For a long time, Feng Shui was considered a divine gift, so only members of the Imperial family had access to this sacred knowledge. The practice of Feng Shui at that time was equated to matters of national importance. Therefore, for a very long time, Feng Shui was considered a secret doctrine, which was forbidden to spread outside the Imperial Palace.
Nowadays, the popularity of Feng Shui is gaining momentum, not only in the East but throughout the world. Thus, many people are convinced of the effectiveness of Feng Shui techniques.
In this article, I want to share with you very effective tips on how to activate a Feng Shui wealth corner to attract financial success.
Magical Power Of Feng Shui

I always say that in order to start practicing Feng Shui in your house, you need to perceive your home as a living organism that acts as a mediator between you and the Universe.
The house can tell a lot about its inhabitants. If the energy circulates freely in your house, then it is easy for you to attract money, prosperity, and happiness. However, if the energy space of your house isn’t organized properly, then it begins to stagnate energy, the energy flow is disrupted, and you start to attract all kinds of troubles. It may seem unbelievable but sometimes it is enough just to throw away old things and rearrange the furniture and your life begins to change for the better.
When we begin to use Feng Shui, we turn our house into an oasis amidst the hustle and chaos of everyday life. With a proper Feng Shui, our house becomes “an island of light, harmony, and beauty” that charges us with positive and healing energy. And through the harmonization of energy in the house, we ourselves start radiating light and harmony.
Feng Shui Wealth Corner

According to the Bagua map, the Feng Shui wealth corner is located in the Southeast part of your house. This sector is responsible for wealth, prosperity and financial success.
If you’ve never heard about Feng Shui Bagua, read my previous articles:
Feng Shui Bagua: 8 Aspirations
The Feng Shui Bagua Map: How to Use It?
When we turn our attention to the Southeast corner of our house and adjust it according to Feng Shui rules, we are able to attract unexpected financial assistance, in addition to the salary, as well as growth in material terms.
For example, if you need money for an expensive purchase, the energy of the Southeast sector will quickly attract the necessary amount of money. If you are mired in debt, the activation of Feng Shui wealth corner will not only help solve financial difficulties but also double your finances.
5 Feng Shui Taboos For Your Wealth Corner
Before I start sharing Feng Shui tips for your wealth sector activation I want to warn you about 5 Feng Shui taboos for this sector. Check these taboos to make sure your Southeast isn’t damaged.
#1 Bathroom

If you have a bathroom in your wealth sector then you probably noticed that it’s not easy for you to achieve your goals or express yourself in your profession. A southeast bathroom can also be a reason for the lack of creativity or problems with the lower back. And what’s most important, a southeast bathroom damages your money flow.
How to Heal?
Even if you have Southeast bathroom you don’t have to move. Don’t worry! I have some healing tools for your Wealth sector:
- First of all, place a small mirror on the floor of your bathroom behind the toilet with a reflecting surface upwards.
- To hold the Qi energy, tie all the pipes in the bathroom with red strings.
- Keep the toilet lid always closed.
#2 Fireplace

If you have a fireplace in your Southeast sector it creates a thread to the element of this sector which is Wood. As you know, fire burns wood. And since Wood is the element of money then it also destroys your finances.
How to Heal?
You can heal your Southeast by placing Water element. As you know, Water extinguishes Fire. A wall mirror symbolizes Water element. So you can just place a wall mirror above the fireplace and your Wealth sector will be healed just like that!
#3 Trash Can
Of course, it’s best to move your trash can somewhere else. But if you can’t do that then at least get a trash can with a lid and always keep it closed.
#4 Dangerous Plants

Cacti are very dangerous plants for your Wealth sector, as their thorns spread negative energy around and damage your money luck.
In addition, you should never keep dry and withering plants in your Southeast corner, since your finances will fade along with the withering plant.
Keep healthy, green, strong and blooming plants in your wealth sector instead, and then your finances will also be “blooming”.
#5 Broken Items
Check if you keep any broken items in your Southeast sector. If so you have to fix them or through them away. Keep in mind, that everything you keep in your Southeast sector represents your financial situation. If you don’t want your finances to be “broken” you have to get rid of all broken items in your Wealth sector!
What If My Southeast Sector Is Missing?
Unfortunately, there are lots of houses/apartments where the Southeast sector is missing. If this sector is missing then people who live in such a house usually experience difficulties in finding their purpose in life, it’s hard for them to professionally express themselves, they have a lack of creativity, they may even have problems with their lower back. Such a damaged layout usually affects women over 14 years old and people with Kua 4 the most
If your house is missing a Wealth sector you can simply activate the Southeast corner in your living room. For doing this, simply use the recommendations below.
9 Ways to Activate Your Wealth Corner
Never activate wealth energy in your bedroom (even if it’s located in the Southeast)! This is due to the fact that the bedroom is dominated by the Yin energy, which is necessary for a good rest and recharging. And the wealth energy, on the contrary, is Yang. If the bedroom keeps too much Yang energy, it can lead to stress and bad rest. You can become nervous and irritable.
If your bedroom is located in the Southeast then you can activate the Southeast corner of your living room instead.
#1 Color

Southeast corner of your house is ruled by the Wood element. Its colors are green and purple. Accordingly, to activate this sector, it is good to use green and purple colors for its decoration.
It would be perfect to place a large amethyst crystal in your wealth sector. Amethyst crystal is a great wealth activator, especially for this sector. Or, for example, put a viola plant in a pot in this sector.
#2 Wood

Since the element of the Southeast sector is wood, your wooden furniture placed in this sector can be a great wealth activator. You can also add some wooden decorative items into your interior design.
#3 Water
According to the Five Elements Theory of Cycles, Water produces Wood. Therefore, we need to bring the Water element into our Southeast corner to “feed” our Wood.
Water objects activate and attract wealth energy. However, you should never use a rapid and strong flow of water in this sector, but to use the accumulation of water (such as a pond, pool, or aquarium) instead.
#4 Light
The Southeast sector should be well lit! If your wealth sector is in the shade, be sure to hang a lamp here, and keep it on most of the time.
#4 Number 4
Yes, you read it right! 4 is the number of wealth sector. Therefore, to activate wealth energy you can place anything in the amount of 4. For example, you can hang 4 pictures on the wall. Or it can be 4 plants.
#5 Shape
The shape that activates money energy in the wealth corner is a rectangle stretched upwards. This shape resembles the tree trunk. And as you already know, the element of the wealth corner is the Wood. So this shape symbolizes this element and thus activates wealth energy. Be sure to find some decorative items of this shape and place them in your Southeast corner.
#6 Xun Trigram

To activate the wealth corner of your house you can use Xun Trigram. This trigram symbolizes a stable and gradual accumulation of wealth. Just print the picture of this trigram and hang it in a frame in the Southeast sector of your house.
#7 Plants

Place the plant with round leaves in your Southeast corner. This will increase the flow of Yang energy and attract favorable Qi to your house. Moreover, the plant is a symbol of Wood element which rules Southeast. Therefore, it activates the wealth energy of your money sector.
#8 Abundance Activators

It’s very favorable to place abundance activators in your Southeast sector:
- Piggy bank filled with coins (symbol of money luck and abundance);
- Jewelry box with expensive jewels (symbol of wealth and prosperity);
- Chic bowl with fresh fruit (symbol of abundance);
- Chocolate in golden wrappers (symbol of luxurious and sweet life);
- Vision board.
#9 Chinese Abundance Activators
To activate your Wealth sector, you can place powerful Chinese abundance activators in your Southeast corner.
Chinese Coins

Chinese coins are a very powerful activator of wealth energy! The fact that these coins combine two opposite principles – the masculine (Yang) and feminine (Yin) energy, the earth and heaven energy. The Yang side of the coin has four hieroglyphs, and the Yin side has two hieroglyphs. Through the fusion of Earth and Heaven, masculine and feminine energy, monetary energy is created and activated, which brings wealth and abundance.
Three Legged Toad
Three Legged Toad not only attracts financial well-being to its owner but also ensures timely receipt of money from different sources. Therefore, it is especially beneficial to have this toad for those who want to get money by a certain date. A coin in the mouth of the toad is symbolically offered to you. In no case should it be glued! It should fall out the mouth of the toad easily!
Wealth Boat
This is one of the most powerful wealth activators. Place your Wealth Boat in the Southeast corner of your house, so that it was “sailing” inwards your house.
The Bottom Line
Use Feng Shui with a good mood and a pure heart. As soon as you start practicing Feng Shui, you will see that the basic rules are quite easy to follow, and a positive result from this practice will not take long! Let all the described tips help you increase your financial luck and change your life for the better!