Are you going through soul loss? That psyche fragmentation occurring after a traumatic experience or overwhelming shock? It is a temporary survival mechanism to help you get through the pain that comes with the trauma. So, do you do nothing about it and hope your soul will return soonest possible? Or, are there practices you can do for soul retrieval?
Well, one thing is sure. Soul loss makes you feel incomplete in all aspects of your life. This emptiness can trigger mental health problems, physical illness, and even death. Plan to take action to retrieve your lost self for better health.
Now, let’s explore how soul retrieval works:
Understanding How Soul Retrieval Works
Imagine yourself living in a big house with several rooms. Then, one day something tragic happens to you. You respond by locking all your memories, thoughts, and emotions associated with that day in one of the rooms. Yet, these thoughts are necessary for you to live a whole life.
Now, soul retrieval is about finding ways to locate this room, open the door, and retrieve this suppressed part of your soul. It entails bringing back those pieces of yourself that you may have lost over time due to difficulties like illness, loss of a loved one, abuse, accidents, or divorce.
This loss is often due to emotional trauma like bullying and severe punishment or neglect by parents. In turn, it requires hard work by the person going through the soul loss and the other person assisting in the retrieval.
Soul Retrieval Methods

There are two main approaches to soul retrieval. These are Shamanic practices and psychotherapy. We take a deeper look at each below:
Shamanic Soul Retrieval Approach
The shamanic approach to soul retrieval views the cause of illness as power loss or spirit loss. As per the principle of conservation of energy, this lost power or spirit never disappears. Instead, it takes a different form and stays that way until the day we do something to trigger it back to its former state.
Hence, shamanic practices date back to ancient cultures.
It features spirit guides in communities conducting rituals and cleansing ceremonies as part of the healing process. Here, participants connect to the higher wisdom of their past. They go back in time as much as possible to discover their soul parts. Next, they examine which of these parts are ready to be restored. Then, with careful guidance, the participant reintegrates these soul parts into their lives.
Using Plant Medicine
Plant medicine is also one of the shamanic approaches to soul retrieval. It involves tapping into the therapeutic abilities of plants to help us reconnect with the lost soul parts. These plants feature in most shamanic healing rituals since the healer handpicks them depending on the healing intentions.
Most of the plants used for soul retrieval have visionary or psychedelic properties. They alter the participants’ perception of reality, creating the right circumstance to explore the limitless healing power of the mind. In the process, it reframes any shadow emotions and reconnects the lost soul parts.
Psychotherapy Approach to Soul Retrieval
Psychoanalysis refers to therapeutic and theory-based techniques that address the unconscious mind to achieve healing. During soul retrieval, psychoanalysis techniques release our unconscious thoughts, memories, desires, and feelings.
Hence, the therapist guides participants in bringing those repressed parts of their minds into the conscious state. That way, the participant can deal with the repressed conflict that triggered soul loss in the first place.
Gentle hypnosis and visualizations can get you into a relaxed state, making it easier for you to go back to that time and place where your soul fragment remained. At this point, this fragment can integrate back into the self.
Moreover, relaxation reinforces the sense of self. Plus, it helps you identify and let go of any dysfunctional beliefs arising from a traumatic experience. More so, the hypnotist relies on love, understanding, and forgiveness to guide you into restoring your original innocence.
Still, you can opt for self-hypnosis by using such techniques as mindfulness, anchoring, creative visualization, mental rehearsal, and cognitive behavioral therapy.
Dream Analysis

Did you know that studying your dream patterns can help you heal from soul loss? What you dream of today may relate to various periods in your earlier life. The dreams indicate the associations between who you are today and your fragmented soul parts.
More so, the dream patterns give suggestions on how best to do the soul reintegration. For example, if you dream of rescuing a child from harm, it could indicate a time when you were that young when your soul loss took place. And, if you have more than one lost soul fragment, this dream may recur, with children of varying ages, and in different circumstances.
Whatever the scenario, working with a skilled practitioner can help you use these patterns to attain soul retrieval.
Deep Guided Meditation
Deep guided meditation is a deep energy-based healing technique. It revolves around shifting our energies to a time and place when soul loss took place. Typical deep guided meditations include soothing audio with background sounds, a video with calming imagery, deep listening, breathing exercises, upbeat music, gazing, yoga, and moments of reflection.
These meditation techniques widen your imagination, make you more aware of your inner self, improve attention span and sleep patterns, reduce stress, and calm negative emotions.
The Bottom Line
Shamanic approaches are the pioneer techniques of soul retrieval. They treat physical illnesses by mending the soul. The healer corrects and redirects our energies to achieve balance and stability in our spiritual, emotional, physical, and mental wellbeing. In contrast, the psychotherapy practices for soul retrieval rely on science and clinical medicine to explain and treat illness arising from spiritual matters. Hence, the shamanic techniques remain superior in dealing with soul loss.
When you go through a traumatic experience, a part of your soul may leave because it is too difficult to stay. This temporary soul loss is a natural impulse to help you cope with the pain. Yet, if it lingers on, soul loss can disrupt your life and manifest itself as a physical or mental illness. Soul retrieval through shamanic or psychotherapy approaches helps you reconnect with the lost soul parts and attain healing. They help us reclaim our wholeness for better living.