Everything in the Universe (including human bodies) consists of the energy of the five elements. They are the original source of our existence. Therefore, the five elements have great manifesting power. If you know how to use this power properly, you become a Creator of your own destiny. This is due to the ability to connect your reality with the powerful flow of abundance of the Universe which the knowledge of the five elements provides.
The Chinese esotericism believes that he who knows the essence of the five elements and their combinations tears the veil from the mysteries of the universe and becomes omnipotent.
In this article, I will tell you how to manifest with the power of the five elements so you can make your dream life come true!
The Five Elements
Before I start talking about how to manifest with the power of the five elements I would like to dive deeper into the five elements theory so that you know what kinds of energy we are going to use for manifesting.
According to Chinese esoteric tradition, the five elements are:
- fire;
- earth;
- metal;
- water;
- wood.
These elements are constantly interacting with each other. They can produce each other, exhaust each other, or destroy each other. Each of the five elements can be represented by features and symbols.

The Fire element has the power of the highest form of Yang energy. It symbolizes any sources of light and fire: Sun, lightning, electricity, candles, volcanos, etc.
It’s a very powerful element that is responsible for the following spheres:
- creates life;
- cleanses;
- destroys negativity;
- brings success, fame, and recognition;
- helps to spread information quick and easily;
- ignites passion;
- improves reputation;
- boosts intellect;
- attracts love and romance.
The Fire Element Activation

To activate the Fire element in your house, enjoy its benefits, and manifest a better life for yourself and your family you can perform the following simple actions:
- if you want to attract fame and recognition make sure to have bright lights and light candles in the South;
- those of you who want to attract love, passion, romance, or family joyous occasions make sure to have bright lights and light candles in the Southwest;
- if you want to attract the luck of scholarship make sure to have bright lights and light candles in the Northeast.
Now let me share with you how to manifest a better life with the help of the Fire element. Here are 3 powerful techniques that you can use!
How To Manifest With The Power Of The Fire Element
Technique #1

If you want to get rid of negative feelings or emotions this technique will help you to do so.
For performing this technique you need to go out on a sunny day and find a quiet place so you can peacefully meditate. It can be your backyard, park, beach, etc.
Sit down and relax. Visualize how a shining fireball goes through your energy body and cleansing you from any negativity you have. It’s burning out any negative feelings or emotions as well as anything you want to get rid of. Give this fireball a direction you want it to work through. For example: “Now I’m free from any negative thoughts that can affect my life“. Or: “I’m free from resentment and anger“. Use your own intention.
Stay in this meditation for at least 10-15 minutes.
Technique #2

If you want to get rid of something use this simple yet powerful technique.
Write down on a piece of paper what you want to get rid of. It can be debts, credits, difficult situations, problems, complicated relationships, bad moods, etc. Then simply burn it with your intention being pronounced out loud: “Now I am free from ( … name what you want to get rid of)“. Say your intention 3 times. Throw out the ashes in the trash can with the words: “It’s done!“.
Technique #3

If you want to attract love, passion, and romance into your life, it’s very beneficial to meditate on fire. For doing this, light a red candle, and meditate on its fire. Feel how this fire goes through your Heart chakra and awakens that unconditional love that attracts your soul mate.
While meditating on fire, you can say love affirmations or chant (or listen to) love mantras. This will enhance your meditation.

The Wood element stands for growth and expansion. It symbolizes trees, plants, flowers, etc.
It’s a very powerful element that is responsible for the following spheres:
- attracts success;
- gives longevity and youth;
- stimulates development;
- attracts good luck;
- supports financial growth;
- boosts creativity;
- gives support;
- helps to build a strong and big family;
- blossoming of the projects.
The Wood Element Activation

To activate the Wood element in your house, enjoy its benefits, and manifest a better life for yourself and your family you can perform the following simple actions:
- if you want to have a big and happy family, place live plants in the Eastern room of your house;
- those of you who want to attract financial growth and abundance into your life, place live plants in the Southeast corner of your house or office.
Live young plants symbolize growth upwards and outwards. However, it is very important that the plants look lush and healthy, so you need to make sure you keep them well-watered and fed. Dead or dying plants will not create auspicious energy. Young broad-leaved plants are ideal, and flowering plants will represent the blossoming of your projects.
Now let me share with you how to manifest a better life with the help of the Wood element. Here are 2 powerful techniques that you can use!
How To Manifest With The Power Of The Wood Element
Technique #1

Every time you go to the park or forest take a chance to hug a tree. While hugging the tree repeat your intention. For example, you can say: “As this tree grows so do my finances grow!”. Or: “As this tree blooms so do my beauty and youth bloom!”. Feel how the tree is charging you with vital energy and supporting you. Visualize that you and the tree are one and feel the energy exchange between you and the tree.
Technique #2

If you want to attract abundance and prosperity and make your finances grow, then this simple technique is for you!
Hang on the tree on your backyard or on a healthy plant Chinese coins. While you are hanging the coins repeat the following affirmation: “As this tree/plant grows so do my finances grow!”. And make sure to keep that tree/plant healthy!
After you hanged those coins, every time you look at that plant or tree repeat that statement again and again: “As this tree/plant grows so do my finances grow!”. The trick is to constantly be interacting with the tree/plant, talking to it, and giving it the task – to grow your money.

The Water element stands for success related to money and wealth. It also associated with emotional sensuality, therefore too much Water can lead to tiredness, dejection, and lethargy.
The Water element represents all the liquids, mirrors, glass, fountains, aquariums, etc.
Water is a very powerful element that is responsible for the following spheres:
- brings money;
- attracts prosperity;
- manifests abundance;
- helps with career;
- success related to money;
- cleanses;
- helps to manifest the desired reality through programming and charging.
The Water Element Activation

To activate the Water element in your house, enjoy its benefits, and manifest a better life for yourself and your family you can perform the following simple actions:
- if you want career growth, promotion and better opportunities make sure to decorate the North of your house with the colors of water (blue, black, azure);
- those of you who want to attract the increase in your salary hang a big mirror in the North of your house;
- if you want to attract more opportunities, money, and success, place a decorative fountain in the North of your house.
Now let me share with you how to manifest a better life with the help of the Water element. Here are 5 powerful techniques that you can use!
How To Manifest With The Power Of The Water Element
Technique #1

Water is a blueprint for our reality. Emotional energies and vibrations can change the physical structure of water.
Water has the ability to remember the information. This property is used for programming water with affirmations, intentions, or mantras. Water remembers the information coded, gets into the human body, and begins working according to a given program – brings this information to body cells.
For programming water, take a glass of water, place it between your palms, and say positive affirmations, positive words, mantras or your intentions. For example, it can be just positive words, such as: “Happiness! Abundance! Love!”. Or you can charge your water with money affirmations.
And then drink this water visualizing how it’s filling every cell of your body with this positive information. After drinking it, close your eyes and feel how the structure of your energy body is improving and the reality you live in manifests itself in accordance with the affirmations you just stated.
Technique #2

This is a beauty technique that was very popular during ancient times. However, nowadays only a few people still use it. It’s based on water programming. But for beauty purposes, we are going to use water for washing our faces.
Place a bowl of water between your palms and say positive beauty affirmations, such as: “I am beautiful! I am attractive! I am young!” as many times as you want (the more the better). Or you can say positive beauty words, such as: “Beauty! Youth! Love! Joy! Happiness!“. And then wash your face with this water!
Technique #3

This technique became my daily ritual! It is very simple! You just need to make it your habit.
Every time you take a shower or bath or swim in the pool or ocean, in other words, every time you bathe your body in water, say positive affirmations! You can do it even mentally if you don’t want somebody to hear you. Visualize how water is receiving information from you and charges your body with it. Alternatively, you can turn on music with mantras or prayers while you’re taking a shower.
Technique #4

Water can help you to cleanse your aura and raise your frequency of energy vibrations – something that yogis and meditative practitioners regularly strive for. To learn more about the most powerful energy cleansing with the Water element, read my article: “This is the Most Powerful Energy Cleansing Bath Ritual!“.
Technique #5

Water can help you to attract abundance! Bath rituals are a perfect tool for aligning yourself with the energy of abundance. Once you raise your own energy to the next level you will start to radiate abundance, you will gain an abundance mindset and abundant living. To learn more about how to perform the bath rituals for attracting abundance, read my article “Ancient Bath Rituals For Attracting Abundance“.

The Earth element is a symbol of stability, confidence, support, and security.
Crystals are the best manifestations of the Earth element.
Earth is a very powerful element that is responsible for the following spheres:
- brings family happiness;
- creates harmony;
- gives support;
- provides stability;
- gives security;
- helps to attract scholarship luck;
- attracts romance and serious relationship;
- helps to feel more confident.
The Earth Element Activation

To activate the Earth element in your house, enjoy its benefits, and manifest a better life for yourself and your family you can perform the following simple actions:
- if you want to attract romance and serious relationships that lead to marriage, place a pair of Rose Quartz Crystal Mandarin Ducks in the Southwest room of your house;
- if you want to attract scholarship luck and greatly enhance your children’s academic achievements, place a clear quartz crystal globe in the Northeast of your house.
Now let me share with you how to manifest a better life with the help of the Earth element. Here are 2 powerful techniques that you can use!
How To Manifest With The Power Of The Earth Element
Technique #1

Grounding is the most powerful technique you can perform to create a stable connection with the Earth. Properly grounding yourself allows you to recharge and access the energy necessary to implement your intentions on the material plane.
A grounded person is always in contact with his center, in balance with himself and with his body. He/she stands firmly on his/her feet. The one who knows how to successfully ground himself/herself will no only be able to obtain a large portion of joy and various intangible benefits, but he/she will also be able to obtain financial success and health more easily.
To learn how to perform grounding, read my article “Earth Grounding Techniques Everyone Should Use“.
Technique #2

Another wonderful way to manifest with the power of the Earth element is to charge crystals with a specific intention. Crystals can be very powerful manifesting tools if you charge them right. To find out how to charge crystals for manifesting your desired reality, read my article “How To Charge Crystals: 8 Most Effective Ways“.

The Metal element brings power and authority. It is believed that if you are able to activate and build a good connection with the Metal element you become a very powerful and influential person!
The Metal element is a symbol of “the Power of Heaven”, abundance, and financial success.
Metal is a very powerful element that is responsible for the following spheres:
- gives power and authority;
- encourages enterprise;
- attracts abundance;
- brings financial success;
- gives support;
- boosts creativity;
- responsible for children;
- attracts mentors;
- gives assistance.
The Metal Element Activation

To activate the Metal element in your house, enjoy its benefits, and manifest a better life for yourself and your family you can perform the following simple actions:
- If you want to attract mentors or assistance, make sure to decorate your Northwest room with the colors of Metal such as silver, gold, or white. You can also place Chinese coins, jewelry, or any metal talismans in your Northwest room to enhance the Metal element energy.
- If you want to boost your career or business luck, place Chinese coins or a metal Ganesh statue in the North of your house.
- If you want to boost creativity and opening up your creative potential, place an Elephant with a trunk raised statue in the West of your house.
- For those of you who want to get pregnant, place an Elephant trunk down statue in the West of your house.
Now let me share with you how to manifest a better life with the help of the Metal element. Here is a very simple yet powerful technique that you can use!
How To Manifest With The Power Of The Metal Element

Every time that you need help or assistance of the Universe you can simply ring the metal bell in the Northwest room of your house or in the Northwest corner of your office. While you’re ringing the bell ask the Universe for help. The sound of the metal bell attracts assistance and help from Heaven. Be sure that help will come very soon.
How To Manifest With The Productive Cycle
The productive cycle of the Five elements: Fire produces Earth, Earth produces Metal, Metal produces Water, Water produces Wood, and Wood produces Fire.

It is believed that the productive cycle of the 5 elements will naturally produce harmony and well being. Therefore this cycle is used by Feng Shui masters for manifesting the desired life.
Let me share with you how to manifest with the productive cycle of the 5 elements.
Productive Cycle Ritual
First of all, you need to write down your desire/wish/intention. What do you want to manifest?
The second step is to determine which sector of the Bagua it belongs to. If you don’t know what Bagua is and how to determine the sectors, make sure to read my articles: “Feng Shui Bagua: 8 Aspirations” and “The Feng Shui Bagua Map: How to Use It?“.
For example, you want to start your own business. In this case, your intention belongs to the Career sector which corresponds to the North sector. That’s where the ritual will have to take place – the North sector of your house.
Now you need to take the symbols of the five elements, for example:
- for the Wood element take a piece of wood;
- the Water element – a glass of water;
- the Metal element – Chinese coins;
- the Fire element – a candle;
- for the Earth element take a crystal.
Now arrange all the symbols of the five elements according to the Productive Cycle (Water-Wood-Fire-Earth-Metal).
Before you start, be sure to light a candle to activate the energy of the Fire element. After you have done all this, sit comfortably next to the Cycle of the Five elements you created.
Now repeat aloud or mentally the intention/desire/wish you wrote down. Do not be surprised if you feel a strong heat coming from the Cycle. Or you may feel an unfamiliar shiver in your body.
Visualize that your intention/desire/wish came true. Meditate on it for 10-15 minutes.
When you finish your meditation, say gratitude to the Universe, to the Five elements, and to yourself. Extinguish the candle.
Feng Shui masters do not recommend immediately removing the Cycle after the ritual. It is recommended to leave it for at least a week in the sector where the ritual was performed. Also, make sure to change the water daily.
The Bottom Line
When you start living in harmony with the five elements you will see that your life becomes more balanced and satisfying. Therefore, it is very beneficial to connect with all five elements on a daily basis. Start with activating the energy of the five elements in your house. And then – choose the techniques you like the most. Now that you know how to manifest with the power of the five elements you can become the Creator of your reality and your life!