There are many ways to restore the natural flow of energy through the chakras. Visualization, yoga asanas, breathing exercises, crystal healing, color therapy, sound healing—all of these practices help release blockages and restore balance. Repeating chakra affirmations is another method of chakra balancing. Repeating affirmations direct healing energy to restore balance in your body and your life. When we repeat chakra affirmations, we become capable of rewriting the patterns in our subconscious minds and direct healing vibrations to the chakras.
In this article, you will learn how the practice of chakra affirmations can help you balance your chakras and communicate with your energy field.
What Are Chakras?
Usually, when we speak of the chakras, we mean the seven vital centers in the subtle body.
Chakras are energy nodes in the subtle body, a kind of receiver and transmitter of cosmic energy. These are rapidly rotating whirlpools of subtle energies that arise along the spine from the root to the crown. They are vortex-shaped. Each of the seven main chakras works at a certain level and is “responsible” for a certain aspect of life, health, and various life situations.
Our chakras are like batteries for various levels of vital energy. Their purpose is receiving, storing, and radiating energy through interaction with the universal life force. The freedom with which energy can flow from the universe to you and back directly determines your state of health and well-being.
Any blockages of the vital energy flow lead to a disorder of the body’s systems as a whole and result in illness, discomfort, loss of energy, or emotional instability. By realizing and understanding the chakra system, and the way it works, we are able to remove our own limitations and reach a level where it is easy to solve any problems and overcome any obstacles in life. Meanwhile, a complete blockage can lead to a complete disconnection from the universal life force, that is, to physical death.
There are seven main chakras, which align the spine, starting from the base of the spine through to the crown of the head:
- Muladhara – Root chakra – located in the perineum of men and in the cervix of women.
- Svadhisthana – Sacral chakra – located above the Muladhara, just above the genitals.
- Manipura – Solar Plexus chakra – located behind the navel within the spinal column.
- Anahata – Heart chakra – located above Manipura, near the heart.
- Vishuddha – Throat chakra – located in the middle of the throat.
- Ajna – Third Eye chakra – located at the top of the spinal column near the medulla oblongata.
- Sahasrara – Crown chakra – located in the crown of the head and is associated with the pituitary gland.

These seven chakras (or energy centers) are very important parts of our energy body. The chakras not only control and energize the vital organs of the body but also control and affect our psychological and spiritual conditions. When one of the chakras goes out of balance, it leads to a physical, emotional, or mental impact on your body.
Therefore, it is essential to know what condition your chakras are in. Our Chakra quiz can help you to test your chakras and find out any imbalances. To take the quiz CLICK HERE.
What Are Chakra Affirmations?
Chakra affirmations are short phrases containing a verbal balancing formula that, when repeated many times, activates the healing process in the subconscious of a person, contributing to energy flow restoration, energy block removal, chakra balancing and healing, psycho-emotional state improvement, and positive changes in health and wellbeing.
With the help of chakra affirmations, you can reprogram your mind from lack of energy and illness to vitality and health. If you learn to direct the energy of your thoughts to health and wellbeing you will eventually start feeling better, more energized, and will notice that you’re more healthy than ever.
Chakra affirmations will help you to remove emotional and energetical blocks which will naturally lead to a significant improvement of your overall health and will take the quality of your life to the next level.
Now, let me share with you powerful affirmations for each of the seven chakras.
Root Chakra Affirmations
Sanskrit name: Muladhara
Color frequency: Red
Location: In the perineum of men and in the cervix of women
Responsible for: Stability, safety, financial security, strength

- I am centered and grounded.
- I love being in my body.
- I am powerful, rooted, and strong.
- I have everything I need.
- I am stable and secure.
- I am connected to nature.
- I am financially secure.
- I am safe.
- The universe takes care of me.
- I am peaceful, protected, and secure.
- I trust in the goodness of life to carry me through.
Sacral Chakra Affirmations
Sanskrit name: Svadhisthana
Color frequency: Orange
Location: just above the genitals
Responsible for: Sexuality, creativity, joy, playfulness, and versatility

- I am creative and joyful.
- The sweetness of life flows through me.
- I embrace and celebrate my sexuality.
- It is safe to express my sexual self in healthy ways.
- I deserve to enjoy life.
- I flow with inspiration and creativity.
- I express my emotions in a healthy manner.
- I am in harmony with myself.
- I receive pleasure and abundance with every breath I take.
- I am in touch with my feelings.
- I allow myself to be intimate.
Solar Plexus Chakra Affirmations
Sanskrit name: Manipura
Color frequency: Yellow
Location: behind the navel within the spinal column
Responsible for: Inner power, self-esteem, and a sense of purpose

- I feel my inner power.
- I make decisions with confidence and conviction.
- I am powerful.
- My boundaries are respected and upheld.
- I have the courage to create positive change in my life.
- I am confident in all that I do.
- I feel motivated to pursue my purpose.
- I honor myself and the power within me.
- I am responsible for what I create.
- I am positively empowered and successful.
- I am enough.
Heart Chakra Affirmations
Sanskrit name: Anahata
Color frequency: Green
Location: In the center of the chest
Responsible for: Love, compassion, and forgiveness for oneself and others

- I love myself unconditionally.
- I welcome love with an open heart.
- I am an expression of love.
- I allow the love to fill me up and guide me in all my actions.
- I follow my heart.
- I naturally attract love everywhere I go.
- I am open to giving and receiving love.
- I am kind to myself and others.
- I am grateful for all my blessings.
- I forgive myself and others.
- I nurture my inner child.
Throat Chakra Affirmations
Sanskrit name: Vishuddha
Color frequency: Blue
Location: In the middle of the throat
Responsible for: Authentic expression and listening to others

- I live an authentic life.
- I communicate confidently and with ease.
- I am open and honest in my communication.
- I feel comfortable speaking my mind.
- I am expressing myself with clear intent.
- I am an active listener.
- My voice matters.
- I express myself honestly with clear intent.
- I live in the truth. I communicate my truth. I am the truth.
- I know when it is time to listen.
- I express myself creatively through speech, writing, and art.
Third Eye Chakra Affirmations
Sanskrit name: Ajna
Color frequency: Indigo
Location: at the top of the spinal column near the medulla oblongata.
Responsible for: Strong intuition and inner wisdom, the release of the ego

- I trust my intuition.
- I always honor and follow my intuition.
- I think and see clearly.
- I am connected to my higher self.
- I feel connected to my spiritual truth.
- I trust my decisions.
- I let my inner wisdom guide me.
- I nurture my spirit.
- I quiet my mind with ease.
- I am constantly expanding my awareness.
- I am tuned into Universal wisdom.
Crown Chakra Affirmations
Sanskrit name: Sahasrara
Color frequency: Violet
Location: The crown of the head
Responsible for: Spiritual connection, bliss, and enlightenment

- I am Light.
- I am an extension of the Universe.
- I see the divine light in everyone.
- I am infinite.
- I listen to the wisdom of the Universe.
- I accept myself totally.
- I am raising my level of consciousness every day.
- I am divinely guided and inspired.
- Everything is unfolding exactly as it should in my life.
- I am an extension of the universe.
- Everything is working out for my highest good.
The Bottom Line
The most important thing in affirmation practice is to transmute negative thoughts and blocks into positive thoughts and attitudes. Stay focused on your healing and choose your thoughts carefully! Remember that even a fleeting negative thought can destroy months of positive affirmation practice!