Chakras are the energy centers in our subtle bodies and their overall health depends on many factors. One of the most important factors that affect our chakras is our emotions. When we are committed to conscious living and take every moment of our lives with deep awareness our chakras respond to positive vibes and work properly. However, our negative emotions can cause blocks in our chakras and serious health problems.
This article is a quick guide to your negative emotions and problems they may cause. Each negative emotion that you may experience affects a certain chakra and leads to certain health problems. I hope this article will help you understand your health and emotional problems better.
Root Chakra

The Root chakra is considered a source of vitality and survival. It is located in the perineum of men and in the cervix of women.
The Root chakra is responsible for the organs of excretion and reproduction, the gland organ and hormonal secretions. It is directly related to the nose and sense of smell, as well as our animal instincts.
People who have a strong Root chakra are usually very strong physically.
In the Vedic tradition, it is believed that those people who have a pure and balanced Root chakra live in harmony with Mother Earth and with the goddess of fertility and prosperity Lakshmi.
The negative emotion that blocks the Root chakra is fear.
What are you afraid of? Do you feel anxiety about certain people or situations? In order to overcome your fears, you have to be honest with yourself first by admitting your fears and emotional problems.
Root Chakra Healing
Effective methods of Root chakra healing are yoga, meditation, earth grounding.
If you often experience fear and anxiety, the following articles can be helpful:
11 Powerful Techniques For Root Chakra Healing
6 Effective Tips On How To Deal With Fear
Understanding Social Anxiety & Gaining the Tools to Overcome
Healing Crystals For Anxiety – The Ultimate Guide
Sacral Chakra

The Sacral chakra is located above the Root chakra, just above the genitals.
It is associated with the sacral plexus, with the organs and glands of the genitourinary system and reproduction system. The Sacral chakra is connected with the tongue and the sense of taste.
The negative emotion that blocks the Sacral chakra is Guilt.
Guilt is one of the most self-destructive negative emotions that takes away lots of energy. Everyone who experiences it feels like a sticky cocoon of hopelessness. Therefore it is so important to get rid of guilt as quickly as possible. Otherwise, it will take all your energy.
Guilt as a Manipulative Game
First of all, it’s important to realize that the guilt we feel may be caused by manipulative people. Yes, the easiest way to manipulate others is to make them feel guilty.
But to feel guilt is actually pretty dangerous. You see, guilt unnecessarily generates a scenario of punishment. This is how a person’s worldview pattern works: a misdemeanor should be followed by punishment. As soon as you notice the slightest manifestation of guilt, immediately get rid of this mental trash (if you don’t want to spoil your life).
If you live your life up to your creed then there will be no guilt. No one will dare judge you if you do not consider yourself guilty. Being free of guilt will never put you in a situation where someone threatens you with violence. No guilt, no punishment. Watch your subconscious thoughts when someone tries to manipulate you with guilt!
How to Stop Feeling Guilty?
If you can not get rid of the guilt completely, then you need to stop apologizing without a visible reason for this. Here is a special case when the treatment of the disease as a consequence eliminates its cause. You don’t have to convince yourself that you don’t owe anyone anything. Just watch your usual actions, which will require awareness.
If you’ve had a habit at the slightest provocation to apologize, now get another habit to explain your actions only when it’s really necessary. And do it just once without repeating over and over again your explanation (otherwise it will turn into an excuse).
Manipulators, no longer getting the same response from you, gradually fall behind. At the same time, your subconscious mind will get used to the new feeling: if you do not justify yourself then guilt simply does not exist. As a result, the reasons for “redemption” will appear less and less.
Thus, in the chain of feedback, the external form will gradually put in order the internal content: the feeling of guilt will disappear, and as a result, the corresponding problems will disappear too.
Sacral Chakra Healing
The most effective methods of Sacral chakra healing are Tai Chi, aromatherapy, yoga, and meditation.
For more information on how to heal your Sacral chakra check out my article “8 Simple Tips On How To Harness the Power Of Your Sacral Chakra”.
Solar Plexus Chakra

The Solar Plexus chakra is located behind the navel within the spinal column.
This chakra affects the digestion process and the absorption of food and prana. It is also connected with the eyes and vision.
The negative emotions that block the Solar Plexus chakra are shame and self-rejection.
The feeling of shame is experienced together with the feeling of one’s own wrongness, badness, and total inadequacy. Now, if you experience that, it means you’re under the influence of toxic shame.
Toxic shame is usually formed during childhood. During sensitive periods of a child’s development, adults criticize have a tendency to criticize their children without giving any support. Children often take criticism as rejection. This is how toxic shame gets created.
Toxic shame often leads to other serious problems such as low self-esteem, lack of will power, nervousness, and poor memory.
How to get rid of shame?
- Accept yourself with all your imperfections and give yourself the right to be exactly who you are.
- Accept all the shortcomings of other people. Don’t judge anyone! Judging someone, you risk yourself getting into a situation in which you will be judged, your self-esteem will be damaged and you will feel shame.
- Refrain from unnecessary comparisons. Stop comparing your own behavior with your own personal expectations or the expectations of others. By rejecting comparisons and protecting yourself from feelings of mismatch between the values of “should be” and “is in reality,” you will find harmony with yourself and stop feeling ashamed.
- Try to establish the specific cause of your shame. Evaluate how it is adequate, and if you really have something to be ashamed of, try as soon as possible to correct all your mistakes. Look at the problem from the outside, discarding, at the same time, all negative emotions. To get rid of the feeling of shame, form a clear, objective opinion about the situation, and then mentally make a plan to overcome it.
Solar Plexus Chakra Healing
From my own experience, I can tell you that Reiki therapy is the best way to heal your Solar Plexus chakra.
For more information on how to heal your Solar Plexus chakra read my article “8 Ways To Balance Your Solar Plexus Chakra For Success In Life“.
Heart Chakra

It’s located above the Solar Plexus chakra, near the heart.
The Heart chakra is connected to the Solar Plexus, the heart, the respiratory organs, and the thymus and is responsible for the qualities of unconditional love, compassion, peace, etc. It is also connected to the hands and the sense of touch.
The emotion that blocks Heart chakra is grief.
When we lose someone we love our heart chakra gets blocked with grief. Emotional pain that seems like it will never end leaves a scar on our hearts.
Coping with the loss of someone or something you love is one of life’s biggest challenges. You may associate grieving with the death of a loved one but, in fact, any loss can cause grief, including: divorce, relationship breakup, loss of health or financial stability, a miscarriage, losing a job, retirement, death of a pet, loss of friendship, a loved one’s serious illness, selling the family home, loss of purpose, loss of safety after a trauma, etc.
How to deal with grief?
There is no right or wrong way to grieve, but there are healthy ways to deal with the grieving process.
- Be Patient With Yourself. Give yourself time to accept what has happened.
- Support yourself emotionally by taking care of yourself physically.
- Focus on what you can change, and accept what you can’t change. This means mentally, emotionally and spiritually accepting the reality of your loss and letting go of a past that you cannot bring back.
- Talk to someone who has experienced a similar loss or someone whose presence is a source of comfort.
- Focus on all the reasons you need to return to being the person you were before the loss.
- Spend more time with the ones you love.
- Live in the present moment.
Heart Chakra Healing
The best way to heal your Heart chakra is Bikram Yoga practice and socialization. The simple opening of our hearts to others is the best way to heal your Heart chakra. Alternatively, meditation is a major treatment for your Heart chakra.
For more information on how to heal your Heart chakra read my article “12 Powerful Ways To Heal Your Anahata“.
Throat Chakra

The Throat chakra is located in the middle of the throat. This chakra is associated with the cervical plexus of nerve fibers and the thyroid gland. It maintains the purity of the body and mind.
The Throat chakra is connected with the ears and the sense of hearing, with the throat and speech. It awakens acceptance of the vicissitudes of life, mental balance, and sensitivity to the needs of others.
The factors that block Throat Chakra are:
- lies;
- poor communication;
- arrogance;
- gossips, etc.
Blockage of the Throat chakra occurs if a person chooses to lie not only to others but also to himself. Lying is like a virus that is transmitted from one to the other. It’s hard to be immune to it, especially if all the people around you lie all the time. However, it is possible! Just make a rule to never respond with lies to lies and never lie to yourself. Be honest with yourself and others.
Throat Chakra Healing
Best ways to heal your Throat chakra are chanting mantras, sound therapy, and meditation.
To learn more about other healing methods of the Throat chakra read my article “Every Woman Should Consider A Throat Chakra Healing! Here Is Why“.
Third Eye Chakra

It is located at the top of the spinal column near the medulla oblongata.
The Third Eye chakra is mainly related to higher consciousness and intelligence.
The imbalance of this chakra leads to neurological problems, depression, anxiety, paranoia, dizziness, nightmares, insomnia, migraines, sinusitis, poor vision.
The negative emotion that blocks Third eye chakra is illusiveness.
When people are not happy with their lives they try to escape the reality they live in. Often they start using alcohol, drugs, smoking, in order to leave this reality at least for a little bit. However, once they are back from the delusional reality that drugs and alcohol bring them in, they start feeling worse than before.
Another way people escape reality is by playing video games and watching TV. Living delusional lives they feel happy again but this happiness lasts a very short period of time.
Unfortunately, in the modern world, most people do not feel satisfied with their lives and constantly look for new ways to escape reality. Therefore there are not too many people with balanced Third eye chakras. This leads to poor intuition, depression, hormonal imbalance, anxiety, and other problems.
Third Eye Chakra Healing
There are many different ways to heal your Third Eye chakra:
- learn to trust your intuition;
- release repressed negative thoughts and emotions;
- stargaze at night;
- take time to rest and relax without any distractions or stimulants (like TV, the Internet, social media, video games, drugs, alcohol, etc.);
- meditate;
- yoga (especially effective the bending forward asanas).
To learn more about Third eye chakra healing methods read my article “Best Techniques For Your Third Eye Chakra Activation“.
Crown Chakra

It is located in the crown of the head and is associated with the pituitary gland.
The Crown chakra is the highest point that determines the spiritual life of a person. Physically its work affects the pineal gland and the brain. If we consider the spiritual aspect, Sahasrara chakra has the ability to absorb and produce the highest frequency of Kundalini energy.
A blockage of the Crown chakra can cause chronic fatigue, neurological disorders, and migraines.
The negative emotions that block the Crown chakra are earthly attachments, boredom, and greed.
Basically any attachment creates a block in your Crown chakra: attachment to your home, career, people, car, etc. You need to learn to let go. The hardest part is letting go of the person we love. For doing this you need to understand that love is not material, it exists beyond time and space. When we feel a true unconditional love we can’t be attached. Whether the person you love is with you or far away you feel full of love and happiness. Because your love comes from the inside.
Don’t treat people and material things like they belong to you. Let them go and you will gain your own freedom.
Crown Chakra Healing
Meditation is a great way to heal your Crown chakra.
To learn more about Crown chakra healing methods read my article “Crown Chakra Blockage Symptoms And Ways To Heal It“.
The Bottom Line
Understanding our negative emotions gives us the opportunity to heal and balance our chakras and improve our health. All we need to do is just be patient, honest with ourselves about our feelings, be willing to change our behavior, re-think our values, and expand our consciousness. Instead of judging ourselves for having negative emotions we need to accept them and only then can we heal.
Remember that any healing should come from deep self-love but not from self-judgment or self-rejection!