Quarantine made married and engaged couples face big challenges in the relationship. 40% of couples surveyed reported spending more than 20 extra hours per week with their partners as a result of social distancing. However, only 18% of surveyed couples reported satisfaction in communication with their partner, with the largest source of conflict reported was how often to have sex. In this article, we want to introduce you to sexual harmony and how to achieve it based on Ayurvedic principles.
If you happen to struggle in your relationship during this global pandemic, sexual harmony principles can not only help you to balance and improve your relationship, but more importantly, can help you to be in harmony with yourself and your true nature!
Ayurveda And Sexual Harmony
To achieve wellness, the principles of Ayurveda work to equate the three elemental doshas (also known as mind-body types) of Pitta, Vata, and Kapha within the body.
According to Ayurveda, proper nutrition, healthy sleep, and harmonious sexual relationship are the basis of human health.
If we look at the Ayurvedic texts, we will see how important sex life was and how seriously it was taken. In ancient treatises, you can find detailed recommendations on how to establish an intimate life, how much sex we really need, and how to have sex properly. This all leads to sexual harmony.
All the recommendations below are based on the experience of many generations who lived in harmony with nature and natural biological rhythms.
How Much Sex Do We Need?

Advice on regulating sexual life can be found in the treatise “Ashtanga Hridayam”, which was written by Vagbhata more than 2,5 thousand years ago. According to this sacred text:
- during the winter season, a person can have sex every day, as long as he/she can;
- during the spring and fall season, a person can have sex once every three days;
- during the summertime, a person can have sex once a fortnight.
Why is it recommended to limit sex in the summer? You see, during the summer heat, Pitta dosha can get out of control, and frequent intercourse can worsen this imbalance. Spring and autumn are considered a moderate period. Therefore, sex every three days will not exhaust the body and will not bring the dosha out of balance.
Sexual Harmony Based On Your Dosha
Not only in nutrition but also in intimate matters, you need to take into account the individual constitution – dosha. After all, dosha reacts differently to a relationship with a partner.
If you don’t know your dosha, please take our Ayurvedic Body Type Quiz!

Pitta Dosha
The people of the Pitta dosha are strong, energetic, and passionate. They like frequent sex, which can bring the fire element out of balance. Therefore, Pitta dosha is better to observe moderation, especially during the summer season.
Vata Dosha
The people of the Vata dosha are lean, lively, and creative. They may have trouble sleeping and may be overly sensitive. Vata dosha people should take care of the preservation of Ojas and restrict sexual contact until full energy recovery.
Kapha Dosha
The people of Kapha dosha tend to be overweight, emotionally calm, and stable. This dosha type has a strong body and therefore, these people can have sex more often without draining the Ojas.
How To Get Energy?

Aphrodisiacs are often mentioned in the sacred texts about sexual relationships. Why are they needed? The fact is that sex drains Ojas — the life force that gives energy and is responsible for the immune system. Strong Ojas not only supports the body’s tissues in a healthy state, but it is also responsible for a stable mind, clear consciousness, and stress resistance.
For a strong libido and recovery of Ojas, you need to eat well. Did you know that usually people burn up to 300 calories during sex? Therefore, a light salad or smoothie will not make up for the energy spent. Make sure you eat nutritious meals that contain coconut or olive oil.
Ayurvedic Remedies to Support Libido
The Kama Sutra mentions ashwagandha in its literature as a potent sexual stimulant. Ayurvedic doctors recommend ashwagandha to men. Its use increases the level of testosterone by 40%, as well as improves mobility and sperm count, which has a positive effect on the treatment of male infertility.
For men, ashwagandha stimulates the production of nitric oxide in the body. This causes a dilatation of the blood vessels that carry blood to the genitals, leading to increased sexual desire.
For women, taking ashwagandha typically produces an increase in sexual desire and satisfaction.
Safed Musli

This ayurvedic remedy is effective for erectile dysfunction, low libido in both men and women. Safed Musli increases stamina in general and during sex in particular.
It increases the production of testosterone, improves the sperm count and enhances sexual desire.
The benefits of healthy intimacy go beyond sexual satisfaction. Partners who enjoy healthy sexual life also experience its beneficial effects in other areas of their romantic life. Better intimacy leads to better communication and togetherness – which is the secret to any conscious relationship.
This is the best ayurvedic herb for the female reproductive system: it rejuvenates and normalizes the hormones. As an aphrodisiac, it removes frigidity and restores sexual desire.
Shatavari has a toning and calming effect on the woman’s body which helps restore her libido. Also, it enhances the reproductive system.
It is a nourishing jam that blends Ayurvedic herbs into a base of amla, a fruit known to be a natural source of antioxidants.
Chyawanprash was originally formulated to strengthen and revitalize the reproductive organs. It plays a very important role in triggering the reproductive system and promotes vitality and sexual health. In addition, chyawanprash promotes fertility, healthy libido, sexual stamina in both men and women.
Coconut oil

Give each other a tantric massage with coconut oil. Its cooling effect protects against overheating during sex. In addition, it will make your skin soft and pleasant to the touch!
The Bottom Line
Sex begins outside of the bed and even the bedroom. A full sexual life is based on trust and conscious communication. Be attentive to each other, show care, and understanding. This way you will create a comfortable space for each other and be able to openly express your feelings, talk about what turns you on, what you want to recieve from your partner. Openness and trust will fill your sex life with joy and pleasurable experiments. And by following all the above Ayurvedic tips you will increase your passion and create a sexual harmony in your relationship!