Your inner child is the child that lives within you – the “part” of your personality that stores all your memories, feelings, needs, and attitudes towards yourself and others. When we are connected to our inner child, our life is filled with joy, playfulness, curiosity, inspiration, and happiness. And when we get disconnected from our inner child, we feel tired, depressed, bored with life, and sick. If you feel lost in life, tired, depressed, unhappy, or life doesn’t bring you joy anymore, it’s time to nurture and re-parent your inner child! In this article, I want to share with you the most powerful inner child affirmations that I’ve discovered throughout my practice of being a healer for over 20 years. I will also explain how these affirmations work and give you some helpful tips on how to use them most effectively.
Read on.
Inner Child Healing
Your inner child is the child that lives within your psyche. It is important that we stay connected with this sensitive part of ourselves. When we are connected to our inner child, we feel excited, enthusiastic, and inspired by life.
If in childhood some of our important psychological needs were not met, then our inner child “gets stuck” and can not continue to grow and develop. Inner child healing can help us to face our fears and insecurities that were created in our childhood and heal these inner wounds.
Unfortunately, we live in a society that forces us to suppress our inner child. But the truth is that while most adults are physically “grown-up,” they never reach emotional and psychological maturity. In other words, most “adults” are not really adults from a maturity perspective. Instead, most people remain in a state of childish fears, anger, and trauma that has festered in the subconscious for decades.
The lack of a conscious attitude to our own inner child is one of the main causes of serious problems that we see in modern society. From environmental abuse to self-abuse, we have completely separated ourselves from our innocence and true nature.
Therefore, it will be right to say that inner child healing is an urgent matter for each and every person. It is through our inner healing that we can heal the world and mature as a society.
There are many different ways to do your inner child healing work. Here, in SOLANCHA Magazine, we published many different articles that can help you to understand how inner child healing works. Here are some of them:
6 Powerful Ways to Embrace, Heal and Re-parent Your Inner Child
Inner Child Healing: 4 Surprisingly Effective Practices
8 Signs You Have a Wounded Inner Child
Inner Child Quotes: 50 Powerful Sayings That’ll Remind You to Reparent Yours
Inner Child Healing Practice: 7 Questions to Ask Your Inner Child
In this article, I want to share with you one of the tools that you can use in your inner child healing work. This tool is inner child affirmations.
What are Inner Child Affirmations?

Inner child healing affirmations are short phrases containing a verbal inner child healing formula that, when repeated many times, activates the healing process in your subconscious, contributing to the improvement of your psycho-emotional background and stimulating positive changes in your life.
How Do Affirmations Work?
Every thought you think and every word you speak is an affirmation. All of your self-talk, your internal dialogue, is a stream of affirmations. You are using affirmations every moment whether you know it or not. You are affirming and creating your reality with every word you say and every thought you think.
To change our life, we need to change our thoughts. There is a link between the quality of our life and the thoughts we think daily. By repeating affirmations, you create positive vibrations in your subconscious mind which brings positive transformations into your body.
With a strong focus and concentration on positive thoughts, your mind can heal even the most serious diseases.
Affirmations are like seeds planted in soil. Poor soil provides poor growth. Rich soil gives abundant growth. The more you choose to think thoughts that make you feel good, the quicker the affirmations work.
50+ Inner Child Affirmations
Now let me share with you inner child affirmations. These affirmations will help you nurture and re-parent your inner child, activate healing processes, and become more joyful.
Here they are:
- Today I comfort my inner child.
- I am entering into a completely safe, healing space now.
- I accompany my inner child through the healing process.
- I love my inner child unconditionally.
- I listen to my inner child’s needs and take care of them.
- I trust my inner child.
- My inner child deserves to have a voice and I listen to that voice.
- I respect my childlike innicence.
- I validate my inner child’s feelings.
- The child in me is very much alive. It is a happy, joyous and fun loving child.
- I re-parent my inner child with love, understanding and compassion.
- I freely express my playfulness.
- I love being playful and friendly.
- I let go of pain and focus on my inner child healing.
- My inner child helps me become more in alignment with my true self.
- I create an atmosphere of peace and safety within myself.
- __________(your name here), you are free to make your own choices. Live your own life.
- I accept my childhood experiences/trauma and let it heal.
- I receive love and kindness with ease.
- Boundary setting helps me to create safety within my life.
- I am ensuring my inner-child feels safe through my actions.
- I release the feeling of isolation.
- I deeply love and fully accept myself and all my experiences.
- I release the feeling of guilt, hurt and shame.
- I allow myself to accept positive thoughts and words about me.
- I deserve to be respected and treated with love.
- I ensure my inner-child of his/her safety by using words of love, compassion, and kindness.
- A feeling of peace and tranquility comforts my being.
- ___________, (your name here) I love you, I care about you and I accept you as you are.
- I am protected and safe.
- Along with my inner child, I am whole and complete.
- I am well connecting with my inner child.
- I am surrounded by the all-loving energy of the Universe and I am taken care of.
- I am supported.
- I am adored.
- I am loved.
- I am protected.
- I am taken care of.
- It is safe for me to express myself.
- I am nurtured.
- It is safe for me to be me.
- I am nourished.
- It is safe for me to feel.
- It is safe for me to love and to be loved.
- It is safe for me to play and to have fun.
- It is safe for me to give and to receive.
- It is safe for me to be happy and joyful.
- It is safe for me to relax.
- It is safe for me to be close to others.
- It is safe for me to learn and grow.
- I am loved no matter what.
- I deserve to blossom and flourish.
- I deserve to live a wonderful life.
- I am now fully ‘me’.
- I am healed.
- I am now stepping forward into my new life – a happy life of abundance, peace, and joy!
How To Work With Inner Child Affirmations?

- Write down or make a printout of all the inner child affirmations you’re going to work with.
- Before starting to repeat your inner child affirmations, make sure to straighten your back, relax your shoulders, feel confident. You want to remove any pressure from your spine and make your energy flow freely and smoothly.
- Say your inner child affirmations out loud one after another, slowly and confidently.
- While saying the inner child affirmations look in the mirror or in the sky, or simply close your eyes and focus on your inner child image. Alternatively, you can use your childhood picture and look at it while saying the affirmations.
- Say the affirmations at least 8 times each.
- Do not use too many affirmations all at once in one session.
- Be consistent: practice the inner child affirmations on a daily basis.
The Bottom Line
Inner child affirmations are a technique that contributes to our childhood trauma healing. When practiced daily along with other inner child healing practices, it helps you to re-parent and nourish your inner child, become whole again, and love yourself the way you are with all your experiences.