In nature, all living beings strive for harmony – harmony of matter and harmony of consciousness. A harmonious state of mind, body, and spirit brings vital energy into an optimal and balanced flow. A harmonious state can be achieved not only through spiritual practices but also through high vibration foods.
In this article, I will share with you what high vibrational foods are and how you can raise your consciousness by simply changing your diet.
Sounds incredible, right?
Let’s dive into it!
Tamas, Rajas, and Sattva Guna
Our body, mind, and spirit, can be influenced by one of the three gunas: tamas, rajas, or sattva.
Sattva guna is the most blissful state. It represents peace and tranquility, wisdom and knowledge, inner silence, and patience.
Rajas guna manifests itself in the highest activity, passion, strong desire, lust.
Tamas guna can be characterized as the inertia, laziness, and sleep.
It would be wrong to say that any of these conditions are absolutely positive or completely unacceptable. Although the sattvic state is considered ideal. However, it is important to understand that there is not a single living being or substance where all three gunas would not meet in different concentrations.
Each guna has its own pros and cons!
In the state of Sattva guna, we cannot experience ecstasy or enjoy colorful dreams. But it is Sattva guna that helps us to make objective decisions and stay calm and balanced inside the “emotional storm”.
In the state of Rajas guna, we are capable of doing crazy things that we eventually regret in the future. However, it is Ragas guna that gives us that spark inside that makes us move towards our goals.
Tamas guna allows us to stop and take a break, gives us a deep relaxation, and helps us to fall asleep easily. But with its excess, we seem to sink into an “energy swamp”.
Tamasic, Rajasic, And Sattvic Food
Based on the teaching of the three gunas, food can be classified into three groups: tamasic foods, rajasic foods, and sattvic foods.
Foods that decrease the energy of the body are considered tamasic.
Foods that increase the energy of the body are considered rajasic.
A sattvic diet is meant to include foods and eating habits that are pure, essential, natural, vital, energy-containing, clean, and conscious. Such foods are considered high vibration foods.
Now let’s take a closer look at each category and find out what foods each of them includes.
Tamasic Foods

Tamas food is any food that is stale, overcooked, spoiled, consumed a long time after cooking, or reheated.
Such food brings heaviness of the body and mind, increases the tendency for depression.
Tamasic foods are:
- eggs;
- fish;
- mushrooms;
- avocado;
- apricots;
- watermelons;
- plums;
- brown rice;
- meat;
- fertilized eggs;
- onion;
- garlic;
- scallion;
- leek;
- chive;
- alcoholic beverage;
- durian (fruit);
- blue cheese;
- pumpkin;
- fried food;
- canned food;
- fast food;
- frozen food;
- refined sugars;
- pickles;
- soda;
- asafoetida;
- poppy seeds;
- Valerian root;
- medical marijuana.
The foods from the above list can be included in your diet but in very small amounts. Otherwise, you will be too influenced by the lower vibrations of Tamas guna and gain its negative qualities, such as laziness, greed, addictions, ignorance, etc.
According to Yoga philosophy, tamasic foods are harmful to both mind and body. However, sometimes they are necessary during times of great physical stress and pain. Such foods help dull the pain and lower consciousness, allowing the body to repair itself. Also, tamasic foods may be deemed necessary in times of war or great distress.
Static foods stimulate and strengthen the lower two chakras, but will not assist in the beneficial development of the higher chakras. In fact, they are usually detrimental to the advancement of higher chakras.
Rajasic Foods

Bitter, too salty, and too hot foods are considered Rajasic. This kind of food stimulates the digestive fire. Rajasic foods often provoke mental restlessness. They are not completely beneficial, nor are they harmful, to body or mind.
These foods cause aggressive and dominating thoughts, especially towards others.
They energize and develop the Manipura chakra and body but do not promote advancement in the higher chakras.
Rajasic Foods are:
- salty cheese;
- chocolate;
- tomatoes;
- eggplant;
- peppers;
- potatoes;
- cucumbers;
- radishes;
- cauliflower;
- corn;
- spinach;
- millet;
- buckwheat;
- tea;
- coffee;
- white sugar;
- all products of animal origin;
- oranges;
- lemons;
- apples;
- bananas;
- grapefruits;
- white poultry meat;
- shrimps;
- almost all spices and seasonings
- any caffeinated drinks;
- energy drinks;
- Ginkgo biloba;
- spicy food;
- unfertilized eggs;
- some types of beans (but if you cook them with Asafoetida – which is considered Tamasic spice – you will get a Sattvic dish);
- chips;
- honey;
- any food that is pungent, very salty, bitter, or is not balanced in taste.
These foods can be used when there is a lack of digestive fire in the body, with an abundant accumulation of AMA (toxins and slags). But keep in mind that Rajasic foods have an aggressive effect when there is already increased rajas of the digestive system and the body as a whole.
High Vibration Foods (Sattvic Foods)
Sattvic food is nutritious, fresh, contains oils, and tastes good. Such food improves the physical condition, cleanses the mind, and smells delicious. This is what we call “High Vibration Foods”.
A sattvic diet places emphasis on seasonal foods, fruits (if one has no sugar problems), dairy products (if the cow is fed and milked in the right conditions), nuts, seeds, oils, ripe vegetables, legumes, whole grains, and plant-based proteins.
Sattvic food is also considered to be food that corresponds to the climate of the area where the person who consumes this food lives. So, if you live in a cold area, your food should be warm. But if you live in a tropical climate, make sure that your food cools the body. In a similar way, adjust your diet to the seasonal changes.
8 Groups Of High Vibration Foods
Group 1: Nuts, seeds, and oils

Fresh nuts and seeds that have not been overly roasted and salted are considered high vibration foods. However, it is recommended to eat them in small portions.
Sattvic nuts and seeds are:
- almonds (especially when soaked in water overnight and then peeled);
- hemp seeds;
- coconuts;
- pine nuts;
- walnuts;
- sesame seeds;
- pumpkin seeds;
- flax seeds.
Sattvic oils are:
- red palm oil (considered to be high vibrational);
- olive oil;
- sesame oil;
- flax oil.
When choosing oils, make sure they are of good quality and cold-pressed. Most oils should only be consumed in their raw state.
Group 2: Fruit
Fruits are an important part of the sattvic diet.
Sattvic fruits are:
- dates;
- peaches,
- pears;
- pomegranates;
- mangoes.
Group 3: Vegetables
Vegetables are another important part of the sattvic diet. Most mild, organic veggies are considered high vibration foods.
Sattvic vegetables are:
- lettuce;
- sweet potatoes;
- zucchini;
- beets;
- carrots;
- celery;
- squash.
Group 4: Whole grains
Whole grains provide nourishment. Some include organic rice, whole wheat, oatmeal, and barley. Sometimes the grains are lightly roasted before cooking to remove some of their heavy quality.
Yeasted bread is not recommended unless toasted.
Wheat and other grains can be sprouted before cooking.
Sattvic meals:
- khichdi (brown or white basmati rice cooked with whole or split mung beans, ghee, and mild spices);
- kheer (is a type of pudding made by boiling milk and rice and sweetened);
- chapatis (non-leavened whole wheat flatbread);
- porridge (sometimes made very watery and cooked with herbs);
- “Bible” bread (sprouted grain bread).
Group 5: Legumes

When choosing the beans, keep in mind that the smaller the bean, the easier to digest.
Legumes combined with whole grains can offer a complete protein source. Some yogis consider the mung bean to be the only sattvic legume.
However, less strict sattvic diet may also include:
- lentils;
- yellow split peas;
- chickpeas;
- aduki beans;
- common beans;
- organic tofu;
- bean sprouts.
Group 6: Sweeteners
Most yogis use raw honey (often in combination with dairy), jaggery, or raw sugar.
Vegans use alternative sweeteners, such as stevia or stevia leaf.
The followers of the strict sattvic diet exclude sugar, honey, along with all other sweeteners.
Group 7: Spices
Sattvic spices are herbs/leaves, including basil and coriander.
All other spices are considered either rajasic or tamasic.
The followers of less strict sattvic diet came up with the new sattvic list of spices that can be considered high vibration foods. This list includes:
- cardamom;
- cinnamon;
- cumin;
- fennel;
- fenugreek;
- turmeric (Manjai in Tamil, Haldi in Hindi).
Rajasic spices like red pepper are normally excluded but are sometimes used in small amounts to clear channels blocked by mucus.
Salt is good in strict moderation, but only unrefined salts, like Himalayan salt or unbleached sea salt, not iodized salt.
Group 8: Herbs

Herbs can be used to directly support sattva in the mind and in meditation.
Sattvic herbs include:
- ashwagandha;
- bacopa;
- calamus;
- Gotu kola;
- jatamansi;
- purnarnava;
- shatavari;
- saffron;
- shankhapushpi;
- tulsi;
- rose.
Listen To Your Body
When choosing the food take into account what your current state of mind is. Often the prevailing guna obscures the true needs of the body and does not allow a person to feel what is really missing in his body.
A lazy person will be drawn to sweets. A quick-tempered and resentful person will prefer spicy and sour dishes. Greedy and cruel people are very fond of meat.
In order for the body to understand its natural needs for certain nutrients, you need to cleanse it and listen to its requests.
Eating Properly
Now let me share with you some tips on how to practice conscious eating so that your food can help you to raise your vibrations and improve your health.
Sattvic Eating Tips:
- Only eat when you are hungry;
- Eat in a calm mood;
- Do not eat when you are sleepy, or, on the contrary, when you are too excited or nervous;
- Before eating your meal, take time to silence your mind, tune in, and smell the food you are going to eat;
- Do not read, watch TV, or talk when you are eating. Saturation should be conscious.
- High vibrational foods involve eating only freshly prepared meals.
Cooking High Vibration Foods With Love And Prayer

The cooking process itself is also very important!
During cooking, you should not be overwhelmed by any emotions. If you are annoyed, upset, offended, or depressed, all the food you’re preparing will absorb your negative energy and its vibrations will be lowered.
The Vedas advise not to talk to anyone while cooking. It is better to turn on quiet instrumental or meditative music and tune in to love.
Think only about the cooking process. Imagine how each component of your dish gives only the most useful and nutritious, and you are grateful to Mother nature for this gift.
Yes, the cooking process should be meditative.
Tune in to a good mood, calm your mind and heart. Bless your food. Say your gratitude for the fact that you have the opportunity to cook and to satisfy your hunger and heal your body with the High vibration foods you’re making.
When your food is prepared, say a prayer, affirmation, or chant a mantra for blessing your food.
Combining Gunas And Doshas
A balanced diet involves not just eating sattvic foods, but also taking into account the level of gunas in the body at the time of the meal and eating in accordance with the ayurvedic dosha.
If you don’t know what your dosha is, take our Ayurvedic Body Type Quiz.

Vata Dosha
People with Vata dosha can increase sattva by eliminating onions, garlic, eggs, meat, and fish from their diet. Also, Vata dosha people should not use too many spices such as mustard, black and red pepper, asafoetida, and limit the amount of salt when cooking.
Pitta Dosha
Pitta, which is most prone to rajas, should exclude beans (except mash and tofu), radishes, turnips, and animal products. Do not eat too much sweet, spicy, and bitter foods.
Kapha Dosha
Kapha type people are often prone to tamas. To balance it, include hot spices, whole grains, and limit legumes, meat, and animal products in your diet.
It may seem that it is impossible to keep all the nutrition recommendations in your head all the time. But this is not necessary. There is a simpler and more natural way to achieve a balanced diet. You need to cleanse and detox your body and listen to its needs.
Body practices (yoga, Qigong), pranayama, and meditation help you find the way to your body and learn to listen to its voice. Having come to this, you can be very surprised when you suddenly start to get satisfied with simple organic foods.
We are what we eat. And we are free to choose our essence, our health, and the energy that we want to fill ourselves with. Food can be both poison and medicine. But we have the power to choose high vibration foods to not only improve our health but also raise our consciousness to the next level!