Creativity is such a natural part of human beings that it can never be completely taken out of us. However, many of us have forgotten what it’s like to be creative due to the fact that our creative energy has been buried or ignored for years. If you’re lacking creative ideas or feel like you’re not living your life in resonance with your true purpose anymore; if you’re wondering what you can do to unleash the innate creative potential burning away inside of you, then this article is for you! I’m going to share with you how the power of your own chakras can help you to unlock your creative potential.
Are you excited? Then let’s dive into it!
How Does Creative Energy Flow Through the Chakras?

The activity of our creative potential is connected to our chakras (energy centers). To be specific, it is connected to Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana), Throat Chakra (Vishuddha), and Third Eye Chakra (Ajna). Each of these chakras is responsible for certain aspects of creativity.
Just below your navel, right in the center of your lower belly, and in your back, the Svadhisthana (Sacral) chakra is located. The Sacral chakra is your sexual center and at the same time the center of creation. By unlocking your Sacral chakra you awaken the dormant creative power.
Another chakra that is responsible for opening your creative potential is Vishuddha (Throat chakra). This is the center of self-expression, which is responsible for inspiration, communication, and personal expression. Vishuddha is responsible for raising the energy from the bottom up. When this happens, a person begins to create, comes up with brilliant ideas, and whatever he/she touches turns into a masterpiece.
When the energy reaches Ajna (the Third Eye chakra), the subtle facets of self-expression are revealed. At this level, not just creativity is born, but also a brilliance, genius, and inspiration.
In order for the creative energy to move, to reach the desired levels, it is necessary to open and balance these three chakras.
How To Unlock Your Creative Potential?
Unlock Your Creative Potential Through Sacral Chakra

Svadhisthana is responsible for creativity, pleasure, sex, childbirth, control, and morality. This is where our fantasies, emotions, and dreams are centered. The element of the Sacral chakra is water – a pure, flexible, fluid substance that can take any form.
Balanced Svadhistana makes a person incredibly attractive. Such a person easily adapts to any situation, feels other people well, has impeccable intuition, feels connected to the Universe, and trusts his instincts. In other words, he has the feeling that everything in this world is for a reason, that he is a part of a great plan. As a rule, such people are very creative. They transmit their positive energy to the world. No wonder people are attracted to them like a magnet.
Sacral chakra activation and balancing will improve your health, increase your vitality and attractiveness, and increase your creativity.
Here are some tips on how to do it:
#1: Aromatherapy for Sacral chakra

Essential oils help to unblock and harmonize the energy circulation in your Sacral chakra. To clear blocked energy, use patchouli essential oil during your meditations. Jasmine oil helps to release creative energy and connect with your spirituality.
#2: Drinks
To balance your Sacral chakra, drink more pure water, green tea, and freshly squeezed juices.
#3: Food
Such foods like apples, pears, berries, melons, spinach, cucumbers, and tomatoes are good for balancing your Sacral chakra.
#4: Svadhisthana Mantra
Chant Svadhisthana mantra “VAM”.
#5: Svadhisthana Crystals
Use the healing power of crystals, such as moonstone, carnelian, apricot agate, orange garnet, fire opal, orange sapphire, sardonyx, carnelian, sunstone, aventurine, calcite, fire agate, and orange spinel. To heal your Sacral chakra, you can meditate with a crystal, holding it in your hands. You can also wear a ring with one of these crystals on your pinky finger.
Unlock Your Creative Potential Through Vishuddha

The Throat chakra is responsible for the ability to express thoughts and emotions, the ability to understand and be understood by others, and to express yourself through creativity.
The Sacral chakra is responsible for creative abilities, while Vishuddha is the center for the implementation of creative ideas into reality. The energy accumulated in the Sacral chakra passes through the Throat chakra and is directed to the implementation of the creative process.
If your Sahasrara and Ajna chakras are well developed, the divine energy flows through your body. And if your Vishudha is harmoniously active, your creative expressions will also have a pearl of deep wisdom. The viewer or reader who comes across such creation will find some important meaning in it and will never forget it.
With Vishuddha activation, a person receives the ability to express his feelings and thoughts through art in a beautiful and harmonious way.
Naturally, Throat chakra develops in every person between the ages of 15 and 21 years old. After 21 years old, the natural development of the throat chakra slows down. Therefore, it is necessary to keep working on balancing this chakra throughout life. Here are a few tips on how to do it:
#1: Gargle and inhalation

To unblock your Throat chakra, gargle or inhale with herbs or sea salt.
#2: Wear blue clothes
When you’re choosing your clothes give preference to blue color. Ideally, it would be wearing a blue scarf around your neck. The vibration of blue color will resonate with the vibrations of the throat chakra and strengthen it.
#3: Chant Vishuddha mantra
To balance and heal your Throat chakra, chanting “HAM” mantra. When you’re chanting this mantra you need to feel the vibration in the area of your Throat chakra.
#4: Journalling
If your Throat chakra is blocked it might be very difficult to express your creativity and share your ideas with others. You can try journaling instead.
#5: Vishuddha crystals
Start wearing and surround yourself with Vishuddha crystals, such as lapis lazuli, blue calcite, aquamarine, turquoise, sodalite, amazonite, blue tourmaline.
#6: Be closer to nature
Spend more time outside, surround yourself with nature, looking and meditating on the blue sky.
#7: Use essential oils for Throat chakra
To activate and balance your Throat chakra, use sandalwood and lavender essential oils. You can use these oils in the aromatherapy diffuser, add them to your massage oil, or burn them in the aromatherapy essential oils burner.
Unlock Your Creative Potential Through Ajna

Ajna stimulates inspiration. The stronger the inspiration, the more people will understand the creative message, and the power of inspiration depends on the development of Ajna.
Active Ajna increases creativity and promotes the development of clairvoyance.
Usually, the Third Eye chakra gets blocked when a person gets disconnected from his Higher self and turns away from his life purpose and mission. When life purpose is lost, Ajna is blocked. Therefore, it is essential to ask yourself: “Am I living in resonance with my life mission?”. You have to be honest in answering this question!
After that, you need to find out what is wrong and why you turned away from your purpose. You should not be afraid of asking yourself questions and looking for answers inside yourself. You should always be prepared for the fact that when you are working on Ajna activation, some hidden truths that have been in the subconscious mind for a long time may be revealed.
Here are some ways to unblock and balance Ajna:
#1: Use Indigo color
Include indigo color in your meditations and daily life. Add indigo clothes to your wardrobe, wear indigo jewelry. You can also add indigo color to your meditations – just visualize this color on your Third Eye Chakra during your meditations and every time you go to bed.
#2: Chant Ajna mantra
To balance your Ajna chakra, chant mantra “OM”. By chanting this syllable, you’re activating your intuition and connecting with the Higher Wisdom. You can repeat this syllable aloud or in your mind during meditation.
#3: Use essential oils

Rub eucalyptus essential oil in the forehead area. Apply the oil from the central part of the forehead to the nose. You can do it before you start your meditations or go to bed.
#4: Food
If you want to heal your Ajna chakra and restore its power and strength, you should add foods that are colored close to Indigo color to your daily diet. These foods include blueberries, blue plums, dates, and blue grapes.
#5: Meditate
Concentrate on your Third Eye chakra. Imagine that there is a bright blue energy vortex. It has the shape of a ball and rotates clockwise (if you look from above), while it accumulates the same bright blue energy of your thought. Chakra sucks in this energy of the mind and illuminates your head with cold blue light. Your brain cells are filled with power, nourished, and purified, you feel the tension go away from your vessels and capillaries. You feel how your speed of thinking, memory, and other functions of your brain are improving. Performing such an exercise for 10-15 minutes, you will be able to fill your chakra with energy, as well as improve the efficiency of your brain.
In Conclusion
In addition to the above tips, if you want to unlock your creative potential you need to be rested and relaxed on mental, physical, and emotional levels. When you feel mental pressure it’s hard to make the energy move. Therefore, it’s very difficult to feel inspired and creative. You need to have a pure mind and heart to create a sacred place for your creative ideas to arrive.