, unhappy, or life doesn’t bring you joy anymore, it’s time to nurture and re-parent your inner child! In this article, we have collected 50 inspirational inner child quotes that will remind you what a joyful experience life is when you’re aligned with the child within.
50 Inner Child Quotes

“Hold the hand of the child that lives in your soul. For this child, nothing is impossible.” ~ Paulo Coelho
“The real you is still a little child who never grew up. Sometimes that little child comes out when you are having fun or playing when you feel happy when you are painting, or writing poetry, or playing the piano, or expressing yourself in some way. These are the happiest moments of your life – when the real you comes out when you don’t care about the past and you don’t worry about the future. You are childlike.” ~ Miguel Ruiz
“The inner child is a “part” of our personality that stores all our memories, feelings, needs, reactions, attitudes towards ourselves and others, and behaviors that we have preserved from our childhood.” ~ Katya Ki
“Why is working with the inner child essential on the spiritual awakening journey? The answer is that our deepest wounds are carried by the child within. These wounds create tensions, blockages, or contractions within our hearts, minds, and bodies. And when we’re contracted, we become trapped in a tightly-bound separate self, also known as the ego. As you may (or may not) already know, the ego is the source of our suffering as it creates the illusion that we’re cut off from our True Nature. When our inner child is stuck in pain, it fuels this contracted ego. And so, inner child work is a vital practice on the spiritual journey, for, with it, we heal, evolve, and awaken.” ~ Mateo Sol
“In my soul, I am still that small child who did not care about anything else but the beautiful colours of a rainbow.” ~ Papiya Ghosh
“I am often accused of being childish. I prefer to interpret that as child-like. I still get wildly enthusiastic about little things. I tend to exaggerate and fantasize and embellish. I still listen to instinctual urges. I play with leaves. I skip down the street and run against the wind. I never water my garden without soaking myself. It has been after such times of joy that I have achieved my greatest creativity and produced my best work.” ~ Leo Buscaglia
“Happy is he who still loves something he loved in the nursery: He has not been broken in two by time; he is not two men, but one, and he has saved not only his soul but his life.” ~ Gilbert K. Chesterton
“Imagination is our inner-child and creativity, its playground.” ~ Jaeda DeWalt
“If by growing up you mean allowing the adult within me to abandon the child within me, I have no interest in such a horrid proposition. If instead you mean to let each enhance the other at the exclusion of neither, I have every interest.” ~ Craig D. Lounsbrough
Inspirational Inner Child Quotes

”The most sophisticated people I’ve ever known had just one thing in common: they were all in touch with their inner children.” ~ Jim Henson
“Your inner child is an essential part of the intricate patchwork that makes up your identity. When you ignore or deny your inner child, he/she is doomed to wither away within the deep dark vaults of your unconscious mind.” ~ Aletheia Luna
“We as adults minimize our inner child’s desires. We silence their voices and messages. As we grow older into adulthood the weight of worldly expectations and survival requirements diminish our inner child’s presence. We soon forget that part of us is still very much alive and is still a very big part of who we are. We’re programmed and taught to ignore and abolish this very important aspect of ourselves. Through years of indoctrination and programming, we learn to suppress and forget our inner child. With all the responsibilities and duties on our plate, we can become hardened, calloused, and insensitive to the very fragile, vulnerable and lighthearted parts of ourselves that live in our inner children. Many of us become addicted to seriousness, structure, and repetitive behaviors. We forget how it feels to be a child: the playful, imaginative, innocence, and softness that comes with our inner child. This aspect of ourselves, though largely ignored, wants to be acknowledged and allowed to be activated.” ~ Angela Fitts
“I think my inner child wants to take over the world.” ~ Mark Foster
“The inner child healing takes place through the healing of its “wounded part”. That is, through working with the trauma of the relationship. And as a result of the healing, our ability to have close, trusting, loving relationships with others increases.” ~ Katya Ki
“As children, we perceived the world very differently from our adult selves. Because of this, many of the things we presently assume never hurt us as children may have left deep scars. This is why it’s important to never make assumptions about your inner child. Through inner child work, you can learn to grieve, heal, and resolve any sources of trauma you’ve been unconsciously holding on to for years. This can liberate you to live a life of true adulthood, emotional balance, spiritual maturity, and wellbeing.” ~ Mateo Sol
“I love fantasy; I love imagination – that’s the inner child in me.” ~ Hannah John-Kamen
“See the world through the eyes of your inner child. The eyes that sparkle in awe and amazement as they see love, magic and mystery in the most ordinary things.” ~ Henna Sohail
“Many of us are guilty of not taking enough time to dial into our inner child’s voice.” ~ Kim Ha Campbell
Inner Child Quotes

”It sounds corny, but I’ve promised my inner child that never again will I ever abandon myself for anything or anyone else again.” ~ Wynonna Judd
“Although we may have suffered misfortune as a child, it is never too late to re-live our childhoods and reconnect to that childlike side of ourselves. When we take responsibility for our happiness in life, we have the power to feel safe, heal ourselves, and create greater wholeness. This gift can never be taken away from us.” ~ Aletheia Luna
“Within us all is a radiant inner child bathed in joy.” ~ Amy Leigh Mercree
“There’s a natural order and universal flow taking place in every moment. As children our resilience, presence, and acceptance to what is happening in every moment is remarkable. We were more likely to allow what is. We as adults are always practicing control. We are always planning out our lives and leave little to no room for flow in our day to day lives. We become rigid and unwilling to change or welcome unexpected occurrences. The reality is that life is in a constant state of flow and change. The problem comes when we won’t allow ourselves fluidity. By being in flow you step into the higher stream of consciousness that is at work. This is when real-life magic happens and unfolds.” ~ Angela Fitts
“Honor your inner child by losing yourself in simple pleasures.” ~ Kim del Valle Walker
“My idea is to bring out the inner child that my generation has inside, which does not go to sleep because of so much angst over the day-to-day routine. With so much going on, you start tuning out emotions and surprises.” ~ Thalia
“Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.” ~ Pablo Picasso
“The World needs therapy because the world is missing love. In a really loving world, no therapy will be needed at all. Love will be enough, more than enough. Hugging is only a gesture of love, of warmth, of caring. The very feel of the warmth flowing from the other person melts many Illnesses in you, melts the ice-like, cold ego. It makes you again a child… If you go deep into a person, you will always find the innocent child; and to contact that innocent child is therapeutic. Hugging gives you an immediate contact with the child. If you hug somebody with warmth, love, if it is not just an impotent gesture; if it is meaningful, significant, true, if your heart is flowing through it, immediately you come in contact with the child, with the innocent child. And the innocent child, even for a single moment surfacing, makes a tremendous difference because the innocence of the child is always healthy and whole; it is uncorrupted. You have reached to the innermost core of the person where no corruption has ever entered, you have reached to the virgin core. And just making the virgin core throb again with life is enough. You have triggered a process of healing.” ~ Osho
“Some day you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again.” ~ C.S. Lewis
Inner Child Quotes

”Everyone is born creative; everyone is given a box of crayons in kindergarten. Then when you hit puberty they take the crayons away and replace them with dry, uninspiring books on algebra, history, etc. Being suddenly hit years later with the ‘creative bug’ is just a wee voice telling you, ‘I’d like my crayons back, please.” ~ Hugh Magnus MacLeod of MacLeod
“When our inner child is not nurtured and nourished, our minds gradually close to new ideas, unprofitable commitments and the surprises of the Spirit.” ~ Brennan Manning
“Your inner child does not disappear once you become an adult. On the contrary, it stays within you, reminding you of all the wounds you haven’t healed yet. There is a variety of symptoms that can point to a wounded inner child. You may have just accepted or tried to ignore many of these behaviors in yourself. However, in order to heal, you need to confront the pain that caused the wounds.” ~ Katya Ki
“Inner child work is essential. It’s the essence of growth as a whole person.” ~ Cheryl Richardson
“Learning to work with your inner child isn’t about becoming childish again, it is about reconnecting with your childLIKE side. In other words, there is a big difference between being childish and childlike. Being childish can be thought of as behaving in an immature or naive way. Being childlike on the other hand can be thought of as a state of purity and innocence. We all have the capacity to experience our original innocence; that period in our lives when we saw the world with openness and wonder.” ~ Mateo Sol
“The great man is he who does not lose his child’s heart.” ~ Mencius
“So many times we blanket our lives with adult responsibilities without expressing and participating in things we loved to do as children. We take on this belief that those days are over or we place physical limitations on things we used to do as children. We think it would be foolish, or we feel ashamed for doing the things we loved as kids. The truth is that the more we express ourselves in things that brought us so much joy as a child, we will find that they still bring us as much, or more, joy as adults.” ~ Angela Fitts
“Caring for your inner child has a powerful and surprisingly quick result: Do it and the child heals.” ~ Martha Beck
“When we deny and snuff out the voice of the child within we accumulate heavy psychological baggage. This unexplored and unresolved baggage causes us to experience problems such as mental illnesses, physical ailments, and relationship dysfunction. In fact, it could be said that the lack of conscious relatedness to our own inner child is one of the major causes of the severe issues we see in today’s society. From the brutal way we treat the environment, to the cruel way we talk to ourselves, we have become completely separated from our original innocence.” ~ Mateo Sol
Thought-provoking Inner Child Quotes

”The opposite of play is not work. It’s depression.” ~ Brian Sutton-Smith
“Make it a habit to talk to your inner child. You can also communicate by keeping a diary, asking your inner child a question, and then writing down the answer. The more you talk to your inner child the easier it’s going to be to hear his/her voice and the faster you will be healed.” ~ Katya Ki
“The most potent muse of all is our own inner child.” ~ Stephen Nachmanovitch
“Unfortunately, we live in a society that forces us to repress our inner child and “grow up.” But the truth is that while most adults physically “grown-up,” they never quite reach emotional or psychological adulthood. In other words, most “grown-ups” aren’t really adults at all. This leaves most people in a state of puerile fears, angers, and traumas that fester away in the unconscious mind for decades.” ~ Mateo Sol
“The sun illuminates only the eye of the man, but shines into the eye and the heart of the child.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
“Your inner child represents your first original self that entered into this world; s/he contains your capacity to experience wonder, joy, innocence, sensitivity, and playfulness.” ~ Mateo Sol
“Always bring out your inner child, be young at heart always, life is beautiful.” ~ Unknown
”I believe that this neglected, wounded, inner child of the past is the major source of human misery.” ~ John Bradshaw
“We take life and ourselves too seriously. Taking things personally or being too rigid steals our joy. Many people think that by being serious, focused, and structured will ensure some worldly success, but this is not true. We can tap into our inner child by keeping things lighthearted and finding humor in the small things. This is not to say that structure, discipline, and focus aren’t needed as well, but we can have these attributes and play them out with laughter and lightness behind them. Our inner child loves to explore, imagine, and try new things. When we stifle this part of ourselves we become tired, unsatisfied, and lack creation.” ~ Angela Fitts
“I’m happy to report that my inner child is still ageless.” ~ James Broughton
Inner Child Quotes & Sayings

“Let us liberate ourselves from any form of control. Let us focus on the inner drum, where the rhythm aligns with that of our heart. The measure of responsibility, equals to the need for evolution. Just listen, the inner child, let it whisper in your ear.” ~ Grigoris Deoudis
“Inner child work is a vital component of the spiritual awakening journey because it reconnects us with a wounded element of ourselves: the child within. When we reconnect with this fragmented part of ourselves, we can begin to discover the root of many of our fears, phobias, insecurities, and sabotaging life patterns. This is where true healing and liberation happens!” ~ Mateo Sol
“In every real man a child is hidden that wants to play.” ~ Friedrich Nietzsche
“As children, we use our imaginations all of the time. The brain of a child, for the better part of the first 7 years of life, is in a theta state. This is imagination. This is when we create magical things. This is when we would lose ourselves in playful spaces. This part of ourselves is very important to keep active. This is how we co-create and bring into manifestation our dreams, intentions, and goals. Allow yourself time and space to lose yourself in your imagination. No dream is too big or unrealistic. Allow yourself to see things in your mind’s eye that make your heart swell with happiness and allow the tears of joy to flow. Our thoughts are electric and our emotions are magnetizing. This is how you create the timelines you want to play out in your life. Don’t ever downplay or diminish your imagination, it is a very powerful tool.” ~ Angela Fitts
We hope you are inspired by these inner child quotes as much as we are!
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