Your present is a reflection of your past worldview. Take a look around! Everything you have today is the result of your thoughts and actions in the past. If you’re not happy with your life or have problems with relationships you probably need to consider a karmic relationship healing.
As long as you’re attached to your past you give your energy to it. Thereby you take away the energy from the present. When you’re constantly reflecting on memories in your head (no matter if they are pleasant or unpleasant) it leads to a biased perception of the present moment. The present moment, in turn, has an impact on what your future will be. If there is not enough energy in the present moment, it will be even less in the future. Thus, your thoughts about the past have an impact not only on your present but also creates an energy deficit in your future.
Karmic Relationship Healing And Chakras
Very often other people “pull” us into the past. It can be people that hurt us, people we hurt, people with whom we argued, people we broke up with, etc. The memories of these people (conscious or subconscious) take energy through the energy cords that block our chakras.
Energy cord is an energy channel, which is formed as a result of a violation of harmonious energy interaction of a person with other people and forms attachments.
Negative emotions form cords on the corresponding chakras.
The Danger Of Energy Cords
The energy cords are dangerous because they cause energy failures in the energy field: from slowing the flow of energy to its complete stop in a certain chakra.
In addition, the cords significantly aggravate the communication, depriving you of liberty, weaken your connection with your Higher Self, and inhibit your development.

If your negative emotions are very strong, they can form energy cords that can persist for several incarnations. Moreover, in each new incarnation, you will attract those souls with whom you have energy cords again and again. And this circle of incarnations among the same souls will continue until you release yourself from these cords. Such a circle of incarnations, tied to the same souls, is called ”karmic connection”.
It is the absence of attachments (energy cords) that is an indicator of a free spirit. Therefore, in order to fully and harmoniously develop, it is necessary to get rid of karmic cords and free yourself from attachments.
Liberation from the energy cords does not imply the destruction of the energy connection between people but means the acquisition of freedom at the disposal of one’s life. For example, freed from the attachment to parents, you will not stop loving them and will not lose their love, but will find a harmonious relationship without pressure and manipulation.
The Most Common Attachments
Now let’s take a look at the most common energy cords that can affect your life in a very negative way.
This energy cord has a negative impact on health. When you feel offended, in your thoughts you return to your offender, again and again, thereby generously giving your vital energy to your offender.
This cord is based on your aggression directed at yourself. When we feel guilty, we realize that we can not correct what we’ve done. In our mind, we constantly analyze the thoughts of how we can beg forgiveness from the one who we hurt, and what we can do to make amends. As a result of systematic analyzing of such thoughts, the energy cord is formed.
Jealousy, Dependence, Passion
These kinds of cords arise when one person has a need to possess another person. He constantly thinks about the object of his lust, dreams about it, passionately wanting to get what he wants. Such thoughts create a strong energy cord.
Unrequited love
This cord has a very strong negative impact on health. It pulls out a very large amount of energy from the one who loves, and the one who’s loved. Naturally, here we are talking about illusory love because true love is always unconditional and brings only positive emotions.
This cord is created as a result of building a plan of revenge in your head.
Pity, desire to save
This kind of cord is formed by ego. It is the ego that thinks that you are a Savior and a hero, makes you think that you are doing a good job, constantly “hanging” other people’s problems on your shoulders, and thinking that without your help and support people cannot cope. However, at the energy level, a cord is formed, on which your energy flows away towards the person you are so desperately trying to save. Thus, you become a donor for the energy vampire. Such a binding blocks both: your own development (because you simply do not have enough energy for it) and the development of the person to whom you are so actively helping to solve problems (because you take away from him/her the necessary life lessons for evolution and spiritual growth). As a result, interfering in the life of another person, you form a strong karmic connection.
Parent cords

These cords are based on the desire to control your child. As a rule, parents explain their behavior with care and love, but this is a big mistake. Love cannot exist where there are an addiction and a desire to subjugate another person. Love lives only where freedom exists. If parents do not accept their child as an independent person and do not give him full freedom of self-realization, their energy completely blocks his main chakras, which prevents him from successfully building his personal life.
Karmic Relationship Healing Practice
No matter what kind of energy cords and attachments we have there is always something we can do. I’m talking about self-healing. Let me share with you a very powerful practice that provides a karmic relationship healing. This practice is aimed at the liberation from negative energy cords to a particular person.
First, you need to find out who you are attached to. Give yourself time to think about it. Who comes to mind most often? Write down the names of all the people you think about most often. After all, these are the people you have karmic cords with.

Now you have a list of people to whom you are energetically attached. Follow the practice below, starting with the first person on your list.
- Light a candle with the intention to get rid of negative energy cords to … (say the name and last name of the person).
- Take a relaxed position, close your eyes.
- Invite the Higher self of the person you’re trying to let go and heal your karma from. To do this, say three times: “I invite the Higher Self of … (name and last name of the person) for karmic relationship healing and for removing the negative energy cords that exist between us for the sake of our Highest Good.”
- Visualize in your imagination this person in front of you. Imagine how a Golden ray comes out of his (her) Solar Plexus Chakra and enters your Solar Plexus Chakra. Concentrate on that ray.
- Visualize that you’re looking into the eyes of the person. Say 8 times: “I sincerely forgive you for everything you’ve done!”
- Keep concentrating on the Golden Ray. This is your connection with the person. Through this ray, his (her) Higher Self receives messages from you in this meditation. Look into the eyes of the person, say 8 times: “Please forgive me for everything I’ve done!”
- Keep looking into the eyes of the person, say 8 times: “I sincerely and from the bottom of my heart thank you for everything you’ve done!”
- Now embrace this person in your imagination, and imagine the Golden-green ray of love coming out of your Heart chakra and going into his (her) Heart chakra. Accompany this ray with your love and words: “I love you!” (say 8 times).
- Now, in your imagination, move away from this person at arm’s length, and imagine how from each of your chakras to his respective chakras stretch cords similar to wires (there are seven of them).
- Pick up an imaginary lighter, light it and start annealing each cord, starting with the cord that connects your Muladhara chakras and finishing with the cord that connects your Crown chakras. Accomplish these actions with the words: “I completely forgive and let you go!» (8 times).
- Once you’ve annealed the last cord on your Crown chakras, imagine a wall of flame between you and the visualized person. At the same time, each of you is surrounded by a Golden cocoon of divine love. These Golden cocoons are healing all your wounds from annealing cords. Watch the flame between you, and as it burns, keep saying, “I’m letting you go!”.
- When the flame has dissipated, you will see yourself alone, surrounded by a Golden light, and realize that all the emotions and limitations that have been enclosed in the cords are only an illusion, a life lesson that you have passed.
- Thank the Universe for this lesson.
Slowly open your eyes.
The number of such practices for each case is individual. It depends on the binding force. Sometimes it is enough to do this practice just one time. But still, to consolidate the result, it is better to do it 8 times for each person you’re trying to heal your karmic relationship with.
It is desirable to do a karmic relationship healing with all your friends. Don’t worry, the communication with them won’t stop if you’re interested in it.
After this practice, the person with whom you severed the energy cords, will feel that you have stopped feeding him (her) with your energy and will try to remind you of himself (herself). It can be a phone call, e-mail, another attempt to put pressure on you or something else. In other words, he (she) will try to provoke you to get emotional about something, so that you, once again, under the influence of his provocation, give him your energy. He (she) will do his (her) best to restore the cords. In this case, try to behave kindly with him (her), do not succumb to provocations. After that repeat your karmic relationship healing practice with this person once again to fix the result.
The Bottom Line
You can do karmic relationship healing practice as many times as you need. Sometimes I feel that I need to do it again with the same people I already healed my karma from. Our life changes every second of our existence. Today we feel like we have no attachments but when tomorrow comes we may feel that our old attachments rise again. If you feel that communication with some people isn’t pleasurable for you anymore it means on the energy level you have cords to these people. And through these cords, you’re losing your energy. Before you distance yourself from these people do yourself a favor – do a karmic relationship healing first. I’m sure you don’t want to attract the same kinds of communication problems in the future.