Mudras (hand gestures) came to us from Hindu and Buddhist cultures. These gestures, despite their apparent simplicity, are striking in their results. With their help, people gain divine protection, improve their health, raise the level of well-being, and even attract love into their lives. This article will share with you 5 love mudras that will help you to attract love and manifest a harmonious relationship.
If you’re looking for improving your romantic luck, attracting the right partner, or bringing harmony to your relationship, read on!
What Is Mudra?
Mudra is a symbolic gesture often practiced with hands and fingers. Connecting the fingers in certain combinations, you can activate the meridians and direct energy throughout the body, and restore the flow of energy. Thus, each position of the hands has its own meaning and can benefit us if we learn to use this knowledge correctly.
How Do Mudras Work?
Different positions of the fingers have the ability to close or clear the energy channels. In addition, performing this or that mudra, we affect the biologically active points of the palms and fingers.
Mudras are invented for the correct redirection of energy in the body, for the control of prana, and for changing the psycho-emotional state. Also, with their help, you can eliminate problems in the body and in the mind by pressing on particular acupuncture points.
Each finger of the hand corresponds to certain energy. And each phalanx of each finger is responsible for a specific part of the body.
The index finger is associated with knowledge, wisdom, and self-confidence. It is connected to our life force.
The middle finger is responsible for patience and the ability to control feelings. This finger is connected to the heart and Anahata chakra.
The ring finger is responsible for health and vitality. This finger is connected to the respiratory and nervous systems.
The pinkie is associated with a creative component of the personality and the ability to see beauty. This finger is responsible for the pelvic organs.
The thumb is responsible for our ego, will, and logic. Also, this finger is associated with wisdom, mind, and awareness.
In addition, each finger is connected with different parts of the body and internal organs. For example, the upper phalanx of the thumb is a “projection” of the head. The ring and middle fingers correspond to the right and left foot, and the pinkie and index fingers correspond to the right and left hand.
By performing mudras with your hands, you definitely stimulate those parts of the body and organs that are directly connected to the energy channels that pass through the palms and fingers.
Fingers And Elements
Each finger is associated with one of the 5 elements.

Thumb connects us to the Fire element (Agni).
The index finger is associated with the energy of the Air element.
The middle finger is responsible for the Ether.
The ring finger connects us to the energy of the Earth.
The pinkie represents Water.
Thus, by performing mudras, you redistribute the energy in your body. You regulate its flow through the opening and closing of energy channels as you do when practicing Hatha yoga. The only difference is that in Hatha yoga you achieve this effect by taking different body poses whereas in mudra practice you do the same but with your fingers.
The thumb, representing the element of Fire, is considered the main finger in Yoga mudra. With whatever other finger the tip of the thumb comes in contact with, it will strengthen the element that this finger or a combination of several fingers represents.
How To Perform Love Mudras?
No special preparations are required to perform the mudras. You just need to take a meditative pose, choose one of the asanas (Sukhasana, Vajrasana, or Padmasana) and while you are meditating, you can easily hold the mudra. Or, you can simply relax, sit comfortably and begin to perform the mudra.
You can perform mudras anywhere: when you’re riding on public transportation, when you are listening to music or watching a movie, etc. Mudras have one very attractive factor: whether you are focused on their performance or not, whether you deeply believe in their power or not – they will work anyways (regardless of the situation and your mood).
Love mudras are recommended to be performed daily. The duration of the practice should be 5-15 minutes.
5 Love Mudras
#1: Ganesha Mudra

Named after the Hindu Elephant God Ganesha, this mudra is believed to invoke his energy as the remover of obstacles. People turn to Ganesh in the hope of gaining wealth and receiving wise advice. If you are experiencing difficulties in your family life and romantic relationships, it is time to resort to Ganesha mudra.
This powerful love mudra stimulates the Anahata chakra (Heart) and can, therefore, be considered a heart-opening practice. With regular practice, this mudra may evoke strong feelings of warmth and brightness in the heart area. As a result, you become more open and gain self-confidence. This mudra helps to settle quarrels and build trust in your relationship.
Bring the palms together in Anjali Mudra, before swiveling each hand so that the fingertips point towards opposite elbows. The right palm should be facing towards the body, the left palm facing away. Once in this position, slide the hands back until the fingers lock together and grasp each other. The thumbs simply rest on top of the little finger of the opposite hand. The hands stay at the level of the heart as they are energetically pulled apart without releasing the grip.
#2: Padma Mudra

Padma Mudra is a symbol of purity, light, and beauty emerging from the darkness. By practicing this beautiful mudra you’re opening yourself to the light and coming to a realization that the greatest sense of steadiness in life is an open heart. Hence Padma mudra helps you to open and balance your Heart Chakra (Anahata).
This mudra also helps to heal a “broken heart”, strengthens unconditional love for all living beings or for a particular person, opens the heart, helps to attract a soul mate, drains out the misunderstanding, and helps to release tension.
Take a cross-legged position. Bring the base of the palms together at the heart center, touching the thumbs and pinky fingers together. Spread the rest of the fingers out like the lotus flower opening toward the sunlight. Close your eyes and take several deep and long breaths.
Visualize a Lotus Bud in your heart that is opening more and more with each breath. When the flower blooms completely, it begins to absorb the sunlight, it is filled with love, joy, warmth, and light. Imagine and try to feel how love and compassion for all people are growing in your heart. Visualize and feel that there is so much love in your heart that there is no more room for loneliness, sadness, or any other negative emotions.
To make your mudra practice even more powerful start chanting the following mantra 108 times: Om Padme Padme Mahapadme Padmavati Maye Svaha
#3: Kundalini Mudra

Kundalini Mudra awakens our sexuality and unites the feminine and masculine energy in the body. This beautiful mudra is a symbol of the individual and universal Self merging together. Many schools of yoga and martial arts recognize the great power of our sexuality and Kundalini Mudra is a way of tapping into electric energy that is harbored within the body. This mudra helps to eliminate such problems as impotence, frigidity, and infertility. In addition, it significantly enhances sexual attractiveness.
Form a loose fist with your hands in front of the belly, as low as possible. Extend your left index finger and slide it inside the right fist from below. Place your right thumb on top of the left index finger, while the remaining four fingers of the right hand are wrapped around it, covering it from above.
You can practice Kundalini Mudra three times a day for 15 minutes.
#4: Shiva Linga Mudra

Shiva brings renewal through the destruction of the old, dying world. It represents youth and strength. Shiva linga is the phallic symbol of His power, the source of life. Shiva Linga Mudra represents both God and Goddess. It’s a symbol of the unification of the masculine and the feminine energies – Shiva and Shakti. In this mudra, the right hand with the upright thumb represents the masculine force and the left hand symbolizes feminine energy.
Shiva Linga Mudra helps you to feel grounded; open and balance your Muladhara Chakra. This mudra also helps in relieving anxiety and stress by calming the mind. Women can practice this mudra when they have trouble conceiving a child. This mudra is also used to gain self-confidence, banish depression, and simply get an energy boost. Regular practice of this mudra will make you more cheerful, optimistic, and attractive.
Keep the left hand at abdomen level and in a bowl shape. Let the fingers of the left hand stay together. Making a fist, place the right palm over the left palm. The thumb of the right hand should be extended upward. Hold this mudra for 15 minutes.
#5: Ushas Mudra

Named after the goddess Ushas (the goddess of the dawn) who is said to bring light to the world each morning and banish oppressive darkness. This beautiful mudra symbolizes and harnesses the energy of creativity and life, and setting things in motion. Each morning, Ushas provides us with a new dawn, a new day, and the opportunity to start again.
Ushas Mudra helps to harmonize intimate relationships. It works best when you perform it with your partner. This powerful love mudra generates vibrations of sexual attraction, eliminates problems in the reproductive sphere, increases sexual energy, and deepens intimacy. Its practice helps to harmonize hormones, awaken sexuality, and create pleasure.
Interlace the fingers so that the palms are facing your body, and the thumb tips are touching. For men, it’s traditional to place the right thumb on top, and for women – the left.
Rest your hands on your lap and visualize a dawn sky, peace, quietness, and the hint of a rising sun. As you visualize this, begin to bring into your awareness positive changes you want to make in your life. See yourself living and feeling how you want to live. Make the images in your mind as vibrant and realistic as you can.
Either silently or out loud, chant the mantra Om Ushase Namaha to invoke Ushas’ energy.
Continue the practice for as long as feels comfortable.
The Bottom Line
Love Mudras are a simple yet powerful way to align yourself with the vibrations of Divine love and increase your attractiveness. When you’re practicing Love Mudras, try to stay focused on your intentions and visualize the desired result. Remember that where the intention flows, the energy goes. Therefore, combining love mudras with intentions, visualizations, love mantras, or love affirmations will significantly increase the effectiveness of your practice.