Magical Ritual Baths For Chakra Balancing

Do you feel like you’ve lost your inner peace and harmony and the world is driving you crazy? Then the ritual baths for chakra balancing is the therapy your body is asking for! The fact is that our troubled minds often take our energy to a lower level – and we become apathetic, tired, unhappy with our life, pessimistic, depressed and weak. All of these are signs that our chakras are in disharmony, and our aura needs to be cleansed.

In this article, I will share with you not only a very effective, but probably one of the most pleasant ways to harmonize the chakras – ritual baths designed specifically for chakra balancing!

First of all, let me give you a short instruction for doing ritual baths:

Aroma bath image

  1.  First of all, you need to do separate the bath ritual for each chakra. You should never balance several chakras altogether. When you do a ritual bath for a specific chakra, healing and balancing take place on a deeper level than if you were to balance several chakras altogether.
  2. Read the information below about how to make ritual baths for each chakra. You can start chakra balancing with the Root chakra and  “work through” each chakra per week (one chakra per day). Or you can choose those chakras where you feel the biggest imbalance – and balance them.
  3. When you’ve already decided which chakras you are going to balance, pick all the necessary materials for the ritual.
  4. The crystals must be put into the tub before you begin to fill it with water. If the crystals are too small then place them inside a fabric pouch and then put it into the tub.
  5. Prepare salt aroma mix: drip 2-4 drops of essential oil on sea salt (4 tablespoons).
  6. Fill the bathtub with water. Aromamix should be added only when the bathtub is full of water. Also, add an herbal brew.
  7. Light a candle (which matches the color of the chakra you are going to balance) and read your intention 3 times.
  8. Now you can take a bath. While you are in the water read affirmations and mantras for the chakras, while concentrating on the chakra. You should also visualize the color of the chakra. This is how you program the water you are sitting in – and create a healing effect.

Root chakra balancing

Root chakra image

Focus: perineum, between the anus and genitals.

Imbalances: self-doubt, feeling a victim of circumstances, fears, nervousness, dissatisfaction with one’s appearance, anger for any reason, greed, arrogance.

Harmonious chakra: stability, grounding, self-confidence, activity, courage, generosity.

The intention for chakra balancing: “From Now on I stop being a victim of circumstances. I free myself from fear, nervousness, anger, greed, and arrogance.”

Root chakra healing image

Affirmation: “I am a good and generous person! I believe in myself, in my abilities and possibilities. I love the way I look. I’m strong and brave”.

Mantra: LAM.

Color: red

Essential oils for ritual baths: cedar, patchouli or myrrh.

Stones: Ruby, black tourmaline, red garnet.

Herbs: ginseng.

Sacral chakra balancing

Sacral chakra image

Focus: just below the navel.

Imbalance: excessive sentimentality, emotionality unbalanced, “unhealthy” attachment to people or material objects, lack of joy, guilt, problems in relationships with people, tearfulness, jealousy, resentment, irritability.

Harmonious chakra: the harmonious relationship with people, feeling sexy, loving your body, self-esteem, energy.

The intention for chakra balancing: “I release myself from excessive sentimentality, weeping, jealousy, resentment, irritability, devastation, and bindings.”

sacral chakra healing image

Affirmation: “I freely Express myself through creativity. I am in harmony with myself and the whole world. I love my body and feel attractive! Self-respect is my priority!”.

Mantra: VAM.

Color: orange.

Essential oils for ritual baths: sandalwood, Jasmine, rose, ylang-ylang.

Stones: orange carnelian, orange calcite, aragonite.

Herbs: cinnamon bark.

Solar plexus chakra balancing

solar plexus chakra image

Focus: the center of the lower chest.

Imbalance: fear, anxiety, condemnation, criticism, feeling of own impotence, indecision, timidity; the desire to control everything, aggressiveness.

Harmonious chakra: self-confidence, the desire to achieve goals, optimism, financial well-being, success in a career.

The intention for chakra balancing: “I release Myself from fear, anxiety, condemnation, criticism, indecision, shyness, desire to control everything, aggressiveness.”

Solar plexus chakra manipura image

Affirmation: “I am strong morally, I am strong physically, I am strong energetically. I absolutely believe in myself and my abilities. I reach all my goals easily and confidently! Financial well-being and success always accompany me! I am an optimist!”.

Mantra: RAM.

Color: yellow.

Essential oils for ritual baths: Clary sage, juniper, geranium.

Stones: Citrine, tiger eye, pyrite.

Herbs: ginger, mint.

Heart chakra balancing

Focus: the center of the chest.

Imbalance: fear of being rejected, dislike of yourself, the frequent feeling of hatred toward others, self-pity, lack of joy.

Harmonious chakra: unconditional love, compassion, self-love, feeling loved, the desire to take care of others, kindness, benevolence, happiness, and joy.

The intention for chakra balancing: “I release myself from the fear of being rejected. I free myself from self-pity. I free myself from hatred toward others.”

heart chakra healing anahata image

Affirmation: “There is love inside and around me. I am kind. I radiate happiness and joy.”

Mantra: YAM.

Color: green or pink.

Essential oils for ritual baths: rose, Melissa, neroli.

Stones: rose quartz, jade, Kunzite.

Herbs: licorice.

Throat chakra balancing

throat chakra image

Focus: between the center of the collarbone and the larynx.

Imbalance: difficulty in self-expression, shyness, reserved, isolation; or, conversely, excessive talkativeness, garrulity.

A harmonious chakra: a clear presentation of ideas, ease of self-expression.

The intention for Vishuddha chakra balancing: “I release myself from any difficulties in self-expression. I release myself from timidity and isolation.”

Throat Chakra Healing Image

Affirmation: “I express my thoughts clearly. I always express myself freely and easily. It is easy for me to communicate with people. I am an attentive conversationist”.

Mantra: HAM.

Color: cyan or turquoise.

Essential oils for ritual baths: lavender, chamomile.

Stones: blue calcite, aquamarine, turquoise.

Herbs: lemon+turmeric.

Third eye chakra balancing

third eye chakra image

Focus: the center of the forehead.

Imbalance: lack of discipline, difficulties in concentration, purely logical guidance, lack of self-trust and own intuition.

Harmonious chakra: well-developed intuition, high intelligence, wisdom, well-developed philosophical thinking, self-confidence, and intuition.

The intention for chakra balancing: “I release myself from the need to assert myself at the expense of others. I refuse to be guided purely by logic.”

Third eye chakra activation image

Affirmation: “I trust myself and my intuition. I have a well-developed intuition and high intelligence. I am a wise person, I have well-developed philosophical thinking.”

Mantra: OM.

Color: Indigo or white.

Essential oils for ritual baths: frankincense, Basil.

Stones: moonstone, sodalite, lapis lazuli.

Herbs: lemongrass, Jasmine.

Crown chakra balancing

Focus attention: the top of the head.

Imbalance: depression, inability to think clearly in a stressful situation, unwillingness to communicate with other people, loss of “life taste”, fear of death.

Harmonious chakra: connection with God, unity with other people and the world, realizing and accepting own uniqueness.

The intention for Crown chakra balancing: “I am free from depression and fatigue. I am free from fear.”

Crown chakra opening symptoms

Affirmation: “I trust the Universe and boldly go forward. There is the presence of God everywhere. I feel unity with other people and the world. I realize my own uniqueness and recognize my own Divinity.”

Mantra: OM.

Color: purple.

Essential oils for ritual baths: ylang-ylang, rosewood, Linden, Lotus.

Stones: amethyst, lepidolite, Sugilite.

Herbs: Astragalus root, lavender.

Precautionary measures:

Floral Ritual Bath Image

  1. Do not use too many essential oils for aromatic baths. 3-4 drops are enough.
  2. The temperature of the water in the bathtub should not exceed 100,40 F.
  3. Do not use any cosmetic products (soaps, foam, body wash, etc.) while taking the ritual bath.
  4. Do not eat 1.5-2 hours before the procedure.
  5. The duration of the procedure should be at least 10 minutes and no more than 20 minutes.
  6. After the procedure, it is not necessary to wipe dry. Give the oil some time after the bath to absorb into the skin. It is best to wait until the body has dried itself or immediately after the bath, put on a warm robe.
  7. After taking a ritual bath it’s important to give the body time to relax – you can lie down for 15 mins, or drink some herbal tea.
  8. If you have cancer, angina, epilepsy, diabetes, liver cirrhosis, ischemic heart disease, thrombophlebitis, chronic hepatitis, glomerulonephritis, dermatitis, acute inflammation and “weeping” with mycosis DO NOT take a bath with essential oils without consulting with your doctor! Also if you are pregnant it is very important to exercise caution in using essential oils.


It’s very important for all of us to remember to find time for healing ourselves. This is extremely important in order to heal the world and make it a better place. I believe you will enjoy ritual baths for your chakra balancing and make them your regular practice.