This Is How You Can Test Your Chakras By Yourself

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Are you concerned about the state of your chakras but you don’t want to use any professional help? You don’t need to! Our chakra test will help you find out which chakras you need to activate and which ones you need to balance. To do your chakra test is essential to understanding how energy circulates in the body.

In fact, the chakras react to any external stimuli and very clearly indicate an energy imbalance. If you are one of those people who face the same problems over again and over again or have to be treated for the same diseases time after time, then this is a sign that the energy doesn’t circulate in your chakras harmoniously.

It is not difficult to analyze the state of your chakras, if you’re willing to watch yourself, your feelings and behavior carefully enough.

Take a notebook and a pencil for taking notes and let’s get our chakra test started!

Muladhara Chakra Test

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You should always start your chakra test with Muladhara chakra.

Signs of balanced Muladhara:

  • good physical health;
  • activity;
  • courage;
  • self-confidence.

A person with a balanced Muladhara loves the whole world: people, animals, and plants. He has certain earthly wisdom.

Signs of imbalanced Muladhara:

  • you seem that you are not able to control your life;
  • you’re dissatisfied with your body – height, weight, appearance in general;
  • you feel like you’re a victim of circumstances;
  • you’re trying to escape from the physical reality (in different ways – alcohol, smoking, drugs, etc.);
  • you feel fear and nervousness.

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Signs of hyperactive Muladhara:

  • If your Muladhara is too active you can be angry for no reason.
  • It is difficult for you to control your negative emotions.
  • Greed, arrogance, lust, frequent injuries and bruises also indicate hyperactive Muladhara.

Question to ask:

Another way to test your Muladhara is to ask yourself  – “what do material things mean to me?”

If you tend to answer:

  • “everything” – it means that your Muladhara chakra is hyperactive;
  • “nothing ” – your Muladhara is blocked;
  • if, in answering this question, you begin to argue that money is just a tool that gives new opportunities – it means that your Muladhara is closer to balance.

How to balance your Muladhara?

Muladhara chakra can be blocked due to fear. Yes, it is your fear that blocks this chakra. In order to improve energy circulation in your Muladhara chakra and remove the block from it, you need to face your fear. To get rid of fear, you must first recognize it, accept it and identify its root cause. Then – transform your fear into love. Do what you’re afraid of! For example, if you are afraid of water – learn to swim! The overcoming of fear is the key to removing the block from your Muladhara.

Svadhisthana Chakra Test

Svadhisthana Chakra Test Image

The second chakra, which you need to check is Svadhisthana.

Signs of balanced Svadhisthana:

  • harmonious relationships with people;
  • feeling your own attractiveness and sexuality;
  • you love your body;
  • you have good self-esteem.

Signs of imbalanced Svadhisthana:

  • it is difficult for you to be joyful;
  • low self-esteem;
  • problems in relations with people;
  • you often feel guilty;
  • sexual problems;
  • indulgence in bad habits;
  • diseases of the reproductive organs.

Signs of hyperactive Svadhisthana:

If your Svadhisthana is hyperactive you often cry and suffer from disappointment. You are jealous, touchy and irritable.

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Question to ask:

Another way to test your chakra is to ask yourself – “what do pleasure and sexuality mean to me?”

If you:

  • often indulge yourself with food, various entertainment (nightclubs, parties, etc.), bodily pleasures; find it difficult to cope with sexual desires – then your Svadhisthana is hyperactive;
  • do deny yourself any pleasure, constantly limit yourself to everything, if you find it difficult to talk about your desires – it indicates the block in your Svadhisthana;
  • respect your body and your right to have fun in a “healthy” way, and you don’t have food or/and sex addiction your Svadhisthana chakra is balanced.

How to balance your Svadhisthana?

The reason for blocking Svadhisthana is guilt. In order to remove this block, it is necessary, first of all, to understand the root cause of your guilt. Then make every effort to transform the blame into forgiveness.

Another reason for the blocking is the presence of excessive attachments, overgrown in addiction. In this case, it is necessary to make every effort to overcome your dependence on the people and addiction to your desires. Try to analyze what emotions you hide behind your obsession? Let these emotions go, do not block them inside yourself. Focus on recreating your spiritual harmony!

Manipura Chakra Test

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The third chakra you need to test is Manipura.

Signs of balanced Manipura:

  • self-confidence;
  • self-esteem;
  • the desire to achieve your goals;
  • optimism;
  • financial well-being;
  • career success.

Signs of imbalanced Manipura:

  • a feeling of powerlessness in stressful situations;
  • weakness in the body;
  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

Another way to “check” Manipura is to measure body temperature. If you constantly feel cold, your body temperature is usually low then your Manipura is blocked and unbalanced.

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Signs of hyperactive Manipura:

The hyperactive activity of Manipura chakra makes a person imperious, control-obsessed, abusing, aggressive, demanding, critical. Hyperactive Manipura can also be manifested through difficulties with money, anxiety, and uncertainty in the financial sphere, workaholism. If we look at the taste preferences of people with hyperactive Manipura, they can not imagine their life without coffee. If you constantly feel the heat in your body, it means your Manipura is overactive.

How to balance your Manipura?

The reasons of blocked Manipura are shame and frustration. As with the previous two chakras, to unblock Manipura you need to find out the root cause of the problem. You need to find out what you are ashamed of. After that, negative emotions need to be transformed into positive feelings – acceptance, forgiveness, and love.

Anahata Chakra Test

Anahata Chakra Test Image

The fourth chakra you need to test is Anahata.

Signs of balanced Anahata:

  • you give love and feel loved;
  • happiness;
  • you are kind, caring, and benevolent.

Signs of imbalanced Anahata:

  • you feel indifference to people;
  • the absence of self-love;
  • you are callous;
  • self-pity;
  • you are unable to sympathize;
  • the absence of joy;
  • problems in relationships;
  • capriciousness;
  • heart disease.

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Signs of hyperactive Anahata:

  • you often blush;
  • in stressful situations, your pulse is rapidly accelerating;
  • excessive compassion and sacrifice;
  • the desire to please others;
  • you have a frequent feeling of antipathy to others.

Another way to test your Anahata

A good way to “check” your Heart chakra is a breath-holding test. Take a light breath, then exhale and hold your breath for as long as you can. If you can not breathe for only 20-30 seconds, then your Anahata is weakened. If you can hold your breath for a minute or more, your heart chakra works well.

How to balance your Anahata?

Anahata blocking occurs when a person feels grief. It is quite difficult to remove the block from the heart chakra because the feeling of grief is usually accompanied by a state of apathy and unwillingness to do anything. In this state, it is difficult to take a sober look at the problem. It takes a great deal of willpower to try to understand the problem in a state of grief, to see its root cause and to look at everything from another perspective.

Vishuddha Chakra Test

Vishuddha Chakra Test Image

The fifth chakra you need to test is Vishuddha.

Signs of balanced Vishuddha:

  • you are able to harmoniously express yourself;
  • successful realization of your inner potential and production of ideas;
  • a successful communication;
  • you have a constructive influence on other people through your speech.

Signs of imbalanced Vishuddha:

  • it’s difficult for you to tell the truth;
  • you stutter;
  • sometimes it’s difficult for you to clearly and convincingly express your thoughts;
  • you always doubt your own opinion;
  • it’s hard for you to speak convincingly, arrogance, deceit;
  • you have problems with your self-expression and self-realization;
  • you have difficulties in communication;
  • at the physical level, the imbalance can be expressed by frequent angina, as well as increased appetite.

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Signs of hyperactive Vishuddha

When Vishuddha is overactive you tend to speak first and then you think what you’ve just said. Often your words can hurt people.

Other ways to test your Vishuddha

To determine how well your Vishuddha “works” you can analyze your voice.

If you:

  • constantly seek to attract attention with the help of a loud voice, while you don’t want to hear others – this indicates hyperactivity of your Throat chakra;
  • constantly oppose yourself to others – your Throat chakra is hyperactive;
  • often involved in quarrels and conflicts – this also indicates hyperactivity of your Throat chakra;
  • if your voice sounds timid, you usually feel like you don’t have enough words to express your thoughts – it means that your Vishuddha is blocked.

It is also possible to determine the activity of your Throat chakra is to test your auditory memory. If you have a good auditory memory, then your Throat chakra “works” well. If it is difficult for you to remember what you said – this indicates weak activity of your Vishuddha.

How to balance your Vishuddha?

Vishuddha blocking occurs when a person is lying. That is why it is very important to understand the nature of lies. A lie is like a virus that’s spread from one person to another. It is dangerous to communicate with people who are constantly deceiving because lies are contagious. When we are surrounded by people who tell a lot of lies, we, without noticing, begin to lie too. It doesn’t matter how honest we originally are. Our environment always affects us whether we want it or not. Therefore it is very difficult to develop immunity to this “virus”, but it is still possible. To do this learn to distinguish truth from lies. Be honest with others and with yourself. Respond with the truth on every lie you hear. Don’t let your environment change who you are! But at the same time, do not judge those who lie.

Ajna Chakra Test

Ajna Chakra Test Image

The Sixth chakra you need to test is Ajna.

Signs of balanced Ajna:

  • wisdom;
  • good intuition;
  • psychic abilities;
  • empathy;
  • understanding other people.

Signs of imbalanced Ajna:

  • problems with visualization;
  • nightmares;
  • fears;
  • anxiety;
  • illusions;
  • pride;
  • shyness;
  • timidity;
  • insomnia;
  • headaches.

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Other ways to test your Ajna

You can determine the activity of your Ajna by using the following test: ask someone to write down five two-digit numbers, for example, 17, 84, 35, 47, 62. Look at this number row for 5 seconds and then write it down in memory. If you managed to write correctly all five or at least four numbers, then your Ajna works well. If you correctly wrote only one or two numbers, then your Third eye chakra is blocked.

How to balance your Ajna?

Block in Ajna is a result of a sense of separation and illusory reality. To remove the block you need to stop trying to seem better than other people. Accept yourself as you are and stop comparing yourself to others. Accept your uniqueness and the uniqueness of other people. If each of us is unique then any comparison doesn’t make any sense.

Sahasrara Chakra Test

Sahasrara Chakra Test Image

To complete your chakra test you need to test your Sahasrara chakra.

Signs of balanced Sahasrara:

  • you feel unity with other people and the whole world;
  • a strong connection with God and the Universe;
  • you realize your uniqueness.

Signs of imbalanced Sahasrara:

  • the inability to think clearly in a stressful situation;
  • you seek to “taste” all the “fruits” of spiritual achievements without learning to “plant”, “water” and “cultivate” them;
  • depression;
  • loneliness;
  • unwillingness to communicate with other people;
  • loss of zest for life;
  • fear of death.

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Another way to test your Sahasrara

To determine how well your Sahasrara “works” test your nose-breathing. If you have both nostrils working evenly, then both halves of your brain are working well, indicating that Sahasrara is harmonized.

How to balance your Sahasrara?

You should not forget that Sahasrara chakra cannot be completely closed because we cannot be completely disconnected from the Universe.

In order to harmonize it, you need to learn how to trust the Universe and consciously accept Its help. Express your intention:” I trust the Universe and boldly move forward!” After that, you will notice how the power of the Universe leads you along the road of life and protects you. This will give you a sense of ease and unity.

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All chakras are rarely balanced. There is a need to pay close attention to the areas where problems exist. This is an indication of what chakras you should work with to improve your life and health.

For balancing your chakras you can use affirmations, mantras, ritual baths, crystals, yoga, reiki, and other energy practices. Don’t forget to test your chakras and balance them consistently!
