In this article, I want to share with you another kind of meditation, which is perfect for both – beginners and experienced practitioners. This meditation is mantra meditation. This type of meditation is based on mantras and it is a very powerful tool for self-transformation and self-development. But before I start talking about mantra meditation, I want to clear up what mantra is.
What Is Mantra?
In my article “What Is Mantra? Discover Three Types Of Mantras That Transform Reality” I have already written about what a mantra is. In this article, I’d like to continue my explanation.
The word “mantra” can be broken down into two parts: “man” and “tra”. “Man” means “mind”, and “tra” means “transport” or “vehicle”. In other words, a mantra is a tool of our mind – a powerful sound or vibration that we can use to enter a deep state of meditation, to connect with the Universe, and make our energy vibrate on the higher frequency.
Generally, a mantra is a syllable, word or sentence that is used in meditation to focus and free our mind and achieve a certain mental state.
Mantra is a sacred verbal formula that contains higher vibrational energy and information. It is able to transform our consciousness and help us in our spiritual development. Each mantra has its own meaning, purpose, and vibration.
The most powerful mantras are those that contain the names of Deities. It is believed that when we pronounce the names of Deities we enter into contact with them and activate their power which can help liberate and bless us.
Mantra’s Benefits

When we are using mantras for our meditations it helps us to enter a special state of consciousness in which we clear our mind from intrusive thoughts, images, emotions, and anxieties, that is, mantra practice helps to delve more deeply into a meditative state.
Moreover, each mantra carries a deep sacred meaning and purpose such as to bring health, love, prosperity, protection, peace, and joy into our lives. Being repeatedly chanted, mantras reveal their power and, connecting with the energy our intentions, are able to change our lives for the better.
In addition, the vibration of sound created by mantra affects our physical bodies. This manifests itself in relaxation, stress relief, energizing and strength.
Most Popular Mantras And Their Meanings
At the initial stage of the mastering of mantra meditation, it is better to use mantras that are not too complicated, the ones that are easier to remember and easy to chant. Here are some of the mantras that you can use for your mantra meditation.
This mantra should be pronounced as AUM. Chanting this simple yet powerful mantra will help you to feel unity with God and the Universe.
This is the mantra of the goddess Quan Yin – the goddess of mercy and compassion. This mantra is universal and its chanting has many benefits, such as:
- cleansing effect;
- success in all areas;
- calming effect, etc.
It is believed that the five syllables of this mantra contain the energy of the entire universe. This mantra consists of five syllables which represent five primary elements:
- “Na” represents Earth element;
- “Ma” represents Water element;
- “Shi” represents Fire element;
- “Va” represents Air element;
- “Ya” represents Ether element.
These five syllables also relate to the chakras – from Muladhara to Vishuddha.
Chanting this mantra purifies our energy and promotes inner transformation.
To learn more about this powerful mantra read my article “Destroy Your Illusions And Manifest Your Reality With Shiva Mantra”.

This mantra is one of many thousands of mantras that are chanted daily around the world. Ganesh mantra allows you to overcome obstacles to success and wealth and helps to succeed in business. In addition, it gives you powerful protection while traveling.
To learn more about Ganesh read my article Attract Wisdom, Success, And Prosperity With Ganesh Mantra.
This mantra allows you to purify your karma. Chanting this mantra also helps you to focus on business studying and contributes to success in creativity. It also promotes harmony in the family, helps to gain wealth, health, luck, wisdom, compassion, virtue, and self-knowledge.
To learn more about Lakshmi mantras read my article “Boost Your Abundance And Business Luck With This Lakshmi Mantra“.
It is a magical mantra that unifies us with the Divine. By chanting this powerful mantra you will remove all negative energies from your path, receive the support of your guardian angels, and powerful protection from enemies.
By chanting this beautiful mantra you will bring light and joy into your life. It will protect you from evil and bring peace to your heart.
This is a mantra of purification. It gives spiritual enlightenment, self-realization, awareness of higher values, success in all endeavors. Vasudeva is one of the names of Krishna. The Name Vasudeva is translated as pure consciousness.
“Narayana” can be translated as the totality of all living beings and their place of residence, their refuge. This powerful mantra gives protection and preservation. It helps to remove ignorance and negative emotions.
In this sacred mantra, we appeal to the three names of God. “Hare” – to the divine energy, and Krishna and Rama – directly to God. The very words “Krishna” and “Rama” mean the highest bliss, and “Hare” is the Supreme divine energy of bliss, which helps to reach God.
The main benefit of this sacred mantra is that its regular listening and chanting clears the heart from negative emotions and from bad habits and lust.
The Text:
Mala Beads

When you’re practicing mantra meditation mala beads can be very helpful. Mala beads help to dive deeper into the meditative state and maintain concentration. And with the help of mala beads, it is convenient to count how many times you have already repeated the mantra.
Traditionally, a mantra is being repeated 108 or 1008 times during a meditation session.
Mala beads can be different. They are made of various types of wood, plastic, stone, glass, seeds and other materials. A number of beads also varies and depends on the religion they serve. Beads can have separators (larger beads that divide the beads into steps) and pendants (for example, a cross, OM symbol, Hamsa hand, etc.).
Interestingly, the regular usage of mala beads can help in the treatment of joints diseases. This is due to the fact that when you’re touching the beads with your fingers you activate fine motor skills of your fingers.
Recommendation For Your Mantra Meditation
Before you start performing a mantra meditation, I would like to give some recommendations that will help you to build your practice correctly.
#1 Pronounce all the sounds of the mantra clearly
Keep in mind, that every single sound and syllable of the mantra has a deep meaning. Therefore it is so important to correctly and clearly pronounce all the sounds of the mantra.
#2 Learn the mantra by heart
It is best to practice mantra meditation with your eyes closed. This will help you to relax and dive deeper into the meditative state. Therefore it’s best to learn the mantra by heart so you don’t need to read it from the piece of paper.
#3 Choose a mantra according to your intention
When working with the mantra, it is important to know what exactly you want to achieve. Imagine as if you have already achieved it. If you do not have a clear intention (abundance, love, health, etc.), then use universal mantras or mantras that you intuitively feel attracted to.
#4 Chant the mantra in accordance with your inner tempo and rhythm, steadily and quietly
The mantra should flow like a song – without any tension, discomfort or rejection.
Mantra Meditation
There are different techniques that you can use for performing mantra meditation. In this article, I want to share with you the four most popular ones. You can choose either one of these techniques or you can alternate or mix them. It’s totally up to you!

Mantra Meditation Techniques
#1 Chanting a mantra in your mind, in a whisper or aloud
This technique of mantra meditation is quite simple.
Before you start performing mantra chanting, choose a suitable mantra for yourself, memorize it and get your mala beads.
Take a comfortable position for your mantra meditation. Make sure to keep your spine straight. Take your mala beads and close your eyes.
According to the ancient tradition, you should hold the mala beads with the thumb and middle fingers of your right hand. Touch the beads with your thumb, and slightly twist each bead from side to side, the middle finger acts as a support. Do not touch the mala beads with your index finger.
Touch the first bead, say the mantra one time. Now, move the bead with your thumb and middle finger. Touch the second bead and say the mantra again. So you will go full circle, that is 108 times.
Come out of the meditation gradually. Open your eyes. Track your feelings and emotions. Stay a little more in this state.
#2 Chanting mantras with a concentration on the breath

This technique is also very simple. Usually, people use the OM mantra for performing this technique.
So, take a comfortable position with your back being straight and close your eyes. As you inhale and exhale, say the OM mantra aloud or in your mind, stretching the sound for the entire inhale or exhale.
You can perform this technique by setting up the alarm or guided by internal sensations. You can use the mala beads to count the number of mantra repetitions. One inhalation and one exhalation count as one repetition.
#3 Mantra listening
Simple listening to mantras also has a beneficial effect. You can find online a huge number of video and audio recordings of mantras performed by various musicians. Just choose the one you like and use it for your mantra meditation.
Take a comfortable meditation pose (by sitting with your spine being straight or laying on your back). Close your eyes. Relax your body and focus on the mantra. You can stay in this position as long as you want. If you fall asleep, it’s ok. The mantra listening will relax you very deeply and you will wake up full of energy.
I often do this meditation when I put a face mask on my face. I need to keep the mask on my face for 15-20 minutes. So why to waste the time when I can use it for my spiritual benefits? I turn on the mantras, get comfortable, close my eyes, relax and rest. After this session, I feel very relaxed and joyful.
#4 Group mantra meditation
An example of such meditation is OM chanting.
In short, OM Chanting is a very ancient healing technique that is performed in a group and uses the cosmic vibration of OM sound to heal people and the planet.
When performing OM chanting collectively, the healing power of OM sound increases. Feelings, thoughts and negative energies dissolve, transform and change under the influence of the healing power of OM. Emotions get released. Inner peace, happiness, and love get attracted. This powerful meditation leads to a more joyful life, supports good health and helps achieve inner harmony.
Try different techniques of mantra meditation and soon you will definitely see wonderful results of this practice in your life and notice amazing inner transformation that will lead you to inner peace. Your emotional state will become calm and joyful. You will become a light that attracts good people and good luck.