Have you ever walked into a new place and immediately picked up on its mood? Was it a feeling of the injustices stored at a museum or a sacred shrine that made your stomach churn? If these scenarios resonate with you, you could be a geomantic empath. And if you are, do you understand this personality? What challenges do you face as a geomantic empath? And, are there coping tips you can learn for a healthy lifestyle? I have compiled this detailed guide just for you. Let’s chat.
Who is a Geomantic Empath?
A geomantic empath is a personality type that is highly sensitive towards the energies of our planet. This trait manifests itself as an uncanny ability to tell how the earth is shifting. This empath type tends to have a deep connection with older places like cemeteries and temples.
In addition, the empath may pick on energies about an impending natural disaster before it happens. Or, they may be able to relate to the pain, joy, or fears that form the history of a particular location. Such empaths have their energies intuitively adapted to their environment.
The Challenges a Geomantic Empath Faces

#1: Natural Inclination To Toxic Environments
Whenever geomantic empaths visit locations where they have a deep connection with, they tend to extend their stay or come back as often as possible. It could be a location that the empath has had a past life there. In turn, they revisit the place to relive those close energies.
Now, it only becomes challenging when such destinations have negative energies. For example, a geomantic empath may feel intense spiritual energy when visiting the Holocaust Memorial in Berlin, Emergency Rooms in hospitals, or passing through an accident site. All of a sudden, they feel sad when in these places but they cannot explain why.
#2: Total Self-Isolation
Often, empaths need time away from people or places that overwhelm them. It is a well-deserved break from the constant involuntary absorbing of other people’s emotions. However, for some geomantic empaths, this alone time can turn into self-isolation. The thought of stepping out of the house, going on vacation, or relocating to a new city makes them anxious. They might lock themselves in their comfort zones, cut short their careers, and watch the rest of the universe moving. When it reaches this point, the empath is often mistaken for an introvert.
#3: Struggles With Depression and Anxiety
A geomantic empath faces conflicting emotions of different places all the time. Think of the anger, pain, and suffering from one place, then switching a charming party environment. More so, the empaths tend to feel guilty when celebrating, knowing that there are places where others are suffering. This inner conflict can trigger stress. Moreover, if left unchecked, this self-doubt can lead to anxiety and depression.
The Coping Tips For Geomantic Empaths

If you struggle with the above challenges of a geomantic empath, you must learn to exploit your unique abilities and safeguard your emotional wellbeing from circumstances that are toxic to you. Here are some tips to help you cope and lead a healthy lifestyle.
#1: Channel The Sensitivity Towards a Career
Did you know that geomantic empaths excel as spatial engineers, architects, interior designers, or in any other profession that involves working with space or structures? For example, as an interior designer, the empath can turn the happy memories of a home into a personal statement that pushes up the property value. Likewise, as spatial engineers, they can read an aircraft or spacecraft to gain valuable insight from them.
#2: Practice Boundaries Exercises
Are you drawn to negative vibes of a crime scene or a psychiatric hospital? Did you know that you could free yourself of these negative tendencies by creating an emotional boundary? Yes, you define what feelings are acceptable to you and keep off those that drain you. That way, you can pinpoint situations that you have no control over (circumstances in the outside world) and those that you can control (within you).
Typical boundary exercises include:
Practicing self-awareness
Examine your surroundings for boundaries or lack of them. What makes you lose self-control? When you are aware of your surroundings, you will notice a change that infringes on your confines. That way, you can react positively to protect your emotions.
If you ever feel deprived, deep meditation can help you boost your energy levels. For example, did you know that you could relieve anxiety by practicing humming bee breath? This shallow breathing technique induces relaxation.
In addition, meditation using sacred geometry is particularly potent on a geomantic empath. Here, the empath taps into the pearls of wisdom of ancient times by studying the symbolic geometry associated with those ages.
Crystal Healing

Our thought processes and emotions connect to our physical bodies. In turn, any distortion our energies can manifest as an illness. That is how geomantic empaths find themselves struggling with anxiety and depression. Luckily, nature provides us healing through its abundant crystals. These crystals suck out all the negative energies that cause us depression and anxiety. Different types of stones can correct energy imbalances causing us distress and depression. They include citrine, sunstone, carnelian, Tiger’s Eye, blue ace agate, and rose quartz.
#3: Maintain Healthy Relationships
Instead of going into pure self-isolation, a geomantic empath should cultivate healthy relationships. Socialize within emotional boundaries. For example, check out the restaurant, coffee shop, club, or shopping mall where you intend to meet up with friends before you step out. Is it a spot you would enjoy or you better avoid it?
When in healthy relationships, friends, colleagues, or family members become your support system, looking after your wellbeing. This way, you protect your mental health, sustain a career, and get opportunities to help others with your gifts.
When you step into a place, and you can feel its emotions, your thoughts and consciousness are responsive to your environment. You might also experience panic attacks when near anxious people. Unless you learn how to harness this deep connection, geomantic empath personality may pose challenges to your wellbeing. Self-awareness creates a boundary that provides freedom when in a toxic environment. Likewise, meditation and crystal healing can help to cleanse all the negativity in our aura. Finally, appreciate your personality and strive to lead a healthy lifestyle.