Our ancestors knew that a birthmark is a sign indicating how the life of its owner will develop. Nowadays most people do not pay much attention to their birthmarks. Some people even remove their birthmarks with a laser. However, esotericists believe that birthmarks can tell us a lot about our hidden strengths, weaknesses, and even psychic abilities! Moreover, if you know the birthmark location meanings you can always “read” any person which will give you a better understanding of who you’re dealing with.
In this article, we will share with you detailed information about birthmark location meanings!
Birthmark Location Meanings
The Three Witch Marks
In the Middle ages, a woman with birthmarks in certain places could pass for a real witch, and for this, she was burned at the stake. Psychics, esotericists, and sorcerers believe that some birthmarks can really indicate psychic abilities.
So, people with birthmarks on one of these three places of the body, have psychic abilities:
1. A Birthmark on the Temple
A person who has a birthmark on the temple has a very developed intuition. If you have such a birthmark, you should listen more to your intuition and pay attention to your feelings. You should also trust the thoughts or ideas that come to you spontaneously. Such a thought would be very helpful.
People with a birthmark on the temple can predict the events that have yet to happen. In addition, such people are able to distinguish the truth from lies and understand what kind of person is in front of them. They “read” people very well and their first impression about a person is always right.
2. A Birthmark Above the Knee
A person with a birthmark slightly above the knee is a true magician. Such a person has a strong connection with the other world, and in his/her dreams he/she often sees the deceased family members reporting important news.
3. A Birthmark Above the Upper Lip
People with a birthmark above the upper lip have the ability to easily convince and even hypnotize others. There’s something inside them that attracts people like a magnet. However, a person with a mark above the upper lip should constantly monitor each spoken word, because his/her statements can be easily realized.
Any person under the influence of emotions can say an offensive phrase or wish somebody bad, but it is especially dangerous to do if you have a birthmark above your upper lip. When you say something negative to people or about people you are able to really jinx these people and even ruin their lives!
Women’s Birthmark Location Meanings
Birthmark location meanings on the face of a woman can say a lot about her character, abilities, and talents.
Birthmark Above the Bridge of the Nose

If a woman has a birthmark above the bridge of her nose it indicates her good intuition and intelligence. Such a woman always seeks to learn something new and correctly uses new knowledge in life. Moreover, such a woman can become a clairvoyant due to her ability to communicate with the other world.
Birthmark on the Forehead
If a woman has a birthmark on the forehead she has the ability to predict the future.
A Birthmark in the Right Corner of the Eye
A woman with a birthmark in the right corner of the eye is very jealous, suspicious, and scandalous.
Birthmark on the Right Eyelid
Women with a birthmark on the right eyelid often experience anxiety. Any trouble can easily drive them into stress. At the same time, such women are smart and talented. They can become a great poet.
Birthmark Under the Right Eye
A woman with a birthmark under her right eye is capable of experiencing deep feelings. If such a woman falls in love, this feeling will last if not forever then a while. Such a woman is kind, gentle, and charming. Often, it is a sign of noble blood.
Birthmark Near the Nose
Women with birthmarks under the right eye near the nose never know what they want exactly. They change their minds several times a day. Moreover, such women are very quick-tempered and overly emotional. Such women usually have a very passionate but short-term relationship.
Birthmark in the Middle of the Nose
Women with a birthmark in the middle of the nose love to travel. Such women are very creative, restless, easy to communicate, and very outgoing.
Birthmark Under the Left Eye Near the Nose
Women with a birthmark under the left eye near the nose are very jealous. If the birthmark is further from the nose it shows sensuality of a woman.
Birthmark in the Left Corner of the Eye
Women with a birthmark in the left corner of the eye constantly criticize themselves. Because of her own internal problems, such a woman often comes into conflict with others.
Birthmark on the Left Eyelid

The birthmark on the left eyelid of a woman speaks of her ability to quickly and permanently memorize information.
Birthmark on the tip of the Nose
Women with a birthmark on the tip of the nose like to joke, they are pleasant to talk to and like to break the rules. They are literally attracted to everything forbidden. In a romantic relationship, they are very frivolous, often behave childishly and even funny, therefore nobody can be angry with them. Such women are looking for their place in life for a long time, changing specializations and jobs.
Birthmark on the Cheek Under the Eye
A woman with a birthmark on her cheek under her eye always prevails her feelings over her mind. She turns her romantic life into drama. She has a ‘talent’ make things complicated and turn life into ‘soap opera’.
Birthmark Under the Nose
Women (as well as men) with a birthmark under the nose attracted to everything mystical and seems to have solutions to any complicated problems. They can be asked for help in solving deadlocks and they will give good advice. You can trust such people with a secret and you will not regret it.
If a woman has a birthmark right under her nose she is independent, loves to travel and enjoy life.
But if a woman has a birthmark above the lip (further from the nose but closer to the upper lip), on the contrary, prefers home comfort and tranquility.
Birthmark on the Left Side of the Nose
Women whose birthmark is on the left side of the nose, like to seduce and provoke. They often shock others with their extravagant behavior. However, they take marriage very seriously and think a lot before getting married.
Birthmark Above the Upper Lip on the Right

Such a birthmark indicates that a woman likes to weave intrigues and is sometimes cruel. She likes to dominate over a man. She avenges her partner for any mistake he makes and does not forgive insults at all. Such a tough woman is very appreciated at work. It allows her to successfully build a career and achieve brilliant results.
Birthmark Under the Lower Lip
Such women always seek true love. But at the same time, these women are very jealous. Such women may have bad health. Usually, other people feel the need of protecting and defending such a woman.
Birthmarks on the Lips
Such a birthmark shows that a woman has a very soft character. Such women do not know how to be responsible for their actions. Often they are lazy.
Birthmark on the Left Cheek
A mole on the left cheek next to the ear is a sign of a complex character. A woman with such a birthmark is silent, sullen, prone to depression.
A birthmark on the left cheek can often be seen in creative people: writers, artists, poets. The talent of these people is noted and encouraged. A woman with such a birthmark is talented in literally everything she undertakes, and especially in love! She is charming by nature!
Birthmarks on the Corner of the Lips
A woman with birthmarks in the corner of her lips is incredibly attractive, sexy, and desirable by many. But loyalty, unfortunately, is not her trait.
Birthmarks on the Cheekbones
Women with such birthmarks are capable of leading people, achieving goals, and constantly growing in all spheres. These leadership qualities are particularly evident for women, whose birthmarks are on the right cheekbones.
Birthmark on the Chin

A birthmark on the chin is a sign of power. Such women are outwardly cute and soft, have the strength of character, and unbending spirit.
If a woman has a birthmark on the chin on the right, such a woman is resourceful, cheerful, always believes in her strength, tactful and wise.
And if a woman has a birthmark on her chin on the left, then such a woman has a lot of bad habits, is capricious and selfish.
If the birthmark is in the center of the chin, its owner is very stubborn. It is absolutely useless to argue with such a woman! Believing in her good intentions, such a woman can destroy the favorable atmosphere in any team.
Birthmarks on the Ears
Women with birthmarks on their ears are very original in the perception of the world. They often brag about their inner insecurities – that’s their way of protecting themselves. They strive to fight with their insecurities and blocks and eventually win.
Men’s Birthmark Location Meanings

Birthmark on the Cheek
A man with a birthmark on his cheek is very extraordinary and has strong will power.
Birthmark Under the Nose
A birthmark under the nose shows a mystical potential of such a man. This rare sign gives a man the ability to predict the future, to interpret dreams, and to be a real magician.
Birthmark Under the Corner of the Lower Lip
If a man has a birthmark under the corner of the lower lip it indicates him as a jealous and lazy person. At the same time, he often unsuccessfully struggles with bad habits.
Birthmark on the Chin
A man with a mark on his chin is despotic and aggressive, knows how to achieve his goals. It is very important for such a man to create an unbreakable family that follows the traditions.
If a man’s birthmark is on the chin on the right, then such a man can be rude and greedy. He is very inflexible in relationships due to his inability to see the situation from another person’s perspective, to look at the problem from different angles.
If a man has a birthmark on the left side of his chin, such a man knows what he wants from life and constantly improving himself.
Birthmark in the Center of the Lip
A man with a birthmark in the center of the lip loves freedom. If the birthmark is located closer to the left side then such a man usually is a wonderful husband and father.
Birthmark Location Meanings On Different Parts of the Body
Birthmarks on the Arms
Birthmarks on Women’s Arms
Any birthmark on a woman’s arm indicates that she will be happy in her marriage.
Birthmarks on Women’s Right Forearm
If the birthmark is on the right forearm, then such a woman is very successful in her career or in building her own business.
Birthmarks on Women’s Left Forearm
A birthmark on the left forearm shows that a woman is ready to do anything for the sake of family happiness. Often such women marry early and give birth to many children.
Birthmarks on Women’s Elbows
Women with birthmarks on their elbows usually make money out of their hobbies.
Birthmarks on the Left Arm Below the Elbow
Women with such birthmarks usually lie a lot.
Lots of Birthmarks on Men’s Arms
Usually, when a man has a large number of birthmarks on his arms it indicates that he is faithful and will be a great family man.
A Triangle of Birthmarks on Men’s Arms
If you can see a triangle made of birthmarks on a man’s arm then you can be sure that such a man is always surrounded by women, but he struggles to make a final choice of marrying someone.
A Birthmark on a Man’s Forearm
If a man has a mark on his forearm it shows that this man will live longer than his wife, but his family will never need money. Also, pay attention to the size of the birthmark on man’s forearm! If the birthmark is big then such a man has very good potential to become incredibly rich.
A Birthmark on Men’s Right Arm
Such a birthmark is a sign of a real leader.
A Birthmark on Men’s Left Arm
Such a birthmark is a sign of struggle with external circumstances.
Birthmark Locations on the Hands
Birthmarks on the Palms

Such birthmarks are a rare phenomenon! They show the fate of men and women. People with birthmarks on their palms are considered special. Both men and women, like to stay alone. They may have pets, but do not seek to marry. Such people live a long and healthy life.
Birthmarks on the Right Palm
Such people are hard workers. They succeed in their careers.
Birthmarks on the Left Palm
Such people are considered hermits. They usually have a close connection with nature, so they live in private homes and hate noisy cities.
A Birthmark Between Woman’s Fingers
If a woman has a birthmark between her fingers it shows her potential to marry a very rich man.
A Birthmark Between Man’s Fingers
The mole between the fingers of a man indicates that he will have to solve many problems in life, but eventually, he will cope with all.
Birthmarks on the Fingers of the Left Hand
So the mark on the finger of his left hand suggests that the person will be very disappointed in something. It can be a breakup or a betrayal of a friend.
Birthmarks on Women’s Thumbs
Such women successfully marry, give birth to healthy children. But it doesn’t happen in youth.
A Birthmark on the Thumb of the Right Hand
A person with such a birthmark is usually an invaluable cook.
A Birthmark on the Index Finger
Such a birthmark indicates a very talented person. People with birthmarks on their index fingers have very bright personalities. And the brighter the birthmark is, the more talent is shown. If the mole on the index finger appeared during life, then it shows that the time for a bright change came.
A Birthmark on the Middle Finger
Such a birthmark shows that its owner will create a strong family and the children born in such a family will be healthily and happy.
A Birthmark on the Pinky Finger of the Right Hand
It is a symbol of financial well-being.
A Birthmark on a Woman’s Ring Finger
It is a bad sign. Usually, such women don’t get married. If the mole appeared after a woman got married. It is advised to hide such a mole under the ring.
A Birthmark on a Man’s Pinky Finger of the Left Hand
It indicates that such a man will divorce multiple times and there is a big chance for him eventually stay alone.
Birthmarks on the Neck
A Birthmark on a Woman’s Neck

Such a woman is cheerful and charming. She often repeats the fate of her mother.
A Birthmark on a Man’s Neck
Such men are considered thinkers and philosophers. They are very calm and rarely reach heights in material terms.
A Birthmark on the Back of the Neck
Such a birthmark shows a lack of finance. People with this birthmark should never take risks and get involved in gambling. They should constantly count the money and plan every dollar they spend.
A Birthmark on the Front of the Neck
Such a birthmark is a sign of a really rich person. This birthmark acts as a money magnet! It’s recommended for people with such birthmarks to invest their money in the business.
Birthmarks on the Right Side of the Neck
It’s a sign of very realistic people. Such people have the power to overcome any obstacles and solve even most difficult problems.
A Birthmark Right in the Center of the Neck of a Woman
It’s a sign of the woman who loves herself and beautiful things.
A Birthmark Right in the Center of the Neck of a Man
It’s a sign of a selfish man.
Birthmarks on the Chest/Breast/Nipples
Birthmarks on the Left Side of a Woman’s Breast
It is a sign of a very passionate, but not faithful women. Usually, women with these birthmarks experience lots of problems in their personal life.
Birthmarks on the Right Side of a Woman’s Breast
Such a woman usually has a wonderful life, a happy family and healthy children. This woman is loyal, constant, and in old age will be surrounded by the care of grandchildren, children, a loving husband.
Birthmarks on Women’s Breasts
It’s a sign of a great mother.
Birthmarks on the Nipples
It’s a sign of the disease. Birthmarks on the left nipple predict heart disease, and on the right – an accident.
If you notice a lot of birthmarks under the right nipple of a man, it speaks of his weak will power. Such a man can not be trusted because he can easily change his mind and betray. But if there are only one or two birthmarks then a man can do a lot for the sake of a loved one.
Men with birthmarks under his left nipple are very brave, courageous, romantic. They usually become wonderful husbands.
Birthmarks on the Right Side of a Man’s Chest
It is a sign of the craving for alcohol and women.
Birthmarks on the Left Side of a Man’s Chest
Such a birthmark indicates prudence, good luck in business, which is achieved by diligence. If you notice the mark on the left side of the man’s chest, know that he is a good lover.
Birthmarks on the Back
Birthmarks on a Woman’s Back

It turns out that the birthmarks on a woman’s back are a karmic sign. They appear because of grievances in past lives. Women with birthmarks on the back should communicate with others carefully, do not trust people completely, so as not to make mistakes again.
Birthmarks on the Upper Part of a Woman’s Back
If a woman has a lot of birthmarks on the upper part of her back, such a woman is accompanied by physical ailments and psychological problems.
Birthmarks on the Left Side of a Woman’s Back
Such a birthmark indicates that a woman is endowed with a great sense of humor.
Birthmarks Just Above a Woman’s Blades
Such birthmarks predict a difficult life. But this does not mean that such a woman will not be able to overcome life challenges.
A Birthmark in the Middle of a Man’s Back
This is a sign of a very kind, smart and reliable man.
Birthmarks in a Man’s Lumbar Area
This is a sign of an honest and loyal man. Men with such birthmarks should never risk. Their financial prosperity should be achieved only through hard work.
Birthmarks on the Belly
Women with birthmarks on their bellies are very emotional, overwhelmed by passions. Usually, such women love to eat, constantly dieting, but often break down without losing any weight. If these women develop enough will power they can turn their lives in the right direction and start eating properly.
As a rule, men and women with birthmarks on their bellies are very attractive.
Men with birthmarks on their bellies are very sexually attractive and like to dominate the partner.
A woman with a birthmark on her navel is talented in choosing men, she is happy in marriage, loves and cares for her children.
A man with a birthmark on his navel usually is pretty wealthy and has a good family.
However, often men and women with birthmarks on their navels are pretty selfish.
Birthmarks on the Shoulders
People with birthmarks on their shoulders are very strong, but on their way of life, they face lots of problems.
A birthmark on the right shoulder is a sign of a very calm and intellectual person who is very lucky in business.
A birthmark on the left shoulder is a sign of a successful person. But this success is related to work and business while their romantic life is not so happy. As a rule, such people are considered real debaters, defending their position in life.
Birthmarks on the Head
If a birthmark is hidden in the hair and has the appearance of a cross, it speaks of major troubles.
A birthmark under the hair of a different form suggests that its owner is able to manipulate people.
If birthmarks are hidden behind the hair, it is a sign of very smart and successful people. Often they become excellent teachers, write books, get involved in spirituality and esotericism.
Birthmarks on the temples is a sign of sensitive people. A person with a birthmark on his/her left temple is talented, but can often have headaches, so he has a bad memory and confused speech. A birthmark on the right temple predicts a hard life.
People with moles on the temples are recommended to hide their birthmarks from other people’s eyes because they are karmic signs given from above. People with marks on the temples can be mediums, healers, predict the future.
Birthmarks Under Arms
Women who have a birthmark under the left arm usually successfully marry a good and wealthy man. They also have pretty good careers. Usually, such women have a very good character.
Men with a birthmark under the left arm are soft, but they are great husbands and fathers. They are good at managing money and always help their friends. But sometimes their openness and inability to say “no” can be used against them and turn their lives into trouble.
A woman with a birthmark under the right arm is very strong and this quality often scares away men. Therefore such a woman usually is not too happy in her personal life.
A man with a birthmark under the right arm is very stubborn, smart, brave, wealthy, but in romantic life is not too happy.
Birthmarks on the Buttocks

If a woman has a birthmark on her right buttock then such a woman is very frivolous but incredibly cheerful and sociable. Very often such women choose their friends for the sake of their interests, and therefore rarely find real friends.
A birthmark on the upper part of a woman’s buttock is a sign of a woman that tends to waste money, and their passionate relationships rarely lead to the wedding.
Birthmarks on the lower part of a woman’s right buttock are a sign of a lazy, greedy, and selfish person. Usually, it’s not easy to see the true face of such a woman because they skillfully hide their shortcomings, posing as lovely persons prone to self-sacrifice.
If a woman has a birthmark on the top of her left buttock then it’s a good sign. These ladies are faithful, hardworking, kind, and loving. They make great wives.
Women with birthmarks on the lower parts of their left buttocks are very smart. They successfully build their careers. However, they are not very lucky in their romantic relationships.
Men with birthmarks on the upper part of their right buttocks are considered lazy, cunning, and unreliable husbands. These men are at great risk of going to prison.
Men with birthmarks on the bottom part of their right buttocks are nice men, caring husbands, great friends.
A man with a birthmark on his left buttock has a powerful charisma. He fascinates people. Such a man knows how to make good money and be a good husband.
Birthmarks on the Legs and Feet
Men with birthmarks above their knees are creative and intelligent. However, if the birthmark is small then such men can be alcoholics.
Women with birthmarks above their knees are mysterious, very silent, very attractive. However, they need to monitor their psychological state.
If a birthmark on the leg is closer to the groin then these people are very hardworking, love the stability, and therefore always save money and think about tomorrow.
People with birthmarks on their hips from behind are very lucky and cheerful.
A birthmark on men’s left feet on the right indicates a smart and joyful person.
A birthmark on women’s left feet on the right is a sign of a woman’s impermanence.
Birthmarks on the left feet on the left is a sign of rich and wise men and sad and serious women.
A birthmark on the right foot indicates women’s loyalty and care and men’s resourcefulness.
Birthmarks on the toes are the signs of problems with health.
Bottom Line
Though our birthmarks can tell us a lot about our fate we should always remember that everything is in our hands! Knowing birthmark location meanings, empowers you to know and understand your strong and weak sides. So if you decide to take control over your life you can always change your behavior and thus your destiny.