Prana mudra is often called the mudra of life. This powerful mudra has many benefits, such as rejuvenation, vitality increase, vision improvement, etc. Generally, Prana Mudra helps to tap into prana, stimulating the root chakra, and energizing the entire body.
Prana mudra is great if you need a quick pick-me-up, as it boosts the vitality that resides within our life force.
In this article, I will share with you what Prana mudra is, what its benefits are, and how to perform it correctly.
What Is Prana Mudra?
Prana mudra got its name from prana which means “life force”, and mudra which means “seal”.
Connecting the fingers in certain combinations, you can activate the energy meridians and direct energy throughout the body, restore the flow of energy and eliminate “breakdowns” in diseased organs thus improve your health.
Different positions of the fingers have the ability to close or clear the energy channels. In addition, performing mudras, we affect the biologically active points of the palms and fingers.
When practicing Prana mudra, we connect thumb, ring finger, and pinkie finger, while leaving index and middle finger pointed straight.
Each of the fingers has symbolic significance:
- The thumb symbolizes the Fire element and is linked to the Manipura chakra.
- The ring finger represents the Earth element and is linked to the Muladhara chakra.
- The pinkie is associated with the Water element and is linked to the Svadisthana chakra.
By connecting these fingers you are encouraging the flow of energy to the corresponding elements within you.

The Benefits Prana Mudra
This beautiful mudra has lots of benefits. Here are some of them.
Prana Mudra helps:
- control the subtle energies of the body by purifying and bringing the energy field into balance;
- equalize energy flows in the body and thus stimulate its vital functions;
- counteract self-destruction programs embedded in the subconscious;
- improve performance, overall health, and, ultimately, the viability of the body;
- heal eye diseases and improve vision;
- improve body strength;
- reduce muscular pain;
- boost self-confidence;
- remove fatigue;
- sustain and maintain energy level;
- boost the immune system;
- reduce anxiety;
- boosts focus and clarity;
- reduces tiredness and nervousness;
- control emotions;
- improve circulation;
- restore energy potential;
- boost inspiration;
- increase endurance;
- reduce hunger pangs during fasting;
- improve night sleep.
Prana mudra can also be performed anytime you need a quick boost of energy.
How to perform?
Before performing the mudra, it is important to formulate your intention and then visualize how it is manifested. Make sure that your intention is not harmful to others and doesn’t contradict your highest principles and purpose.
You can practice this mudra by sitting down in a meditative position or while standing in Tadasana.

- To start, keep your eyes closed and focus on your breath.
- Bring your hands to your sides and touch the tips of your ring finger and pinky finger to your thumb. Leave your index and middle finger pointed straight.
- Feel the surge of prana moving through your body.
- Take a regular breath, breathe in, and exhale for a few seconds.
When practicing Prana mudra, visualize yourself as a tree. As you inhale, imagine how the energy is directed to your roots, and they become thicker and more elongated. On the exhalation, the energy flows into the trunk, and then through the foliage makes its way high into the sky. The more massive the roots, the more powerful and larger the crown will be.
Perform this mudra for 15-40 minutes daily.
The main goal of practicing Prana mudra is to stabilize the energy level in the body and increase its viability. Practice this powerful mudra when you feel weak and tired. Prana mudra also prevents nervousness, relieves drowsiness, improves performance and overall well-being, gives a boost of energy and resilience. Regular practice of this mudra will boost your self-confidence and give you energy for new achievements.