7 Chakras For Beginners: The Ultimate Guide
A person who practices yoga and follows the spiritual path should know and understand what processes in terms of energy occur in his/her body. All these processes are eventually reflected down into the physical plane affecting health, habits, positive and negative qualities of a person. The knowledge about the structure of the subtle body will help the yogi to understand what is happening to him/her on different levels of spiritual development and healing. Moreover, this knowledge will help an individual understand how to accumulate more energy, to preserve it, in order to direct it towards spiritual development, healing, and helping others.
This article is the ultimate guide to 7 chakras for beginners. This guide includes very important information about the structure of our subtle body, its functions, how the chakras affect our consciousness, and hence our motivation and goals. I believe that after reading this article, you will have a better understanding of what chakras are and how this subtle energy works within your body.
Here it is the Ultimate Guide to 7 Chakras for Beginners!
Chakras For Beginners
What Is A Chakra?
I want to start my Guide to 7 chakras for beginners with explaining what chakras are and how they work.
A Chakra is an energy center in the subtle body, which is a place of intersection of Nadi channels through which the prana (life energy) flows.

Chakra is translated as “wheel”. This term refers to wheels of energy throughout the body.
There are seven main chakras, which align the spine, starting from the base of the spine through to the crown of the head. These seven chakras (or energy centers) are very important parts of our energy body. The chakras not only control and energize the vital organs of the body but also control and affect our psychological and spiritual conditions. Hence, chakras are energy vortices which have certain physical, psychological, and spiritual functions.
The appearance of the chakra depends on the speed of the energy rotation. Under normal conditions, the rapid clockwise and counterclockwise energy rotations produce an optical effect making chakras look like lotus flowers with many petals. These petals are optically produced by the combined motions of pranic energy moving clockwise and counterclockwise. Therefore, chakras are usually depicted as lotus flowers with many pointed petals.
What Are Chakras’ Functions?
Chakras have several important functions, such as:
- Absorption, digestion, and distribution of prana to the different parts of the body;
- Control, energizing, and proper functioning of the whole physical body;
- Some chakras are responsible for psychic abilities. Hence, the activation of certain chakras may result in the development of certain psychic abilities.
Nadi Channels
The chakras’ state is very dependent on the state of Nadis (the energy channels).
Nadis are the channels through which the energies such as prana of the physical body, the subtle body, and the causal body are said to flow. These channels connect at special points of intensity – the chakras.
There are three main Nadis:
- Sushumna (in the center) – interpenetrates the cerebrospinal axis;
- Ida (on the left) is associated with lunar energy. It has a moonlike feminine nature with a cooling effect;
- Pingala (on the right) is associated with solar energy. It has a sunlike masculine nature with heating effect.

What Happens When Nadis Get Blocked?
Nadis run from the base of the spine to the head.
These channels permeate chakras bringing their energy with specific properties. A blockage of the energy channels affects the operation of the chakras.
If Nadis are clogged, the person is exposed to worldly desires. The energy can not freely circulate through the clogged Nadi and accumulates in different parts of the body. When this happens, impure vibrations enter the chakra and influence the mind. Under this influence, a person performs actions for the satisfaction of worldly desires. In the process of such actions, negative karma is created.
Thus, you can see that our chakras are connected to our karma. That is why for our spiritual evolution we need to cleanse our Nadis and chakras. When the Nadis are purified, worldly desires (attachments) leave us and we can focus on our spiritual path.
7 Chakras For the Beginners
Now let’s focus on the main part of this article – 7 main chakras for the beginners.
Root Chakra (Muladhara)

I want to start my 7 Chakras for Beginners Guide with talking about the Root chakra or Muladhara.
Muladhara is considered a source of vitality and survival.
This chakra is located in the perineum of men and in the cervix of women.
Muladhara is a red Lotus with four petals.
It affects the organs of excretion and reproduction, the gland organ and hormonal secretions. Muladhara is directly related to the nose and sense of smell, as well as our animal instincts.
In the area of Muladhara, human evolution begins. And it is from the Root chakra that Kundalini rises.
People who have a strong Muladhara chakra are usually very strong physically, but if they do not develop, then, as a rule, their development stops.
In the Vedic tradition, it is believed that those people who have a pure and balanced Muladhara chakra live in harmony with the Mother Earth and with the goddess of fertility and prosperity Lakshmi.
Bija mantra: Lam.
The patron planet: Mars.
Element: Earth.
When Muladhara is clogged in the Ida channel a person is in a state of ignorance.
When Muladhara is clogged in the Pingala channel a person feels hatred and is even capable of murder.
When Muladhara is clogged in the Sushumna channel a person experiences joy when others suffer. Such a person is always focused on hatred.
When the Root chakra is not balanced a person feels lethargy, apathy, and physical fatigue.
After the cleansing and activation of Muladhara person is blessed with health.
It is believed that if at the moment of death a person leaves the body through the Muladhara chakra, he transforms into a hellish world.
Muladhara accumulates the energy of killing if a person kills or participates in the process of killing animals or people. For example, hunters, fishermen, those who consume animals, those who start wars – their Muladharas accumulate the energy of killing. Hence, such people cannot improve their karma for a very long time. Even if such people are engaged in spiritual practices usually they do not achieve great results.
For more information about Muladhara chakra and powerful techniques to balance it read my article: 11 Powerful Techniques For Root Chakra Healing
Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana)

The next chakra that I want to describe in my Chakras for Beginners Guide is the Sacral chakra or Svadhisthana.
Svadhisthana is located above the Muladhara, just above the genitals.
It is an orange Lotus with six petals. It is associated with the sacral plexus, with the organs and glands of the genitourinary system and reproduction system. Svadhisthana is connected with the tongue and the sense of taste.
The imbalance in Svadhisthana leads to selfishness and ignorance. If we analyze and look at what is being promoted in modern society (the corruption of morality, aggressive sexuality, the introduction of juvenile and gender technologies, the use of taste enhancers in food, the promotion of drugs, including alcohol and tobacco), it becomes clear why selfishness and ignorance are dominated in the modern world.
Although this chakra gives people creative abilities, when it’s not balanced and not aligned with other chakras, such abilities are usually expressed through the extreme emotionality and lower sexuality (connected to animal instincts). Therefore, if people create music, paintings, write novels, dance, etc. at the level of this chakra, they are able to make an imbalance in the chakras of those people who perceive such “art”. For example, aggressive sexuality in a dance (caused by an imbalance in the performer’s Svadhisthana) translates the audience into a state of ignorance. Therefore, such art can be extremely destructive not only for the artist but also for his/her followers.
There are three states of consciousness affected by Svadhisthana:
This state is expressed in the unbridled craving for pleasure and satisfaction of desires. People with this state of consciousness have an extremely strong desire for pleasure, even through self-destruction (drugs, alcohol, smoking, polygamy, etc.). They experience lust and desire for sense gratification, despair, self-searching, fears, and various phobias.
This is the level of survival instincts and reproduction. For such a person, it becomes very important to build good relationships with other people, to be approved by society, be liked and even admired by other people. The life of such a person lies between pleasure and entertainment.
2. Passion

In this state, a person experiences great unrestrained desires, mostly lustful. Such people are attached to taste, pleasure, and sex.
3. Balance
When Svadhisthana is balanced, a person shows flexibility in communication. He/she can engage in spiritual practice without falling into fanaticism.
Beeja mantra: VAM
Patron planet: Venus
Element: Water
When Svadhisthana is clogged in the Ida channel a person is unable to distinguish the truth from the lie. In other words, such a person sees good in harmful things and Vice versa. For example, some people think that alcohol and drugs help them to relax and feel good but in reality, they do more harm than good. This is an example of the Ida channel being clogged.
When Svadhisthana is clogged in the Pingala channel a person experiences jealousy, anger arising from sexual dissatisfaction.
When Svadhisthana is clogged in the Sushumna channel a person is greedy for sexual pleasure.
When a person has problems in Svadhisthana chakra a person experiences a connection with the lower astral world and becomes an object of astral attacks.
When Svadhisthana is balanced people experience inspiration, have poetic talent, are able to control sexual desires, feel love for others. Such people are very attractive to others not for their aggressive sexuality but for their purity and innocence.
People with a balanced Sacral chakra live long and always look very young. In addition, such people have clairvoyance at a very high level, because they receive answers from their Higher Selves, and not from the astral entities of the lower level.
Svadhisthana can be a reason for lower back problems. The thing is that the majority of people drain a huge amount of energy through the Svadhisthana chakra. Through promiscuous sex and various sensual pleasures, people get their Svadhisthana chakras “infected”.
If a person can’t control emotions and sexual desires he/she clogs the Svadhisthana chakra, thus forming a habit or addiction for the next life.
Leaving this world through the Svadhisthana chakra, a person can be embodied in the animal kingdom. It happens because this is what these people are manifesting during their life – animal instincts. If your animal instincts are your priority then don’t be surprised to arrive in your next life as an animal!
For more information about Svadhisthana chakra and simple tips to balance it read my article: 8 Simple Tips On How To Harness the Power Of Your Sacral Chakra
Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)

The third chakra that I want to talk about in my chakras for beginners guide is the Solar Plexus chakra or Manipura.
Manipura is located behind the navel within the spinal column.
It is a yellow Lotus with ten petals.
Manipura affects the digestion process and the absorption of food and prana. It is also connected with the eyes and vision.
At the level of Manipura consciousness is still limited to the coarser levels of existence such as sensuality, ambition, and greed.
When a person’s consciousness is aligned with Manipura such person has a certain level of stability in life – he/she has a house, doesn’t starve, has enough money to live a comfortable life, has a life partner and a good family. However, when people stop their development on this level, they can easily become manipulative and force others to live according to their rules.
It is believed that Manipura is responsible for all our external social activities.
When a person’s consciousness is aligned with the three lower chakras (Muladhara, Svadhisthana, and Manipura) it refers to the material level of existence. Even if these people try to follow the spiritual path they still can’t experience a deep understanding of spiritual knowledge and spiritual maturity.
When people with Manipura level of consciousness get married their motivation is always conditional. It’s never a marriage that is based on unconditional love but a marriage that is based on the question: “What can I get by marrying this person?”. The motivation can be different: a good wife, a good father for my kids, financial stability, social status, etc. No matter what your motivation for marriage is, if it’s based on anything but unconditional love, it’s just a contract that shows a certain level of spiritual immaturity.
There are three states of consciousness affected by Manipura:
Greed, selfishness, pride, spiritual materialism (attachment to the result of spiritual practice) are the qualities of the ignorance on the Manipura level. If you have a desire to show off and prove that you’re better than anyone else then your consciousness is matched with this level.
Overeating, greed, intellectual greed are the qualities of the hyperactivity of the Solar plexus chakra. Usually, such people accumulate knowledge without expressing it practically and without sharing it with others. Such people usually use lots of slang in their speech.
3. Balance

Manipura in a balanced state is manifested as the ability to sacrifice for the development of others. Such people always move forward and develop great willpower. They have the ability to understand other people. Due to the fact that people at this level begin to act actively in society, they have a sense of responsibility for their actions, responsibility to others. They understand that if they want to be leaders they have to be responsible. Such people understand that the more power they have the bigger responsibility it brings.
Beeja mantra: RAM
Planet protector: the Sun
Element: Fire
When Manipura is clogged in the Ida channel it causes the inability to distinguish healthy food from harmful as well as true helpful knowledge from harmful.
When Manipura is clogged in the Pingala channel people have the desire to use science for evil purposes.
When Manipura is clogged in the Sushumna channel people have greed for food, material things, and science.
For more information about Manipura chakra and ways to balance it read my article: 8 Ways To Balance Your Solar Plexus Chakra For Success In Life
Heart Chakra (Anahata)

Here we are halfway through my 7 chakras for beginners guide!
Now let’s talk about the Heart Chakra or Anahata. It’s located above Manipura, near the heart.
Anahata chakra is depicted as a Lotus with twelve green petals. It is connected to the solar plexus, the heart, the respiratory organs, and the thymus and is responsible for the qualities of absolute love without separation and distinction, hatred, compassion and cruelty, peace, etc.
Anahata is also connected to the hands and the sense of touch.
When the consciousness of a person rises to the level of the Heart chakra, he/she focuses on his spiritual path, discovers his/her purpose in life and spiritual mission. Such people have developed love and compassion for others, and they build their lives on these principles. These people practice the main principle of conscious living – “no harm”. They are more focused on how to live without harm than on their desires and search for pleasure. And this is where they find the biggest happiness – in their ability to serve people, planet and all beings that live on Earth.
There are three states of consciousness affected by Anahata:
People with this state of consciousness have no idea what true love is. They have a delusional perspective of love and often suffer from unrequited love. The problem here is that such people don’t love themselves but hope to discover self-love through the love that another person can give them. However, they never find such love because according to the law of attraction we always attract what we project. And if there is no self-love there will never be a balanced romantic relationship.
2. Passion
People with this state of consciousness have such symptoms as jealousy and passion. Such people, always try to fully control the feelings of another person and usually build a relationship based on attachments. These people never have a balanced healthy relationship. They feel bored in such a relationship. These people need drama to feel alive.
3. Balance
People with this state of consciousness want other people to be happy. They turn their relationship in selfless and unconditional service. Such relationships are free from jealousy and based on unconditional love, compassion, and peace. They understand what true love is and this is what they give to their partners.

Beeja mantra: YAM
Patron planet: Jupiter
Element: Air
When Anahata is clogged in the Ida channel it creates an attachment to illusions.
When Anahata is clogged in the Pingala channel it creates attachment based on selfish intent.
When Anahata is clogged in the Sushumna channel it creates attachments to love partners.
For more information about Anahata chakra and powerful ways to heal it read my article: 12 Powerful Ways To Heal Your Anahata
Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)

The fifth chakra is the throat chakra or Vishuddha.
The Throat chakra is located in the middle of the throat. It has sixteen blue petals.
This chakra is associated with the cervical plexus of nerve fibers and the thyroid gland. It maintains the purity of the body and mind. Vishuddha is connected with the ears and the sense of hearing, with the throat and speech. It awakens acceptance of the vicissitudes of life, mental balance, and sensitivity to the needs of others.
There are three states of consciousness affected by Vishuddha:
People with this state of consciousness build their lives based on the confrontation and struggle out of inertia.
2. Passion
Such people build their lives based on the principle – the end justifies the means. They live according to rationalism.
3. Balance
These people build their lives based on absolute compassion. Their communication with others is based on the principle of service to the highest good for all.
The balanced state can also manifest in the form of high art, i.e. when they are singing or playing a musical instrument, they rise to the level of mystery, and are able to project a high spiritual vibration into the perception of other people.
Beeja mantra: HAM
Patron planet: Mercury
Element: Ether
When Vishuddha is clogged in the Ida channel a person often tells lies and has a habit of idle talk.
When Vishuddha is clogged in the Pingala channel a person uses profanity in his speech and has a habit to spread slander.
When Vishuddha is clogged in the Sushumna channel a person becomes a flatterer for making people like him/her.
When Vishuddha is activated and balanced it brings fame, high social status, power, and greatness.
If a person leaves his body through the Vishudha chakra, it is believed that he will transform into the world of the Asuras or demigods. That world is dominated by confrontation because its inhabitants have not outlived the ego, vanity, and greed yet.
For more information about Vishuddha chakra and powerful ways to heal it read my article: Every Woman Should Consider A Throat Chakra Healing! Here Is Why
Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)

The sixth chakra that I want to talk about in my chakras for beginners guide is the Third eye chakra or Ajna. It is located at the top of the spinal column near the medulla oblongata.
Ajna has two silvery-gray or colorless petals. This chakra is mainly related to higher consciousness and intelligence.
Ajna chakra represents the third eye and is known as the “gate to liberation”.
When the Kundalini energy passes through Ajna, the duality and ego disappear. As a result, a person realizes that by doing something for others, he/she actually does it for himself/herself, and by bringing benefits to others he/she brings them to himself/herself, and by harming others he/she harms himself/herself.
When Ajna is open it activates clairvoyance and the clairaudience. A person finds a connection with his/her inner Guru, Higher Self, and can easily reach Samadhi. However, activated the Third eye can’t guarantee freedom of ego. Therefore you can see that there are many people with psychic abilities that still have big egos.
Usually, people who implement large-scale projects, such as architects of large buildings and structures, sculptors working with complex and large compositions, have very strong Ajna chakra. It is believed that in the beginning, they form a model of this project in the inner world, and then through Ajna chakra implement it in the material world.
There are three states of consciousness affected by Ajna:
People with this state of consciousness use their subtle material resources, their spiritual potential, without thinking about the karmic consequences and retribution (for example, the invention of a nuclear bomb). Roughly speaking, such people try to force reality to change.
2. Passion
Implementation of projects for ego and pride purposes.
3. Balance

People with this state of consciousness use their creative abilities for bringing the maximum benefit to others, for helping others.
Beeja mantra: OM
Patron planet: Saturn
When Ajna is clogged in the Ida channel it brings the misconception that it is possible to satisfy selfish desires and live according to ego guidance without karmic consequences.
When Ajna is clogged in the Pingala channel a person is capable of doing harm to living beings and has anger directed against the whole society.
When Ajna is clogged in the Sushumna channel it leads to intentional ignorance.
When Ajna is activated and balanced people get the ability to attract whatever they want, they can manifest and create the desired reality.
For more information about Ajna and best techniques to activate it read my article: Best Techniques For Your Third Eye Chakra Activation.
To learn more about Third Eye Opening Symptoms read my article: Third Eye Opening Symptoms Everyone Should Know.
Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)

The last chakra I’m going to talk about in my 7 chakras for beginners guide is the Crown chakra or Sahasrara.
Sahasrara has the form of a thousand petal Lotus. It is located in the crown of the head and is associated with the pituitary gland.
When Kundalini fully activates this chakra, it is the highest experience in human evolution. When it happens there is a complete overcoming of non-duality happens. This is a state when a person’s attention can be in the material world, performing some actions, and at the same time be in the spiritual world, maintaining a connection with the Higher Self, Inner Guru, and the whole Universe.
According to some sources, Sahasrara is not considered a separate chakra but is the result of the simultaneous and harmonious operation of all the chakras, when the chakras become one column of light.
The activation of Sahasrara implies going beyond the traditional understanding of reality.
For more information about Crown Chakra Opening Symptoms read my article: Crown Chakra Opening Symptoms You Should Be Aware Of
To learn more about Sahasrara blockage symptoms and best ways to heal it read my article: Crown Chakra Blockage Symptoms And Ways To Heal It
I hope after reading my Chakra for beginners guide you get a better understanding of what a chakra is and how balanced chakras look like.
I also want to remind you that chakra healing practice can’t be achieved by just going to a healer every other month for getting some energy work done to your chakras. Reiki healing is a great modality for balancing your chakras and can be done by yourself once initiated into the practice. Chakra healing practice is, first of all, a deep self-development and self-improvement practice. Only when you’re working on yourself, following your spiritual path, practicing yoga and energy healing can you say that you’re balancing your chakras. But when you doing energy healing without transforming and developing your consciousness it’s not really easy to see any stable result of such healing.
And in the very end of this Chakra for beginners guide I want to share with you some of my articles about chakras that might be helpful in your spiritual path: