Seven main chakras ascend along the spine, from the navel to the top of the head. Each chakra has a symbol that signifies its individual characteristics and energies. These symbols are of spiritual importance and have a deep-seated meaning. This article will introduce you to chakra symbols and their meanings.
What is a Chakra?
The term ‘chakra’ comes from Sanskrit and means ‘wheel,’ signifying the movement of the energy within the human body. When this energy force flows freely, the chakras will spin, providing access to a heightened level of awareness. Each main chakra can be represented by a symbol consisting of different images, shapes, and colors.
Symbolic Representation of The Chakras
The chakras are energy centers in the body that are connected to the various aspects of our lives. Each chakra is associated with different emotions, thoughts, and energies. The seven main chakras are associated with our physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. By connecting to the chakras, we can bring balance to our lives, improve health, and gain insight into the deeper aspects of our being.

As you can see in the above picture, each chakra is represented by a yantra with lotus flower petals. The colors associated with each chakra signify their individual energy – the chakras are laid out in the same sequence of colors as a rainbow, beginning at the bottom of the spine. By understanding chakra symbols, we can also understand the purpose of the chakras.
Chakra Symbols
The seven chakras have been represented by symbols for centuries. These symbols have come to represent each of the seven energy centers in the body. By understanding the meaning of the chakra symbols, we can gain insight into how we can work with the energy of the chakras to promote overall balance and well-being.
Root Chakra Symbol

Muladhara chakra is the first of the seven main chakras located in the perineum and coccyx. This chakra connects us with the earth and provides a harmonious movement of energy in the body.
The Root chakra holds a complex symbol meaning, which is depicted by the alchemical symbol of the earth element. The Mudhalara is associated with this symbol, illustrating its capacity to promote grounding energy.
The four-petalled lotus symbolizes the four distinct areas of consciousness – Manas (mind), Buddhi (intellect), Chitta (consciousness), and Ahamkara (ego).
The square symbolizes fundamental life power, steadiness, and dependability. This four-sided figure is representative of essential life energy.
The Yantra within the sacred lotus flower is represented by an inverted triangle, with three points relevant to consciousness, experience, and divine entities. It is a symbol of the earth element, thus exuding grounding energy.
The Root chakra is symbolized by the color red, which is associated with feelings of power, control, and safety. Additionally, it is a representation of humanity’s birth of consciousness.
Sacral Chakra Symbol

Svadhisthana (Sacral chakra) is located between the pelvic bones in the lower abdomen area.
The sacral chakra is represented by a symbol composed of six lotus petals, each with a specific meaning. This symbol represents the energies of the sacral chakra, which are related to creativity, emotions, sexuality, and abundance. The color associated with this chakra is usually orange. Each of the six petals of the symbol is meant to signify a different area of life that the sacral chakra influences.
The Svadhishthana, more commonly known as the sacral chakra, is our main energy center. It is associated with water, signifying flexibility, activity, and vitality.
The six-petal lotus associated with the sacral chakra symbolizes the overcoming of negative emotions and qualities, such as anger, jealousy, cruelty, hatred, and pride. This is believed to allow us to embrace our divine qualities.
The circles depicted in the Yantra symbolize the water element and the moon, signifying the repetitiveness of life’s stages, such as birth, death, and revival.
The crescent moon is a representation of cycles and flux, chaos, and perpetual activity.
The orange color is associated with the sacral chakra. It is a stimulating and vibrant hue that symbolizes the chakra’s effects on sexuality, closeness, intimacy, creativity, and imagination.
Solar Plexus Chakra Symbol

The Solar plexus chakra is called “Manipura,” which means “lustrous gem.” The Manipura chakra is responsible for our ability to follow our true path without being distracted. It’s responsible for creativity, intelligence, ego, curiosity, and clarity of mind.
The location of the Manipura chakra is in the Solar Plexus area, just above the navel.
The representation of the Solar plexus chakra symbol is associated with the fire element and the sun.
The ten petals of the solar plexus chakra symbolize the ten pranas that are within us: Prana, Apana, Udana, Vyana, Samana, Naga, Kurma, Devadatta, Krikala, and Dhananjay.
The inverted triangle symbolizes the act of redirecting vital force downwards through the chakras to impede the flow of Kundalini.
The yellow color symbolizes our inner Light, which is connected to our self-esteem, confidence, and self-respect.
Heart Chakra Symbol

The Heart chakra is the fourth chakra located in the center of the body. In Sanskrit, the heart chakra is called Anahata, which means an unharmed, spiritual place where past resentment and experiences cannot hurt us anymore.
Anahata chakra is linked to the air element.
Located in the center of the chest, the Anahata chakra connects our physical and spiritual nature by connecting the three lower chakras (Root, Sacral, and Solar Plexus chakras) with the three higher chakras (Throat, Third Eye, and Crown chakra).
The Heart chakra is represented by a twelve-petalled lotus. Each lotus petal is symbolic of twelve special qualities: love, joy, balance, intelligence, sympathy, mercy, serenity, lucidity, sensitivity, cleanliness, tenderness, and absolution.
The six-pointed star is a symbol of the harmony created when masculine and feminine energies come together. It is depicted as two overlapping triangles, one facing up and one down, combining to form the star shape. This balance of the male and female essences creates the star.
The hexagram is a symbol composed of two triangles, which symbolize how the heart chakra works to link the energy system together.
The green color of the chakra symbolizes our capability to extend, acquire, and cure, helping us to part with hurt and sorrow.
Throat Chakra Symbol

The Vishuddha, otherwise known as the throat chakra, is closely correlated with the capacity for self-expression and communication. When this chakra is blocked, it can have a negative effect on one’s authenticity. Vishuddha is associated with the ether element.
The Throat chakra is represented by the sixteen-petaled lotus. The Sanskrit language has sixteen vowels, which are symbolically represented by the sixteen petals of the lotus. These vowels are gentle and effortless, embodying the lightness of verbal expression.
The inverted triangle is a representation of the power from the lower three chakras, channeled and rotating towards the higher energy centers.
The circular symbol for this chakra includes a white circle. This shape is associated with the full moon, which stands for the process of releasing.
The blue color of Vishuddha is associated with promoting emotional well-being as it is seen to represent tranquillity, honesty, reliability, and wisdom.
Third-Eye Chakra Symbol

Ajna, the third eye chakra, is located at the center of your forehead. This chakra controls and energizes the pineal gland and the nervous system. It also allows us to see things as they really are through our inner vision and wisdom. Therefore, it is often called “the Third Eye.”
A circle with two petals represents the Third eye chakra. The two petals symbolize the seed syllables and the bond connecting the individual with the divine.
The inverted triangle represents an energy channel that is linked to our consciousness and our Higher self. It is seen as a symbol of the activation of the pineal gland.
The indigo color of the Third eye chakra symbolizes spiritual significance and intuition.
Crown Chakra Symbol

The Crown chakra, or Sahasrara, is the 7th chakra located on the top of the head, directly above the top, and outside the dense body. Sahasrara is responsible for our spiritual power, spiritual transformation, spiritual evolution, and enlightenment. It is believed to be the connection between physical and spiritual realms, and a doorway for our spiritual journey.
Sahasrara is represented by a circle with a thousand petals which stands for our connection to the divine and unity with the Universe.
The circle represents the cyclical nature of the Universe and the continuity of energy.
Sahasrara appears in a combination of two colors – violet and white. These vibrant colors shine from the crown of the head, symbolizing illumination and spiritual growth.