Boost Your Intuition, Mental Power, And Creativity With Hakini Mudra

Hakini mudra Image

Hakini mudra is a sacred hand gesture named after the goddess Hakini and is associated with the third eye chakra. By practicing Hakini mudra you invoke the energy of Goddess Hakini, as a means of stimulating and opening your Ajna chakra. When practiced regularly, it helps to enhance concentration, focus, and thinking abilities. Therefore, sometimes it’s called ‘Brain Power Mudra’ or ‘Mudra for the Mind’.

In this article, I’ll share with you what Hakini mudra is, what its benefits are, and how to properly practice it.

What Is Mudra?

Mudra‘ can be translated as ‘gesture’. Hence mudras are symbolic gestures practiced with the hands and fingers.

Connecting the fingers in certain combinations, we can activate the meridians and direct energy throughout the body. Different positions of the fingers have the ability to close or clear the energy channels. In addition, performing this or that mudra, we affect the biologically active points of the palms and fingers.

Mudras help us to correct the direction of energy in the body, to control prana, and to improve the psycho-emotional state. Also, with their help, we can eliminate problems in the body and in the mind by pressing on particular acupuncture points.

What Is Hakini Mudra?

Hakini mudra is one of the most beautiful and powerful madras you can use to increase your mental power.

In Sanskrit, Hakini means “power” or “rule”. It is believed that this mudra gives the practitioner power over his mind. Therefore, sometimes it’s also called a ‘power gesture’ since it increases mind power. If you are indulged in a lot of mental work and multitasking, feel stressed, or experience brain fatigue, this mudra will help you overcome such problems.

This beautiful mudra was named after the goddess Hakini.

According to Yoginihrdaya, Hakini is one of the Seven Goddesses named Amrtananda, Dakini, Rakini, Lakini, Kakini, Sakini, and Hakini. These Seven Goddesses are considered fundamentals to support the basic structure of the body i.e. skin, blood, flesh, fat, marrow, bone, and semen.

Goddess Hakini constituents flesh in the body. Therefore, it is believed that Hakini mudra practice helps to lubricate joints, moisturize the skin, and maintain immunity.

Goddess Hakini personifies the energy of the Ajna chakra and represents intuition, clairvoyance, inner knowing, imagination, and psychic abilities. Usually, Goddess Hakini is depicted as having six heads and sitting on a two-petaled lotus flower, symbolic of the two hemispheres of the brain.

By practicing Hakini mudra we invoke the energy of Goddess Hakini, as a means of stimulating and opening the Ajna chakra.

Hakini Mudra Benefits

There are lots of amazing benefits the practice of Hakini mudra can provide. Here are some of them:

  • Enhances memory power;
  • Stimulates brain activity;
  • Increases concentration;
  • Activates attentiveness, watchfulness, intuitiveness, curiosity, and respectively;
  • Calms down;
  • Promotes coordination between the right and left hemispheres of the brain;
  • Helps in balancing blood pressure;
  • Improves logical thinking;
  • Helps in making the right decisions;
  • Improves intuitive abilities;
  • Helps in reducing depression, stress, and anxiety;
  • Stimulates the Third eye chakra;
  • Balances breathing;
  • Helps in balancing doshas;
  • Improves academic performance;
  • Enhances clarity;
  • Boosts creativity.

How to Perform?

To practice Hakini mudra, follow these simple steps:

  • Take a comfortable seated posture, such as Padmasana (Lotus Pose), for example.
  • Relax. Remove all the unnecessary thoughts.
  • Close your eyes and roll them up toward the third eye chakra as a gaze.
  • Breath slowly and continuously.
  • Place your hands on your knees or thighs in a way that both palms facing upward.
  • Slowly lift both hands at the chest level facing each other and try to touch the tips of fingers gently over their counterpart.
  • While maintaining the gaze on the third eye, place your tongue at the soft palate or the roof of the mouth. Breathe in to touch the palate and release on breathing out.
  • The length of the time period of inhaling and exhaling should be about the same.
  • Perform this mudra while chanting the OM mantra in your mind (optional).

To finish the practice:

  • Slowly open your eyes.
  • Release your fingers.
  • Bring your hands back to your lap or knees.
  • Breathe free and relax.

You can practice Hakini mudra for up to 30 minutes daily. You can either practice it for 30 minutes straight or break it down into three 10 minute practices. Although this gesture can be practiced at any time of day, ideally it should be performed during sunrise.


Hakini Mudra is a powerful tool for boosting your intuition, activating your Third eye, and helping you make the right decisions. You can feel the positive effect of this beautiful mudra almost immediately. However, only when you practice this mudra for at least two months, you’ll be able to see more stable desired results. Enjoy Hakini mudra while chanting mantras, meditating, or listening to soothing music.