Have you ever heard of distance Reiki? Do you have suspicions when you hear about it? Does this type of healing really work? It’s normal to ask these questions and to have doubts about this practice. There is nothing wrong with this! But before jumping into conclusions it’s good to research this topic. And I’m here to help you with this. In this article, I will explain what distance Reiki is and answer the most common questions about distance Reiki healing.
What Is Distance Reiki Healing?
Distance Reiki healing is a type of healing in which the patient and the Reiki healer are distantly remote from each other. In this case, the distance itself can be manifested differently – it can be different rooms inside the same house, different cities, or even different countries on opposite sides of the globe. The distance of the patient from the healer does not affect the quality of treatment. In other words, it doesn’t matter if the healer (or patient) is in just another room from you or in another country, the quality of healing will be the same.
What Are the Distance Reiki Healing Benefits?

- The healer can perform a Reiki session at a convenient time and in a convenient place for him/her. And the patient can receive a Reiki healing session at a convenient time and in a convenient place for him/her.
- A distance Reiki healing session is usually a little shorter than a full-time Reiki session. Usually, one healing session lasts for 30-45 minutes, although it can last longer depending on the patient. But it shouldn’t last less than 30 mins.
- It is possible to perform Reiki healing session for a large group of patients all at once, and the quality of the healing will still l be as good as if the healing session was performed for them separately.
In What Cases Can Distance Reiki Can Be Performed?
Distance Reiki can be performed in the following cases:
- you need to continue Reiki healing for your patient if he/she has left the area where you live unexpectedly;
- help people when they are far away from you, for example, in a hospital or live in another city;
- heal the parts of your body (or your patient’s body) which for any reason it is impossible to touch with your hands, for example, if you find it difficult to put your hands on your shoulder blades, back, feet, or if any touch causes pain (for example if you or your patient has burns or open wounds);
- with a lack of time to perform a full hands-on session;
- animal healing.
Does Distance Reiki Work?

Yes, it does! If it’s performed by an experienced Reiki healer. Moreover, I can assure you that distance Reiki healing is as effective as contact Reiki sessions. And sometimes it can even be more effective, because a person, taking a session, is in his/her usual environment and can relax much more, which allows Reiki to work more effectively.
You have to understand that Reiki exists beyond time and space. And in both cases (distance and contact healing), we are dealing with the same energy of the same quality.
The only reason why distance Reiki healing may not work is if your healer is dishonest. I met some people who called themselves “Reiki healers” but in fact, they were not. They claimed that they heal people but in fact, they were just sending their wishes for their patients to be healed. It took them literally a couple of minutes (sometimes even seconds) to send their “healing”. But of course, this is not a distance Reiki healing!
Real Reiki healing session (whether it’s contact or distance) requires a preparation process such as clearing the space, meditation, prayer, and mantra. If your healer doesn’t perform these actions before an actual healing session we can’t call it Reiki healing and all you can do is just to hope that the healing that he/she provides will help you as a placebo.
Do We Need Permission to Perform Distance Reiki Healing?
Yes, we always need to ask for permission to perform distance Reiki healing. Everyone has free will and we must respect other people’s decisions. We have no right to force people to receive Reiki healing as well as we should never try to convince people to do it if they don’t want to.
Of course, we can’t ask permission if a person is unconscious or in a coma for example. In this case, it is possible to send healing with a clear intention that this healing session will be received only if a patient’s Higher self accepts it for his/her Highest good. When you’re setting the intention, also add that if your patient abandons the energy, it may instead be directed at the healing of the Earth or someone else who needs it. The unwanted energy of Reiki can be thus directed to positive use, while not ruining the law of free will.
Remember to Set Up the Exact Time for the Healing Session

It’s very important to set up the exact time for distance Reiki healing session with your patient. As practice shows, it is much more effective when the patient consciously receives distance Reiki healing session, rather than sleeping or doing other things during the healing session. He/she can fall asleep during the session, that’s normal. But even when he/she is falling asleep he/she should be conscious of the healing that is happening at the moment.
What Position Should a Patient Take While Receiving Distance Reiki Healing?
During the distance session, it is desirable for the patient to sit or lie in a relaxed position, with his/her eyes closed. It’s important to never keep arms or legs crossed because this position can create a block in energy flow. Also, never perform or receive Reiki healing with metal jewelry on. Metal also blocks energy and it affects the quality of the healing session.
What Should a Patient Do During the Reiki session?
First of all, if you receive the healing session you need to express your intention to receive distance Reiki healing and then just immerse yourself in your feelings. Also, I always recommend my patients to use affirmations or visualizations for increasing of the healing quality. During the session try to align your thoughts and feelings with the healing process, simply allow yourself to flow with the process and be carried away by the flow of healing energy.
Reiki Distance Healing Guide For Reiki Healers

This part of the article is for Reiki healers. I created this simple guide for using it as a reminder and help you to keep this information organized.
Reiki Symbols In Distance Reiki Healing
3rd Reiki Symbol (HSZSN)
The Reiki healing session is provided by the use of the 3rd Reiki symbol (HSZSN). This symbol can be called a symbol of unity and infinity. It can be translated as “no past, no present, no future”. This is the key to going beyond any time and space limits. The 3rd Reiki symbol connects us with the highest level of unity, where we are all one, where space and time do not exist. After visualizing this symbol over a person or situation, an exact contact bridge is established to transmit Reiki to that person or situation.
1st Reiki Symbol (CKR)
In cases where an enhanced energy impact on the physical body is required, the 1st Reiki symbol (CKR) is added to the 3rd Reiki symbol (HSZSN).
2nd Reiki Symbol (SHK)
In situations that require the resolution of some psychological problems, the 2nd Reiki symbol (SHK) is added.
Nowadays, in the Western Reiki system, it has become a tradition to use all the symbols at the same time. Which makes logical sense. To do this, a healer draws a corridor of Reiki symbols in the following order:
- 3rd Reiki Symbol (HSZSN)
- 1rd Reiki Symbol (CKR)
- 2nd Reiki Symbol (SHK)
How to Perform Distance Reiki Healing?

I’ll share with you one of the most common techniques Reiki healers use for distance Reiki healing. But there are many other different variations that you can use.
Remember to cleanse the room before you start your healing session. You can use Reiki for this purpose or/and other methods of energy cleansing. Also, it’s good to cleanse your aura before the session. Light a candle or/and incense to create a healing atmosphere.
Quick Instructions:
- You need to find a quiet and calm place where nobody will bother you. Sit down comfortably but keep your spine straight. Put your hands in the Gassho mudra in front of your chest. Take a few deep breaths and invite Reiki.
- Draw and activate the 3rd Reiki symbol (HSZSN).
- Express your intention to heal or to be healed (if you’re using distance Reiki healing for self-healing).
- Send the healing session by focusing on the patient or situation following one of the methods below.
- If necessary, you can add the 1st or/and 2nd Reiki symbols.
- At the end of the session place your hands in Gassho mudra in front of your chest and thank Reiki.
- When you have finished the healing session, return to the present and let go of the thought about the healing session. If you continue to think about it, you are holding the energy intended for the patient.
Ways to Perform Distance Reiki Healing:
#1 Following the positions
Imagine that you are next to the person you are healing and you are performing a traditional hands-on session.
You can place your hands in front of you (one above the other) at a distance of 5 inches and hold the healing session between your palms.
This method requires a lot of time to perform Reiki positions, and, consequently, the healer has to keep the patient’s visualization for a long time, which can be quite difficult in the absence of the acquired skill of holding the visualization.
To make the session take less time, you can imagine that you have additional pairs of hands and put them in different positions during the session. This will significantly reduce the session time. But it still requires a lot of effort to concentrate.
#2 Working with the phantom
Visualize your patient. Imagine that he/she shrinks in size and becomes very small so that he/she fits between your palms. Mentally place your patient on the palm of your left hand. Draw Reiki symbols over the phantom of your patient with your right hand. Hold Reiki healing energy between your palms (where your patient’s phantom is located), holding the palm of your right hand over the left hand.
#3 Working with the picture
Take a photo of the patient. Write down his/her name, date of his/her birth and his/her location on the reverse side of the picture (this is completely optional, you can just keep this information in mind or say it out loud).
Place the photo on the palm of your left hand. Draw Reiki symbols above it. And now you can send Reiki between your palms through the picture to your patient.
You can use this method even if you do not have a photo of the patient. In this case, write down his/her name, date of birth and location on a piece of paper. And then just send Reiki healing session through this piece of paper performing the actions described above.
As you can see, there are different ways to perform a distance Reiki healing session. Choose the one that you like best, or try all the ways and choose the one that suits you, your patient or the situation best.
How to Formulate the Intention for Distance Reiki Healing Session?
When formulating the intention for your distance Reiki healing session you need to answer 3 questions:
- Who?
- Where?
- When
When formulating the intention you need to say the first and last name of the patient. You can also specify his/her age or date of birth.
Include into your intention the location of the patient at the moment.
Include into your intention the exact time of the session. If you agree with the patient in advance about the time, then in the intention you have to set this exact time.
Sometimes it is more convenient to agree on an arbitrary time for receiving the session. In this case, use the following wording in your intention: “at any time suitable for him/her.”
Here is an example of intention:
“This distance Reiki session is intended for … (first name, last name), 26 years old, located in … (city, country)”.
“This distance Reiki session is intended for … (first name, last name), 26 years old, located in … (city, country)”. This session can be received at any suitable time for him/her.”
The Bottom Line
I encounter the fact that people who have never tried Reiki healing are often very skeptical about the possibility of distance sessions. But after they receive a regular hands-on Reiki session, most of them agree to try a distance method. And most of them, actually notice that the feelings of these sessions are brighter and it’s easier for them to relax and go to a deep meditative state which increases the energy healing process.