In one way or another, we, modern people, interact with numbers every day. No wonder there are so many people understand the importance of numerology in their life. In fact, each number has its own energy with unique frequency and vibration. Every number we interact with provides its energy to us thus influencing our lives. In this article, I will share with you some important information about lucky and unlucky Feng Shui house numbers. Also, I’ll provide some helpful tips for those of you who happen to have unlucky Feng Shui house numbers.
Let’s get it started!
Why Feng Shui?
There are different kinds of numerology that provide different information about numbers and their meanings. So why should we use the Chinese one?
Well, as you may already know when we talk about creating harmony within the house we’re talking about Feng Shui. It is Feng Shui that helps us with the usage of energy forces to harmonize our lives with the surrounding environment. Therefore, when we want to understand how house numbers influence the lives of the people who live within it we should refer to the knowledge of Feng Shui house numbers.
The Chinese believe that the house (or apartment) number can activate the energy flow that affects the overall atmosphere of the house.
Often misfortunes, if they are repeated too often, can be associated with an unlucky house (or apartment) number.
In Feng Shui science, there is a whole section devoted to numerological “magic”. According to Feng Shui numerology, you can even change your life by simply choosing what numbers you allow to surround you.
How to Calculate Feng Shui House Number?
To calculate your Feng Shui house number all you need to do is add up the numbers until you arrive at a number of nine or less. For example, if your house number is 1746 you add 1+7+4+6 = 18. Then you add the remaining two numbers 1+8 = 9.
Feng Shui House Number Meanings
In modern China, it is very common to choose a house according to its number meaning. Lucky numbering is a well-chosen combination of complementary numbers. Here is the list of the numbers and their meanings.
Number 1
This number is a kind of reference point, the first step from the beginning. It is a crystal clear number that can increase the property of neighboring numbers.
Number 1 brings the energy of new beginnings, freshness, an open and unobstructed flow.
People living in such a house are purposeful, energetic, and determined. They have the ability to lead any business to success. Therefore you may notice that such people often choose to have their own business or become bosses. The owner of this house has the makings of a public person who easily makes contact with others.
However, the residents of such a house may have personal problems. For example, if a pessimist lives in such a house, he/she will feel uncomfortable and unhappy there. Or if a person has a large family, there will be conflicts and disagreements in this family.
Such a house is perfect for entrepreneurs, people with a positive mindset but not so good for those who prone to depression, pessimism or for big families.
Number 2

This number is defined as a very light number that can double the value of adjacent numbers – both negative and positive.
Number 2 brings partnership, harmony, balance, cooperation, beginning of stability.
It is quiet and peaceful in such a house, The residents appreciate and respect each other. However, a hot-tempered and impulsive person, who does not listen to other people’s opinion and behaves defiantly, will not be happy in such a house.
Usually, people that live in such a house have a very harmonious and close relationship with each other. It is actually an ideal place for couples. Interestingly, over time, the owners of the house develop their intuition and empathy that help them in life.
Such a house teaches people a karmic lesson of patience. If residents learn this lesson, then they achieve happiness and harmony.
Number 3
This number gives a strong start, growth, creative self-expression, and rapid expansion.
This is the house where people often have fun. Usually, such a house attracts bright personalities with extraordinary thinking as residents. Such a house is suitable for people of creative professions, such as poets, musicians, artists, and teachers. This house helps people to gain wisdom and develop spiritually.
However, there may be frequent conflicts, associated with the chaos that is happening there. People living in such a house tend to relax and have fun rather than to work. It will be difficult in such a house for those who prefer peace and solitude. But it can be a good option for people who have no family and children, as well as creative people.
Number 4

This number implies a negative value. It brings unhappiness. In Cantonese, the pronunciation for number 4 is the same as the pronunciation for death. Such a house gives people very grounding energy and serious karmic lessons.
Such a house can be suitable for those people who want stability. The owners eventually become purposeful, assertive, and practical. This house can be the beginning of a bright future. But to achieve good results in life, the residents of this house should be very disciplined.
However, such a house brings people too much work so they almost do not have a chance to relax. Such a house is rarely noisy and crowded. There is almost no sense of joy.
Number 5
This number brings radical transformation, change, and adventure.
Do you feel like you’ve been stuck in life? Do you want changes and growth? Then it’s time to change your place of residence. Feng Shui house number 5 is perfect for you. There you will feel like a really happy person. You will begin to attract positive changes in your personal life, you will find an interesting job with a good salary. Thanks to business trips you will have a change of activities. Family members and friends will be frequent guests at your house.
The only thing you will have to get used to is the daily routine. You’ll have to get up at about 7 am and go to bed after midnight. Eventually, you will be drawn into such a lifestyle. You will become an enterprising person! However, such a house can also bring a frequent change of sexual partners.
If by nature you are a calm person who likes to be in silence, does not like experiments and noisy company, then it is better not to settle in such a house.
Number 6

Six is the number of prosperity, material well-being, and wealth. Such houses teach their residents patience, care, and practicality.
This house is an ideal place for a “love nest”. The relationship between the residents is perfect. Frequent guests of such a house are close family members and friends. Respect for traditions is the basis of such a house.
If it is an apartment that has this Feng Shui number, it means that creative people live in it. Such people usually decorate their apartment so that it was different from the others.
Such a house is a great choice for those who want to become an actor or a singer.
However, such a house can also bring financial difficulties.
Number 7
This number brings self-contemplation, personal growth, and sometimes solitude.
Such a house is a perfect option for those who have grown tired of the noise of modern life and want to relax and be alone. This house is best suited for students of technical schools, teachers or professors. In such a house you can think about life, dream, set your goals and move towards them.
The most important thing for the residents of such a house is education. However, there may be problems associated with material prosperity. Such a house is not a good option for those who decided to start a family or have children.
Usually, people who live in such a house hide their emotions, don’t like to talk about their problems, tend to hide their feelings inside.
Number 8

This number brings infinitely abundant energy, a never-ending flow, and many blessings.
Do you want to be rich and successful? Then Feng Shui house number 8 is perfect for you! This number helps to become successful and achieve your goals. It brings respect and authority.
This house is suitable for people who like to risk. Also, people who live in such a house gradually become involved in spirituality, attend personal growth workshops and social events.
However, it’s not a good option for those people who don’t know how to manage and save money. If you already live in such a house you need to learn how to control your spending and become wiser in money management. Also, you have to always remember that money is not the main value in life.
Number 9
It is a favorable, lucky number, symbolizing health, prosperity, achieving the highest accomplishment, contentment in success, gratitude.
Such a house is good people who have non-standard thinking. These people help their loved ones in difficult times, they have developed a sense of compassion. Such a house is a place where the residents can reflect on life and develop spiritually.
The relationship between family members is smooth and harmonious.
Such house asks for good care. If you don’t take proper care of the house you may experience problems in life.
Feng Shui House Numbers: Auspicious Number Combinations
There is another way to look at house numbers – to pay attention to lucky and unlucky number combinations.
Here is the list of auspicious number combinations.
12 – is a money combination.
68 – symbolizes financial success, money; attracts success and abundance.
67 – brings prosperity and self-confidence.
28 – is associated with large purchases.
19 – generates energy flows of abundance, directs them in the right direction.
168 – brings luck absolutely in any sphere of life. It is a harmonious and balanced combination which brings well-being.
33 – is a very strong combination able to push for the implementation of the goal.
99 – means doubling the strength of the magic number 9. It helps to solve health problems and bring more positivity into your life.
78 – brings lucky opportunities, prosperity, and success.
789 – symbolizes success and strong energy.
Best Feng Shui Number Combinations For Apartments
21 – translates as “Easy win”. This number brings good luck and easy success.
23 – translates as “Easy growth”. This number attracts achieving goals, positive energy, and good performance.
29 – translates as “Easy longevity”. This number promises long life and good health.
39 – translates as “Health growth”. Diseases do not like this number and pass by such an apartment.
76 – translates as “Certain wealth”. Attracts money growth, abundance, wealth, successful financial transactions.
Feng Shui House Numbers: Inauspicious Number Combinations
You should always be careful with the number 4 and any combinations of numbers that include it.
Among the unfavorable combinations that you should always try to avoid are the following:
13 – although these numbers alone do not mean anything bad, together they act as a brake;
66 – there is nothing negative in number 6 alone, but the second 6 destroys auspicious aspects of the first 6;
443 – two deadly fours reinforced by a three – a disastrously unlucky number;
40 – means a loss at the earliest stage of the movement, that is, you do not have time to do even half the way, as everything starts to collapse;
47 – although this number does not predict failure, it will not bring good luck;
34 – the negative effect of the number 4 is amplified by the growing number 3;
49 – this number awakens negative energy in all spheres;
24 – a deadly combination that brings the loss of something incredibly important and significant in a person’s life; it also brings separation and disease;
58 – brings material collapse in the literal sense;
95 – this combination literally is a magnet for all disasters in the world around you, no matter what it is: fire, flood, death of loved ones or the loss of all money;
64 – quick loss of financial benefits, bankruptcy;

56 – creates obstacles; nothing is given without applying incredible effort.
Cure for Inauspicious Numbers
If you already live in a house that has inauspicious or even dangerous numbers, don’t panic! As I mentioned at the beginning of the article, I’ll share with you how to neutralize the dangerous energy of unlucky number.
In order to neutralize the negative effects of the unlucky number, you need to encircle the number. Once the house number has a nice circle around it, enclosing all of the numbers, the negative energies are stopped dead in their tracks.

Another way to neutralize the negative impact of numbers is to add the right number to the unlucky number to get a lucky number. For example, your apartment number is 13. This number is considered unlucky because of 1+3=4. And as you already know, number 4 symbolizes death. In this case, you can turn this number into 21, by simply putting a sticker with the inscription “+17” on the main door next to the apartment number. Thus, your apartment will transmit the energy of the number 21, because of 4+17=21!
Instead of a sticker, you can use transparent nail polish and write with it “+17” on the main door next to your apartment number.
The Bottom Line
As you can see, it’s not necessary to move into another house or apartment in order to neutralize the negative influence of the house/apartment number. This is the greatest benefit of Feng Shui – we can use this knowledge without making cardinal changes. But when you start following Feng Shui tips, very soon you will see how these simple cures change your life for better!