Peace mantra is one of the simplest to learn yet most powerful mantras. If you are following a spiritual path and want to help humanity achieve peace and harmony then you should consider chanting the peace mantra part of your daily spiritual practice. By practicing this powerful mantra, we begin to feel our unity with the whole world. As a result, we start feeling more centered. Our souls come to peace and harmony.
In this article, I’ll share with you what peace mantra is, how to chant it, and why so many people all over the world chant its sacred syllables daily.
What Is Peace Mantra?
The mantra OM SHANTI SHANTI SHANTI OM is the Peace mantra.
OM Syllable

Om is the sound of the whole cosmic manifestation.
The value of the mantra OM was emphasized by many sages and yogins. Patanjali said that one can achieve enlightenment by sitting in Padmasana (Lotus Pose) and chanting the OM mantra with full attention (while concentrating the mind on the meaning of OM mantra).
OM is also considered to be a Bija mantra (the “seed” or awakening sound, which has the property of directly affecting all our subtle bodies).
Like a bullet passing through the tissues, OM penetrates the entire being of the practitioner, starting from the physical body and ending with the causal body.
Moreover, it is believed that it is from the OM sound (vibration) that our entire manifested Universe was born in the form in which we now observe it – a magnificent illusion, which appears dense and real to the unenlightened.
OM is not just the universal sound (vibration), but the sound of the Universe itself.
For example in the Mandukya Upanishad, it is said:
Om! — This syllable is this whole world.
Its further explanation is: —
The past, the present, the future — everything is just the word Om.And whatever else that transcends threefold time — that, too, is just the word Om.
Therefore we can say that OM symbolizes reality. It represents everything in the universe, past, present, and future. It is also believed that OM represents both – the mundane world of time in which the mind normally functions, and the world as perceived by the mind that is awakened and that experiences the world timelessly. OM vibration represents both –enlightenment and non-enlightenment.
We can say that OM is the equivalent of white light, in which all of the colors of the rainbow can be found.

Shanti means peace, rest, calmness, tranquility, or bliss. It is a state in which one experiences a reverent, conscious calmness and the inspiration of full awareness of what is happening.
This state can be called a state in which one is awed by the realization of higher truths, values, and purpose. It can be achieved only after a deep experience of calmness and inspiration.
In some Buddhist texts, “Shanti” sometimes becomes synonymous with Nirvana. As you may know, Nirvana is the experience of infinite peace and tranquility. Therefore the words ‘Nirvana’ and ‘Shanti’ are used as synonymous. In the Hindu Pantheon, there is even a Goddess named Shanti, whose main purpose is to help in achieving a state of blissful and infinite tranquility.
OM Shanti
‘Om Shanti‘ means peace for the all humankind, peace for all living and nonliving beings, peace for the Universe, peace for everyone and everything in this whole cosmic manifestation. Shortly, it can be translated as “Peace Be With You”.
Chanting the word ‘Shanti’ 3 times has a meaning too:
The first ‘Shanti’ liberates us from physical burdens. It purifies us from negative thoughts related to our etheric bodies.
The second ‘Shanti’ cleanses our mind and soul. It purifies our minds from negative emotions like jealousy, hatred, anger, and worries.
The third ‘Shanti’ creates a protective energy shield that hides us from accidents and natural disasters.
Some spiritual teachers indicate that when Shanti mantra is repeated three times, the first repetition of ‘Shanti’ represents the establishment of peace on the planet (no disasters), the second repetition of ‘Shanti’ represents the establishment of peace in the society (no wars), and the third repetition of ‘Shani’ represents the establishment of peace in the soul of the practitioner.
Thinking this way, the practitioner manifests happiness for everyone, claims that he/she cares not only about his/her own well-being, but also wants the best for the whole planet and humanity.
Shanti mantra is considered to be one of the most powerful mantras used to achieve peace of mind and soul. This mantra conveys a deep sense of universal peace and serenity, called Nirvana. It is this state that allows us to merge with eternity and achieve inner and outer peace.
Osho Interpretation of the Peace Mantra
This is what Indian mystic Osho said about the Peace mantra:
OM is the symbol of the universal heartbeat; it is not a word. And as you come closer and closer to the universal heartbeat, the by-product is a deepening silence. Shanti means silence and it is always repeated three times because by the time you reach to the fourth, you are no more – just the silence has remained. You have disappeared as an entity separate from the universe.
– Osho
Shanti Mantra Benefits

Shanti mantra is based on two basic principles that, in fact, can not exist separately: harmony with the outside world and your inner spirituality. When we are chanting this powerful mantra we balance these two principles in our lives. So even if we see some events or situations that go against our spiritual beliefs we don’t get frustrated about them anymore. We develop an understanding that there is nothing unfair in this world, that everything has its purpose. In other words, we start seeing the material world through the prism of spirituality.
It is even surprising that just a couple of simple syllables have such power!!
Other Benefits of Shanti Mantra:
- cleanses your aura from negative energy;
- brings you inner peace and balance;
- adjusts the energy flows in your subtle body;
- removes negative feelings, thoughts, and emotions;
- cleanses the space around you from negative and toxic energy;
- prepares you to receive true wisdom and knowledge;
- relaxes and calms down;
- increases focus and concentration;
- brings the feeling of unity with the world;
- relieves anxiety and depression;
- helps to see the higher purpose, etc.
How to Chant the Peace Mantra?
The Peace mantra should be repeated three times (referring to the word ‘Shanti’) on the exhale.
When chanting ‘Shanti’ the first time it should be pronounced clearly and very loudly so that Nature can hear your chant. It is believed that this call calms raging forces of nature, even such as tsunamis, volcanoes, and earthquakes.
When chanting ‘Shanti’ the second time it should be pronounced quieter as if calling for silence and serenity in the world. This minimizes all scandals, illness, quarrels, injuries, and other troubles.
When chanting ‘Shanti’ the third time it should be pronounced very quietly, almost whispering. It is an appeal to one’s own spiritual world or subconscious, calling the soul to complete calm.
The Bottom Line
According to Buddhist teaching, living ethically is a path to peace. In Buddhist ethical practice, this means abstaining from actions that cause harm to yourself or others. In other words, we should not only cultivate our inner peace but also take peace into the world by practicing compassion, and by living ethically. Therefore, if you decided to start practicing the Peace mantra, you should be focusing on peaceful ethical living. The bare minimum you can do is trying to avoid causing physical harm through direct physical actions or through encouraging others to cause harm.