Attune Yourself To The Universe With Kundalini Mantra Practice

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There are many mantras in the Kundalini yoga practice. Some mantras are used more often, some less often, depending on the goals. However, in the tradition of the Bhajan Yoga school, there are mantras that are used in every Kundalini yoga class. With the help of the Kundalini mantra we “open” and “close” the space of the Kundalini yoga class.

What Is Mantra?

A mantra is one of the most effective ways to control your consciousness. The word “mantra” means “vibrations of the mind”, or “projection of the mind”. It is not just a random set of melodious sounds, it is a very powerful vibration. A mantra is a special combination of sounds that causes vibrations in the human body.

Do We Really Need To Chant Mantras?

Mantra Chanting with Prayer beads image

Beginners often have a question “why should I chant mantras and can I practice yoga without mantra chanting?”. Some people are afraid of unfamiliar words, some don’t want to chant mantras for religious reasons, and some simply do not like the mantra chanting practice.

We are all free creatures. Therefore, each of us has the right to make their own choices. However, if we involve our spiritual development into certain spiritual tradition, it makes sense to listen to the rules and recommendations that this tradition offers us and at the very least respect them.

Another reason for mantra chanting is quite simple and seems to be pretty important. As you may have noticed from your own experience, for a modern person who has a lot of worries and thoughts in his head, it is extremely difficult to stop the current thoughts in one second and switch his mind to yoga and meditation. Chanting mantras before yoga class or meditation allows us to stop the cycle of thoughts, calm down and tune in to spiritual practice.

Another very important reason to chant mantras is the profound effect they have. This effect is associated with a complete restructuring of the nervous system as a result of created vibrations.

Kundalini Mantras

The Adi Mantra

Mantra text:

Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo


I bow to the Creative Wisdom, I bow to the Divine Teacher within.

This ancient kundalini mantra allows a practitioner to feel a connection with the divine teacher inside. “Adi” means original or first, and “mantra” means creative mental projection with sound. It is used in the Kundalini yoga for pre-class tuning so that both the teacher and the students have spiritual guidance.

The Mangala Charan Mantra

Mantra text:

Ad Guray Nameh

Jugad Guray Nameh

Sat Guray Nameh

Siri Guru Devay Nameh


I bow to the primal wisdom.

I bow to the wisdom through the ages.

I bow to the true wisdom.

I bow to the great unseen wisdom.

This mantra disperses clouds of doubt and reveals us to the light that guides and protects us, surrounding our field with protective radiance.

This mantra is performed 3 times at the beginning of the class, after the Adi mantra. The whole mantra should be chanted on one exhale.

“Sat Nam” Mantra

Mantra Text:

Sat Nam

This mantra is most often used in the practice of Kundalini Yoga. “Sat” means truth, the reality of human existence. “Nam” means identity. This kundalini mantra is a seed mantra. The seed contains all the knowledge of the tree that has reached its full flowering. The seed is the identity of the truth, embodied in a condensed form. By chanting this mantra, you awaken the soul and attain your destiny. This kundalini mantra balances all the five elements.

“Ra Ma Da Sa Sa Say So Hung” Mantra

Mantra text:

Ra Ma Da Sa Sa Say So Hung


Ra – Sun

Ma – Moon

Da – Earth

Sa – Impersonal Infinity

Sa Say – Totality of Infinity

So – Personal sense of merger and identity

Hung – The infinite, vibrating and real

This mantra is a healing kundalini mantra. It attunes the “Self” to the Universe. It brings balance. These eight sounds stimulate the flow of Kundalini in the spine, bringing healing.

Gobinday Mukanday


Gobinday, Mukanday, Udharay, Aparay

Hariang, Kariang, Nirnamay, Akamay


Sustaining, Liberating, Enlightening, Infinite

Destroying, Creating, Nameless, Desireless

This mantra is able to eliminate karmic blocks and mistakes of the past. Its power clears our magnetic field, allowing us to relax more easily and enter tune into meditation. It is a protecting mantra. This beautiful kundalini mantra purifies the subconscious mind and balances the hemispheres of the brain, communicating compassion and patience to those who meditate on it.

Sa Re Sa Sa


Sa Re Sa Sa
Sa Re Sa Sa
Sa Re Sa Sa Sa Rung
Har Re Har Har
Har Re Har Har
Har Re Har Har Har Rung


That Infinite Totality is here, everywhere. That creativity of God is here, everywhere.

This is the root Kundalini mantra, which is the basis of all mantras. It helps to eliminate all troubles, negativity, and prevent misfortunes. In addition, this mantra can give strength to your words and improve the quality of your communication with others. It also helps to gain all the wisdom of the past, present, and future.