Kundalini meditation is the process of cleansing the subconscious mind of impurities. It acts as an energy shower that washes away negativity, stress, anxiety, and tiredness accumulated during the day. And it charges you with fresh positive energy, lightness, and peace. The Kundalini meditation that I’m going to talk about in this article, is one of the most powerful and effective techniques developed by Osho.
Kundalini Meditation Benefits
If you’re wondering what’s so special in Kundalini meditation and if you should practice it, check out its benefits:
- It helps to get rid of toxic thoughts. Kundalini meditation helps to let go of anger, resentment and accept yourself as you are.
- This meditation creates positive habits. As you may know, our brains are made up of 80 billion nerve cells. They’re connected to each other. If you are overtaken today on the road, and you are upset, then tomorrow in the same situation you will be upset again. This creates stable connections between groups of neurons. Through these channels, neurons trigger neurotransmitters. When you are overtaken again, the lazy brain commands the neurotransmitters to “get upset.” And you’re upset. That’s how habits get stronger. But when you practice meditation regularly your brain receives only positive information and you have only positive thoughts. And as you remember, our positive thoughts create our positive reality!
- At the end of the stressful day, Kundalini meditation helps to remove tension and fatigue. Instead of blocking emotions you harmoniously reveal them and let them go.
Side Effects
According to Osho himself, the Kundalini meditation is a dynamic meditation which may lead you to a deep catharsis (translated from Greek – purification, through the experience of a strong emotional shock).
Catharsis, in turn, can cause various reactions in the body: pain, numbness, nausea, the desire to scratch, sneeze, or all of this together. Dynamic meditation changes the whole body, creates chaos, and increases energy movement. This meditation opens up all the emotions that you were blocking without expression. These emotions can be expressed through tears or laughter.
It is important to remain in observation, not to itch and not to sneeze. Allow the pain to be and disappear, the tears to flow, the laughter to get released, but do not allow all this to capture your consciousness. Be neutral and observe all the processes at “the here and now” moment.
What Is Kundalini?

Before you start practicing this powerful meditation you should clearly understand what Kundalini is.
Kundalini is a form of biological energy dormant in the human body. The Kundalini energy is present in the whole body but is concentrated mainly in the lower part of the spine, that is, in the genital area, transmitting vital energy to the offspring. This “snake energy” can be woken up, and through the spine and chakras transferred to the brain.
Kundalini meditation awakens this powerful energy. When Kundalini awakens, the energy rises up the spine, reaches the top of your head and, figuratively speaking, connects you with the cosmos. It is often compared to a snake that crawls along the spinal column, skirting it along the entire length. In the dormant state, it nourishes the body with energy and in the awakened state, it fills the body with it.
The Basis Of Kundalini Meditation
Osho called Kundalini meditation “the shaking meditation.”
Since ancient times, life has become more complicated. People have learned to create cities, grow food, live longer. We made life easier with technology, but there was a new problem. We, modern humans, don’t know how to relax without alcohol, drugs, pills, and smoking. Kundalini meditation solves this problem. Full of shaking and chaotic movements, it helps to literally relieve tension and accumulated problems.
Osho advises to just allow the shaking to be, not to focus on it or trying to control it. It is enough to help the body to relax hands and feet and not to strain.
Osho said that shaking is so important because when you’re shaking your shaking off the inner hardness, problems, tension, anxiety, and any negative emotions you’ve been blocking.

Kundalini Meditation consists of four stages. The duration of meditation is 60 minutes, each part lasts 15 minutes. The best time to practice is in the evening.
The interval of 15 minutes is not chosen by chance. Studying the works of Western psychologists and psychotherapists, Osho noticed that a person focuses on 15 minutes of activity. Further attention is scattered. Then Osho decided to take the interval of 15 minutes as a unit. It makes the practice easier, especially for beginners.
For doing this, you can set an automatic timer before meditation with 4 intervals of 15 minutes.
Osho created special music for Kundalini meditation, which many practitioners still like to use. Try meditating with or without music. Beginners are advised to start with music, it helps to concentrate on the practice.
Now let’s take a closer look at each stage.
Stage 1
Shaking in the first stage helps to remove the inner blocks.
Turn on the music, make sure no one bothers you. In a standing position start shaking. Let your body shake: arms, legs, neck, head, whole body. Your whole body should feel the movement and energy. Don’t think about how you look, it doesn’t matter. There are only you and your body movements. There are no right and wrong movements. The way the body moves is the right state. Eyes can be open or closed. It’s completely up to you.
Let the shaking be, don’t try to force it or control it. Stand still, feel the approach, and when Your body begins to tremble, help it, but don’t force it. Enjoy the freedom and strength of your body.
Stage 2
Dance as you wish. Smooth or sharp, fast or slow, it doesn’t matter. Let your body do whatever it wants. The main thing is that you feel good. Relax and let the dance be.
Stage 3
Stop. Close your eyes and don’t move. You can sit or stand as you like. Keep your back straight, so as not to create obstacles for the Kundalini energy. Even if you don’t feel like it is running down your spine, it’s ok. Everything comes with practice. Give yourself time.
Tighten the abdominal muscles, feel the elastic force of your body. Because you are not moving, the mind will start a conversation. Don’t worry, it’s ok. Watch your thoughts, but don’t dive into emotions. You are an observer, a witness. Your only task at this stage is to watch what is happening, but not to think about it.
At that moment the mind does not understand what is happening. Usually, you obediently play the mind’s games, getting involved in every thought that the mind has planted. Now you are not taking the proposed “toy” (thought) that your mind gives you, you are not playing with it but just looking at it.
Stage 4
Lie down on the floor, do not open your eyes and do not move. Keep watching your thoughts.
Over the past hour, you have tuned in to a deep practice. As musicians tune instruments before playing, so you have tuned your body. You dropped the voltage, then calmed down, came into the position of the observer.
Stand up with your eyes closed and stand for 10-15 minutes. Feel the silence. Feel your power.
The Bottom Line
If the energy of Kundalini has not passed through the spine, it’s okay. Practice this meditation for 3-4 weeks every day to bring the release of energy closer. We cannot know when the Kundalini energy will wake up. If you want the Kundalini awakening so badly that you even get upset after the meditation that nothing has happened, then nothing will happen. Don’t be attached to the result. Just focus on the process and enjoy it!