Almost all natural crystals are powerful accumulators of cosmic energy and are able to influence our destiny. If used correctly, you can improve your finances and attract success. In this article, we will tell you about the
Crystals For Prosperity And Success
Over the centuries, crystals always accompanied the man. It is associated with concepts such as the inviolability and immortality because the mineral lives an eternity (by human standards).
Each crystal is endowed with certain abilities and has a specific impact on a particular aspect of human life. Crystals that bring good luck and wealth to its owner are especially popular.
Crystals have the power to improve your financial situation, attract prosperity, money, and success. Most of them, in addition to the ability to attract money and prosperity, are endowed with the ability to reveal your hidden business abilities and improve your character.
By choosing the right crystal you’re inviting good luck into your life. If your goal is to attract prosperity and success then check out the list below – here are some of the most powerful crystals that can help you reach your goals!

This crystal is known to humanity since ancient times. Chrysolite is a very beautiful mineral. It is considered a leader among the crystals for prosperity.
If you wear a ring with this beautiful crystal on your index finger it will help you to open the financial flow, sharpen business acumen and intuition, and improve your business relationship with people.

Another very powerful crystal that brings good luck and money is citrine. Citrine gives you a good mood and cleanses your mind from negative and pessimistic thoughts.
If you have a business trip ahead – do not forget to bring an amulet with citrine with you! It will give you the gift of eloquence and make future companion feel confidence in your ideas.
Moreover, citrine is a powerful protector from someone’s envy and evil eye and negative energy.

Topaz is a crystal of wealth that helps not to lose the thread leading to success and career growth. If you’re ambitious and bold then topaz is a must-have crystal for you. It helps to maintain a reasonable balance in relations with subordinates, strengthens the necessary business connections, helps to get rid of illusions and to look at life sensibly.
You can use this beautiful crystal both in jewelry and as a decoration for your workplace.

If you are not afraid to take risks, then aventurine is just for you.
Green aventurine crystal can make a great amulet to attract money. The ideal option is a ring or a bracelet. It’s best to wear an aventurine ring on the right hand, as it considered to be the channel that attracts profits.
Red aventurine crystal helps luck to find the way to your business. Put a small red aventurine in your pocket and carry it with you at work. It will give you confidence and will help you to relieve excessive stress. And the freer you are

Jade is a crystal that attracts good luck and wealth. It’s especially beneficial for people running a family business.
The amulet made of Jade will protect you against any negative influence, ruin, and human envy.
If your jade crystal has darkened and lost its luster, it should be replaced and the old one should be buried in the ground.

The ancient Hindus gave it the name “money vault”. Sapphire is closely related to the planet Jupiter and acts very gently and unobtrusively.
It should be worn on the index finger of the left hand. Or you can wear it in the form of jewelry on the silver chain.
You can place the untreated sapphire crystal in the Southeast sector of your house which according to the Feng Shui Bagua map is considered to be the money sector.
Sapphire will protect you from the competition and your business from ruin. It helps to achieve your business or money goals and learn a new level of knowledge, which will later be able to monetize.

Garnet is a crystal that attracts money to those who are trying to start a business from scratch. It helps to make the first steps and stand out in the business. Activity, commitment, creativity – these are the qualities it develops in its owner.
However, you should remember that garnet comes into contact only with the strong spirit of a person who is ready to learn and develop.

Malachite is one of the most powerful crystals for prosperity and business success! It attracts helpful people, clients, and new business opportunities.
By placing tiny pieces of malachite in the corners of the room where the trade or deals are made, you will experience and abundance of
Clear Quartz

This is the most popular crystal on the planet. It doesn’t bring wealth directly, but it contributes to business luck. It helps to clear your mind of toxic negative thoughts and find inner peace.
In a dangerous situation, Clear Quartz crystal darkens, warning its owner about an impending disaster.
Clear Quartz helps to find emotional firmness, to activate thought processes, to see a situation from
Put a small Clear Quartz ball in the office and it will help you to find the best solutions to any of your problems, to overcome mental confusion, and to open the way to money flow.
Do not wear Clear Quartz

Amber helps to successfully sell anything! Meditating with this mineral several times a week, you can significantly improve memory, overcome shyness and excessive stiffness, develop the gift of eloquence.
This crystal attracts positive energy and acts as a powerful money talisman. It helps to attract money and well-being to your house.
Tiger Eye

This magical crystal is a powerful talisman against the evil eye and poverty. Becoming heavier than usual, it warns its owner of danger. Tiger eye helps to make the right decisions, increasing will power and common sense. It also protects from rash actions.
Ring with Tiger eye crystal on the finger of your
The brighter and richer the Tiger eye is, the stronger its impact on your energy. It gives you the gift of perspicacity, the ability to “read” people’s minds, to negotiate and to gain. It also helps you to think clearly and quickly.
Tiger eye is particularly active in spring, summer, and early autumn. In winter, it seems to hibernate, so in the cold months, it is better not to use it.

Ruby gives you the ability to dream big, not to be afraid to experiment and take risks. It strengthens the desire to listen to other people, helps to ask for help and to receive reliable support.
This crystal is perfect for those who have a lack of initiative and striving for material prosperity. This will definitely benefit them and get rid of most of the shortcomings.
Another advantage of Ruby is smoothing excessive emotionality and fussiness.
Wearing Ruby on the pinky finger and thumb can be dangerous.

This crystal attracts good luck and wealth. It gives its owner confidence, clarity of thought, the ability to analyze and solve problems, to get out of the most dangerous situations. Tourmaline minimizes financial risks.
Green tourmaline is a powerful crystal that acts like a magnet to money and wealth. It helps people to build a career. By absorbing the excess energy, it protects against unnecessary actions, careless words, and outbursts of aggression. Tourmaline relaxes, soothes, relieves stress and chronic fatigue
Tourmaline is gaining special power from
4 Ways To Use Crystals For Prosperity And Success
By wearing jewelry made of the crystals you align your energy with the energy of the crystal. So you start to radiate abundance energy. As you know, we always attract what we radiate. As a result, you attract abundance and success into your life!
Crystal Money Trees

These beautiful souvenirs are very powerful Feng Shui tools for attracting wealth and success energy into your house or office. Just place a crystal tree in the wealth corner of your office or the wealth sector of your house.
Carry the Crystal In Your Pocket
This option is suitable for those who do not like or can not (due to the dress code) wear jewelry. In this case, just put the crystal in your LEFT pocket and carry it with you.
Desktop Amulet
Place an amulet made of crystal on your desktop. It can be a crystal pyramid, crystal elephant, crystal ball, etc. This amulet will charge your desktop with prosperity energy and align your personal energy with abundance vibrations of the crystal. Once you place such an amulet on your desktop you very soon will notice that all your projects are getting more and more successful and your bank account is growing!
There are many crystals that can help you ta attract abundance and success into your life. In this article, we shared with you 13 crystals for prosperity that, in our opinion, are the most powerful. Give them a chance to help you attract prosperity and good luck! But before using them make sure to cleanse and charge them first!