Vishnu mudra, also known as “Universal Balance Gesture“, represents Lord Vishnu, who maintains the illusion of the manifested universe. The subordinated to Vishnu universe unfolds from the primordial unity as an endless interaction of opposites: creation and destruction, feminine and masculine, darkness and light. Combining these polarities through yogic wisdom is the highest level of understanding of the essence of things. And Vishnu mudra can help us with this!
In this article, I will share with you what Vishnu mudra is, what are its benefits and how to perform it correctly.
What Is Mudra?
“Mudra” can be translated as “seal”, “mark”, or “gesture”. Hence Mudras are symbolic gestures practiced with the hands and fingers.
Connecting the fingers in certain combinations, we can activate the meridians and direct energy throughout the body. Different positions of the fingers have the ability to close or clear the energy channels. In addition, performing this or that mudra, we affect the biologically active points of the palms and fingers.
Mudras are invented for the correct redirection of energy in the body, for the control of prana and for changing the psycho-emotional state. Also, with their help, you can eliminate problems in the body and in the mind by pressing on particular acupuncture points.
Vishnu Mudra

In Indian mythology, Vishnu is the protector of the world. He is a Hindu deity whose mission is to protect humans and to keep the Universe in balance. Thus balance and harmony should be our main focus when we are practicing Vishnu mudra.
This mudra helps us to attain balance through the activation of the energies of the first three chakras: Muladhara, Svadhisthana, and Manipura. We activate Muladhara chakra for grounding and stability. Svadisthana activation brings us enjoyment and harmonious relationships. When we activate Manipura chakra we open up our inner power and inner fire.
Vishnu Mudra Benefits:
- Brings balance and peace;
- Detoxifies the body;
- Boosts immunity;
- Reduces stress and anxiety;
- Calms the nervous system;
- Balances hormones;
- Brings balance to the right and left hemispheres of the brain;
- Supports respiratory health;
- Infuses the body with oxygen;
- Cleanses lungs;
- Encourages mental clarity and focus;
- Increases the positive effect of pranayama if performed with it.
How to Practice Vishnu Mudra?

- Come into a comfortable seated position.
- Breathe easily and focus on your breath.
- Keep your spine straight.
- Place your hands on the thighs or knees with palms facing upwards.
- Raise the right hand with the elbow bent.
- Curl the forefinger and middle finger in towards the palm of the hand. Allow your thumb, ring and little finger to extend.
This mudra can be performed during pranayama practice – specifically, Nadi Shodana (alternate nostril breathing).
How Does It Work?
When the fingers of our hands are connected in a certain mudra, we are in connection with the power of the cosmos and the energy of the Universe. Each of our fingers is a symbol of connection with a certain planet and life-creating elements.
Each finger of the hand corresponds to certain energy. And each phalanx of each finger is responsible for a specific part of the body.
In addition, each finger is connected with different parts of the body and internal organs. By performing mudras with your hands, you definitely stimulate those parts of the body and organs that are directly connected to the energy channels that pass through the palms and fingers.

The thumb symbolizes the Fire element and is linked to the Manipura chakra.
The ring finger represents the Earth element and is linked to the Muladhara chakra.
The pinkie is associated with the Water element and is linked to the Svadisthana chakra.
By extending these fingers you are encouraging the flow of energy to the corresponding elements within you. The other fingers bow down to allow space for these to expand and flourish.
Additional Recommendations
- It is best to practice Vishnu mudra on an empty stomach. Early morning before breakfast is a perfect time for this practice.
- Start with practicing this mudra for 5 minutes a day. Then gradually increase the time. But keep in mind that a maximum duration for this mudra is 15-20 minutes.
- Make sure your breath is smooth and full. You should be relaxed and focused on your breath while practicing this mudra.