In this article, I will share with you how to use essential oils for chakras properly. I will tell you where the chakra projections are located on the body and what essential oils work the best for chakra balancing. After reading this article, you’ll have all the necessary information to start using essential oils for chakras!
Projections Of The Chakras On The Body
All chakras have their own projections on the human body: on the palms, feet, head, are the areas where they are located. For chakra balancing, massage, and oil application, you should consider only the most accessible projections.
Root Chakra (Muladhara)
Muladhara, the first chakra, has projections at the base of the palms, at the base of the nape of the neck, and at the heels.
Also, a foot massage is a great way to balance your Muladhara chakra which regulates your sense of stability and promotes grounding.
Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana)
The projections of Svadhisthana, the second chakra, are the thumbs and middle toes, the right and left sides of the nape of the neck.
Also, a lower back massage is a great way to balance your Sacral chakra which influences your sensuality.
Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)
Projections of Manipura, the third chakra, are the middle fingers and big toes.
Also, a gentle tummy massage influences the functioning of the solar plexus chakra which increases your gut instincts.
Heart Chakra (Anahata)
Projections of the Anahata, the fourth chakra, are the little fingers and little toes.
Also, the heart chakra benefits from a supportive perfumed anointing oil applied to the breast bone or massage into the middle back area.
Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)
Projections of Vishuddha, the fifth chakra, are the index fingers and pointer toes.
Also, a body spray applied to chest and neck areas is an efficient way to influence the functioning of the Throat chakra which influences your expressiveness and communication.
Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)
Projections of Ajna, the sixth chakra, are the ring fingers and fore toes.
Also, an anointing oil applied to the forehead or through simple diffusion and inhalation is another great way to balance your Third eye chakra.
Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)
Projections of the Sahasrara, the seventh chakra, are in the middle parts of the palms and feet.
Also, a room diffusion applied to the airspace around you is a great way to balance the transcendent Crown chakra which occupies the space above the crown of your head.
Massage With Essential Oils For Chakras

One of the most effective ways to use essential oils for chakras is to massage the body projection of the chakra. There are two ways of performing such a massage.
Apply 3-4 drops of essential oil (but do not RUB) on the projection area of the chakra. Lie down and relax. Visualize how your chakra is unwinding and shining with its color:
- Muladhara — red;
- Svadhisthana — orange;
- Manipura — yellow;
- Anahata — green;
- Vishuddha — blue;
- Ajna — indigo;
- Sahasrara — purple.
Add essential oils to the base oil ( such as grapeseed, walnut, sesame, almond, peach oil) in a two-percent concentration. Apply the mixture to your palm and massage clockwise and counterclockwise on the front and back zone of the chakra projection. You need to practice massage for at least a week for each chakra, or better-21 days.
Essential Oils For Chakras
Now let me share with you what essential oils are most suitable for each chakra.
Essential Oils For Muladhara Chakra

Patchouli – gives a clarification of what you desire in life, helps overcome fatigue, and feeling down.
Nutmeg – activates a sluggish Root chakra.
Vetiver – calms an overactive Muladhara chakra.
Bergamot – balances and helps maintain a smoothly functioning Root chakra.
Cedar – helps to accumulate energy, gives peace, and a sense of security.
Clove – helps with the release of accumulated energy in the Root chakra, supports the readiness to get rid of old attachments, open up to new fresh energies. However, be careful with clove essential oil – it is very strong in effect, and its dose should be reduced at least twice!
Essential Oils For Svadhisthana Chakra

Neroli – brings the energy of pure love and lightness of being, driving away sorrows and bringing a peaceful, stable calm. It helps to heal trauma from abuse and overcome an emotional crisis or suffering from sadness.
Cardamom – awakens a dormant Sacral chakra.
Ylang-ylang calms an overactive Svadhisthana chakra. Its aroma gives a sense of security. It helps to dissolve toxic feelings and calm down emotions.
Sandalwood – helps to maintain a well functioning sacral chakra. It activates sexual energy and strengthens the unity with a partner on a spiritual level.
Essential Oils For Manipura Chakra

Pine – releases you from old wounds, letting you move forward without the baggage of the past.
Eucalyptus – helps to activate the Solar plexus chakra.
Vetiver – helps to calm an overactive Manipura.
Grapefruit – helps to balance the Solar plexus chakra.
Lavender – has a calming and relaxing effect on the hyperactive Manipura chakra. Its refined, warm vibrations help to process blocked emotions.
Rosemary oil is well suited for the healing of the insufficient function of the Solar plexus chakra.
Bergamot – strengthens vital energy, promotes confidence.
Essential Oils For Anahata Chakra

Rose – encourages free-flowing emotions, the ability to harmonize your feelings, and the capacity to express your emotions. This beautiful oil helps to release constricted feelings stored in the chest, internalized grief, melancholy, and repressed emotions.
Lavender – helps to calm your Heart chakra.
Geranium – helps to maintain a well functioning Anahata chakra.
Jasmine – harmonizes the Heart chakra.
Essential Oils For Vishuddha Chakra

Lemon essential oil – helps to open the Throat chakra.
Vanilla – calm an overactive Vishuddha chakra.
Coriander seed – a balancing oil to maintain the even expression of the Throat chakra.
Lavender – helps to encourage you to share your gifts with the world. This essential oil heals feelings of being overly delicate, withdrawn, or fearful. It stimulates spiritual growth by helping you integrate your experiences, which brings an expanded awareness and perspective.
Sage – sends healing vibrations to the tongue area and dissolves tensions in the Throat chakra.
Eucalyptus oil – clears the Throat chakra. Its vibrations open us to inner inspiration and give us a primary impulse for creative expression.
Essential Oils For Ajna Chakra

Sandalwood – brings an inner awareness and a sense of ease engaging with higher consciousness. It helps to break down illusions and align yourself with your most authentic self.
Rosemary – helps to activate the Third eye chakra.
German chamomile – stabilizes and increases the focus of Ajna chakra.
Frankincense and sandalwood – help to maintain a clear and balanced Ajna chakra.
Jasmine – helps to expand consciousness, increases intuition. Its vibrations sharpen perception and connect the energy of the Third eye chakra with the energy of the Heart chakra.
Peppermint – dissolves blockages in the Third eye area and gives us clarity, vitality, and improves concentration.
Essential Oils For Sahasrara Chakra

Lime is a great essential oil to use for energetic cord-cutting and detaching. This essential oil helps to enhance your perception of the truth in any situation. It also helps to see illusions clearly and not to confuse them with reality.
Lavender – helps to clarify a low functioning Crown chakra.
Neroli and vanilla – calm overactive Sahasrara.
Frankincense – helps to maintain a well functioning Crown chakra.
Lotus – harmonizes Sahasrara. The Lotus flower in the East is a symbol of beauty and perfection of the spirit. Lotus essential oil radiates light and harmony, increases love, and joy.
The Bottom Line
Essential oils can be a powerful tool for chakra healing and balancing. Make sure you use them during your meditations, healing, and relaxation. Essential oils for chakras can help balance your energy centers and keep them in alignment to ensure optimal health of the body, mind, and soul.