Chakras are the energy centers of our subtle body located along the spine. Each of them has its own color and is responsible for the vibration and effect on a certain energy node. The chakra colors indicate our current physical, emotional and spiritual state.
In this article, I will share with you some very important information about the chakra colors, their meaning, as well as how to use this knowledge practically for your meditation and everyday life!
Let’s get started!
7 Main Chakra Colors
Red color: Root chakra (Muladhara)

Red is a bright and warm color that symbolizes the first chakra – Muladhara.
It is important to remember that red color differs from other colors of chakras by sharpness and saturation. Therefore it is responsible for producing lower vibrations.
Be careful when choosing a shade of red! The bright red color represents sexual energy. The dark red is a more aggressive shade that is directly related to fear.
Red Color Characteristics:
- heat;
- courage;
- self confidence;
- rebirth;
- struggle for life;
- security;
- stability;
- sexuality;
- earthiness;
- impetuosity;
- individuality.
Add red to your surroundings when you feel tired. The red chakra provides nourishment from the Earth and connects your spiritual body with the physical.
Red Food For Muladhara Chakra

The value of red food lies in its ability to accelerate the flow of metabolic processes in our bodies. Also, this food is rich in flavonoids (these substances are responsible for good memory and sharp vision), lycopene (responsible for the normalization of blood), and vitamin C (improves immunity and helps fight viral infections).
If you want to balance your Muladhara chakra, you should add more red to your daily diet: tomatoes, red pepper, red cabbage, etc. These products not only promote the healing of Muladhara chakra but also optimize the body’s ability to resist free radicals. Thus, you create a natural barrier against the destruction of the DNA structure and prevent the development of cancer.
Chakara Colors Meditation #1: Red Color

Meditation on the red color will help you transform inertia and negativity into strong, positive energy; strengthen your love for life and help you get overall satisfaction.
Find a secluded place. Sit on a chair, straighten your shoulders, breathe easy. Focus your attention on your feet. Mentally imagine that you are standing on a soft carpet of bright red color.
Move your thumbs. Try to feel the texture and softness of the carpet, the warmth, and energy of the red color.
Visualize how your feet are filled with red light, which then rises higher up the legs to the Muladhara chakra. Concentrate your thoughts on answering the question: “What is the relationship between this chakra and the color red?”.
Pay attention to your Root chakra. Imagine that a pure pulsating red light enters your aura and goes down to your feet.
Continue performing this exercise for at least 5 minutes. As a result, you will feel that your legs have become warm, you feel good, your body is filled with energy.
Orange color: Sacral chakra (Svadhisthana)

Orange is a very powerful, sensual and sexual color, which symbolizes the second chakra – Svadhisthana.
Use the color orange sparingly, but sufficiently to feel the confidence and freedom.
Orange is softer than red and is associated with joyful emotions, happy life, and a positive mood.
This color is responsible for:
- feelings;
- emotions;
- intimacy;
- creativity;
- polarity;
- sensitivity;
- confidence;
- sociability;
- freedom;
- movement;
- sexuality.
Different shades of orange color help to get out of depression, get rid of negative thoughts and lift the mood. Just add to your life things or clothes of this color to improve mood and well-being.
Orange Food For Svadhisthana Chakra

If you want to balance your Svadhisthana chakra you should consider adding more orange products to your daily diet, such as carrots, pumpkin, orange bell pepper, peaches, mangoes, tangerines, oranges, etc. There are also orange spices that have a beneficial effect on this chakra, for example, cumin and turmeric.
You should be aware that all orange products not only help to straighten your Svadhisthana chakra, but also have a beneficial effect on the whole body. For example, orange fruits contain the necessary vitamin C. Orange spices and vegetables are able to saturate the body with the necessary antioxidants.
Adding orange food to your diet will help you stay active and energetic.
Chakra Colors Meditation #2: Orange Color

Take a comfortable position with a flat back and relax. Imagine yourself sitting on the edge of a cliff by the sea watching the sunset.
Listen to the sounds of the sea surf, feel its rhythm. Adjust your breathing to this rhythm. Inhale the air when the waves arrive, and exhale when they recede back.
Look at the sun, it falls over the horizon, acquiring a bright orange hue. This color spreads across the darkening sky and is reflected by reflections in the water.
Visualize the breath as the orange rays get into your Svadhisthana chakra, rotate around its center in a clockwise direction, reviving and cleansing the chakra.
As you exhale, discard all the negative energy accumulated in your body. Think about where it came from and how you can eliminate it. Perhaps the negative is caused by memories from the past. Let the rays of orange light dissipate all negative energy.
Look at the horizon again. The sky descended in the dark of night, the space around you is plunged into peace and quiet.
Yellow Color: Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)

Yellow is a bright color, similar to sunlight. It is the color of the third chakra – Manipura. Yellow clarifies everything that happens in the world.
Use yellow color dosed, in small amounts, since too much yellow can excite anger.
Yellow color symbolizes the mind and intellectual abilities.
Yellow color characteristics:
- stimulates to action;
- calms the nervous system;
- responsible for willpower and knowledge;
- brings joy;
- gives wit and enlightenment of the mind;
- gives a good sense of humor, optimism, curiosity;
- develops self-control, awareness, and self-respect.
Yellow Food For Manipura Chakra

If you want to balance your Manipura chakra you should consider adding more yellow products to your daily diet, such as yellow zucchini, yellow bell pepper, corn, melon, bananas, lemons, pears, etc. You can also add yellow spices to your food, such as saffron, for example.
Yellow products are aimed not only at Manipura straightening but also to achieve a balance in the energy system of the whole body. All yellow foods contain essential antioxidants and vitamin C. And lemon juice, for example, effectively cleanses your liver of toxins. Moreover, yellow fruit and vegetables provide saturation of the body with vitamins B, D and E, and
maintaining the required levels of iron, magnesium, and zinc.
Chakra Colors Meditation #3: Yellow Color

In advance, find a picture of a bright, large sunflower. Sit back, take a meditation pose. Look at the picture of the sunflower, learn the shape and color of its petals and stamens.
Now close your eyes and try to restore the image in front of the inner eye. Visualize that this sunflower is located in your Solar Plexus area. Its petals are the petals of the Manipura chakra.
Turn your attention to the black heart of the sunflower. Think of the warmth, the fire that comes from digestion and helps you maintain your body temperature.
The yellow chakra is our emotional center. To balance it, you need to learn how to manage your emotions. In addition, to advance on the path of spiritual development, you must overcome your fears.
Think about the fact that man is a small part of the existing reality. Our consciousness can realize only a small part of the overall picture of the world. But sharing our knowledge with others, we expand our own consciousness and help others to develop.
Finally, turn your eyes from the center to the yellow petals of the sunflower. At the moment of inhalation, direct the pure yellow light to the third chakra. Continue until it is soaked in bright yellow light.
Green Color: Heart Chakra (Anahata)

The green color symbolizes renewal and healing. It is the color of the fourth chakra – Anahata.
Shades of green soothe and promote balance.
Green color is responsible for:
- love;
- self-control;
- compassion;
- forgiveness;
- peace;
- harmony;
- renewal;
- spiritual growth.
Green color characteristics:
- contributes to the harmonization of all spheres of life;
- creates harmony in the trinity of mind, body, and spirit;
- has a calming effect;
- eliminates stress;
- grant the ability to show sincere feelings and be loved;
- heals;
- helps to find unconditional love.
Greens Foor For Anahata Chakra

Nutritionists say that foods of this color are considered especially valuable for our body as it is able to cleanse, revive, and give strength and the necessary energy to our bodies. It is also important that green food contributes to achieving a balance in cell activity, preventing chaos in vital metabolic processes.
If you want to straighten your Heart chakra, add more green food to your diets, such as cabbage, peas, green peppers, zucchini, asparagus, cucumbers, lettuce, kiwi, green apples, green pears, avocados, and olives.
Don’t forget to include greens such as leek, basil, spinach, mint, fresh coriander. Greens effectively help our bodies to remove toxins from the cells and cleanse the blood.
Chakra Colors Meditation #4: Green Color

Take a meditation position and relax. Take five deep breaths.
Then direct your attention to your Heart chakra. Visualize your Anahata chakra in the form of a pale pink Lotus flower sitting on green leaves.
Watch as the pink rays from the Lotus petals surround you, creating the energy of pure love. Look around the flower, it is surrounded by green rays of light reflected from the leaves.
Now focus your attention on the area just below your Heart chakra. Right below it is another, smaller energy center that emits a pale green light. It symbolizes the tree of life, and its altar is decorated with precious stones. On the altar, you will see the fire of life.
Look at the tree of life. Its roots have spread over the earth, and the branches stretch to the light and sun. In the same way, we should combine earthly and spiritual life. In this case, we will find harmony with the world around us.
The branches of the tree symbolize the various challenges that must be overcome on the spiritual path. Then look at the fire of life burning on the altar.
Think about your own inner fire. What can you do to make it stronger, brighter and more resistant?
Visualize that the fire is becoming brighter and brighter until you will feel that your inner potential is completely opened.
Blue Color: Throat Chakra (Visuddha)

Blue is a cooling color of the fifth chakra – Vishuddha. It is considered a symbol of peace, tranquility, and inspiration.
Blue color promotes:
- relaxation;
- reduce physical and emotional stress;
- manifestation of creativity;
- spiritual growth.
However, be careful, because long-term contemplation of blue may cause depression.
Use this color when emotional distress occurs or when you need extra care and wisdom.
Blue color characteristics:
- develops rational thinking;
- stimulates the thyroid gland;
- responsible for communication, wisdom, trust, speech, creative expression, spatial planning, organization, and caution.
Blue Food For Vishuddha

If you want to balance your Vishuddha chakra you should consider adding blue food to your diet. Blue is a color not easy to find in nature. However, there are some foods that you can use such as blueberries, blackberries, and mushrooms.
By adding blue products to your daily diet you contribute to your clarity of thinking. Also, all these foods can help to lose weight and slow down the aging process.
Chakra Colors Meditation #5: Blue Color

This chakra colors meditation is recommended to be performed outdoors. If this is not possible, you should lie down on the floor and imagine the blue sky overhead.
So, lie down on the ground or on the floor. The selected location must be protected from direct sunlight. Look up at the endless blue sky. Do you think space is infinite or does it have an edge? Think about the fact that we are surrounded by many galaxies, but we know almost nothing about them.
Man and even the entire planet are negligible in the scale of the Universe, like drops in the ocean. However, the ocean wouldn’t exist without the drops. Moreover, each of the drops is unique in its own way.
So every person is special. Each of us has a unique mission or role in the universal cosmic plan.
Now pay attention to the sun, but do not look directly at it. Think about how important its role is in the life of our planet and each person in particular. It warms us and illuminates the Earth. Without the sun, we’d be in total darkness.
Look at the light coming from the sun and going into the endless distance. Imagine that you are moving along the beam, moving further and further into Space. Heavenly blue light envelops you with a protective cover of peace and tranquility.
Mentally look back, look at the planets and stars. Listen to the sounds coming from them. Their joint sound merges into a single beautiful melody. Feel how these sounds resonate with your body, with every muscle and every organ.
Find the sound resonating with your Throat chakra. Feel its vibrations all over the body, they spread around the neck, shoulders, as well as down the arms.
Now you feel a sense of inner peace and listen to the music of the planetary spheres, all this allows your body to restore its original integrity. Now it is easier for you to follow the path of spiritual development, nothing hinders you.
When you feel ready, find a ray of Golden sunlight and head back to Earth with it. When you return, feel your body. Think about what has changed in you?
Indigo Color: Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)

This is the deep cool color of the Ajna chakra.
Indigo color is responsible for:
- intuition;
- ingenuity;
- mental ability;
- self-realization;
- perception;
- understanding;
- memory;
- courage;
- deliverance.
This color supports:
- development of intuition and clairvoyance;
- devotions;
- comfort;
- stress relief;
- reducing pain.
Indigo Food For Ajna

If you want to straighten and balance your Ajna you should consider adding products of a color close to Indigo. These foods may include blueberries, blue plums, dates, blue grapes.
Indigo products have a strong impact on the human mind.
Indigo products are rich in zinc and anthocyanin. Zinc is known to be essential for the production of testosterone and other hormones. It promotes cell renewal and strengthens the immune system. Anthocyanin controls the level of cholesterol that our brain needs. In addition, it substance promotes healthy sleep and emotional stability.
Chakra Colors Meditation #6: Indigo Color

Sit in a meditation position. Visualize twilight. The sun is hiding behind the horizon. The night is enveloping the world with its dark blue (indigo) color.
Birds are getting ready to sleep on the branches of trees. Pets are also going to sleep. And only night animals and birds do not sleep, they are going to look for food. Flowers are closed at night, keeping the warmth of sunlight.
You are in silence. Think about your life, what joys and failures have you experienced?
Take it as a life experience that will help you in the future. Drop everything that is alien to you, that imposes an environment or stereotypes.
Man can be likened to a garden. In the garden, we sow seeds to see the shoots and grow plants. In the same way, the seeds of wisdom sown in the soil of the mind are sure to come up. The experience and knowledge gained in life are necessary for understanding ourselves and the laws of life.
If you meditate before going to sleep, let the dark blue cover of the night envelop you with a haze of sleep. You sink into the night, into a deep and refreshing sleep. And in the morning you will wake up full of energy and strength.
If you perform this meditation during the day, then visualize how the dark blue cover dissolves your fatigue, gives a sense of calm and equanimity, gives peace of mind, improves health, gives rise to a sense of well-being.
Purple Color: Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)

Purple represents the seventh chakra – Sahasrara. Our Crown chakra is the “door” to bliss and knowledge.
Purple has the shortest frequency wave and the highest energy level compared to other colors of the spectrum.
Use purple to balance and open your Sahasrara chakra and experience higher levels of consciousness.
Purple color is responsible for:
- knowledge;
- wisdom;
- inspiration;
- charisma;
- Ego;
- meditation;
- divine connection.
This color is a manifestation of spiritual consciousness, purity, modesty, faith, and humility.
Purple Food For Sahasrara Chakra

If you want to balance or straighten your Sahasrara chakra you should consider adding purple food to your diet such as grapes, eggplants, purple onions, plums, beets.
Purple products are rich in such nutrients such as potassium, pectin, and resveratrol. Potassium is necessary to maintain the functioning of the heart, to overcome chronic fatigue. Pectin is designed to normalize the gastrointestinal tract and also has antioxidant properties. As for resveratrol, it has anti-allergic properties.
Chakra Colors Meditation #7: Purple Color

For this meditation, you need an amethyst crystal.
Amethyst (from the Greek “amethystos” meaning “not drunken”) is widely known for its ability to prevent intoxication.
Amethyst of light purple shades used for spiritual and mystical insights. And crystals of dark purple shades are used in the Kundalini awakening practices.
Sit in meditation position in front of the amethyst crystal. Look at the shape of the crystal, the variety of its colors.
Each crystal is unique. Think about the qualities that amethyst symbolizes: humility, love, and inspiration.
Remember the moment you made the decision to follow your spiritual path. You may have been inspired by someone, or you read an inspirational spiritual book, or maybe you felt this desire within yourself and you wanted to discover who you really are.
On the path of spiritual development, you are waited by obstacles and barriers. To overcome them, you need strength and self-confidence. But in addition, you will need humility, without which it will not be possible to achieve a state of divine love. Think about what qualities you need to work out.
Now visualize your Sahasrara chakra. It emits a gentle purple light. You are enveloped in this light. It dissolves any pain and problem, filling you with divine love.
Try to feel what kind of emotions hinder you on the spiritual path and constrain you. Let the purple light balance these emotions and bring your consciousness into peace and harmony.
Knowing and understanding the chakra colors is a powerful tool we can use to balance all the spheres of our lives!
When you feel that you need to strengthen a certain chakra, meditate on its color, surround the space around you with shades of this color, eat produce of this color, and you will see that your life will begin to change for the better.
After all, most of us intuitively feel what chakra needs to be balanced by choosing certain colors in clothing, interior design, food, etc. Thus we make intuitive choices of colors in order to harmonize our energy, the state of mind and certain spheres of our life.